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Level 1
New Miner

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    12/15/2014 1:10 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jariss's Avatar
    Age: 15
    Name: Jariss
    IGN: jariss
    Skype: jace.heart
    Experience as staff: I am Head Admin on another server
    How active will you be: Extremely active

    Willing to Donate: When i get money sure
    12/14/2014 6:01 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jariss's Avatar
    IGN: jariss
    Rank you want: Admin
    Exerience: I am Head-Admin on another server and know the workings of a prison server
    Age: 15
    Building Skill (Doesnt have to be high, dont worry): 5 or 6 out of 10
    Maturity Level: High
    Skype: jace.heart
    Extra Info: I could be a good addition to the server cuz i know the ins and outs of a large majority of the prison servers out there and know exactly how people try to break the system. I also will keep everyone in check and boot spammers and hackers and report them to you. I also have leadership training to help me diffuse situations and prevent fighting or stop the fight.
    12/13/2014 11:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jariss's Avatar
    Ign: jariss
    Age: 15
    Maturity Level: High
    Have you ever been banned? (Will be checking) Not that i am aware of
    Rank applying for: Early Tester
    If you received the selected rank, what do you plan to do? Play on the server like i would any normal prison server and give feedback about what could be improved and what should be removed and also report all glitches and bugs
    How active are you going to be on the server? 1-3 hours minimum on weekdays 5+ usually on weekends
    Are you going to join the server website and be active on it? Yes
    Will you follow instructions that the other staffs give you, if its a valid request? Yes
    Are you going keep a promise and fulfill your task until we become public? Yes
    Describe Yourself: I am Laid back, observant, helpful, friendly, easy to talk to, focused, and a hard worker
    Is all the information above true? Yes
    12/12/2014 6:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jariss's Avatar
    1. Your age: 15
    2. Why are you interested in being a builder on the Valkaria Network? I am interested in being a builder because i would like to display my creations to a broader audience and make this server look great!
    3. What are some amazing things you have built? (Links and pictures will help your chances) I lost most of it due to my minecraft file corrupting. But in the past i have built moderate/large castles, large homes, modern homes, faction bases, and prisons
    4. Have you been staff/builder on a Minecraft server before? No i have not. But i have helped on different build projects but not for an official server.
    5. How can we contact you? Skype (required) My skype is jace.heart
    6. Why do you think you should be chosen to be a builder? I believe i should be chosen to be a builder because i have a great imagination, have a flexible schedule, can contribute great ideas and results to the server, and will always be positive.
    7. In game name: jariss

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