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    04/23/2024 10:12 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Yeah, taht. Been a long week at work for me. I thought it was x.9 before 1.8 but that makes too much sense.
    03/28/2024 4:06 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    It's like two people smacking each other with wet noodles while they're downing monster energy drinks. It's less about skill and who has more god apples bound to their macro mice.
    02/18/2024 8:01 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    I have quite a few: Harvest Moon games, Katamari games, and Torchlight.
    01/24/2024 8:49 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Find the perfect spot to set up my home base, probably somewhere flat, a forest, or my favorite biome the swamp.
    01/24/2024 8:36 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Depends on what you mean by pro because there are so many different aspects to the game that very few could actually qualify. Sure you have a lot of PvP masters at the top of their game who can snipe someone through a 1px gap from several blocks away, but that's not what I would call a pro player.

    You have people like SethBling and Mumbo Jumbo who are the best at redstone and can probably make a computer blindfolded. You have people like CaptainSparklez who can go through parkour maps with ease. Then you have people like Grian who can make the most beautiful houses imaginable. Of the YogsCast, there are a variety of members who has survived countless maps and made it to the end (either through legit or cheats).

    So, who is the best? I would probably put it to YogsCast Lewis who I would say has the skills of all three: building, playing, and even modding the game. While he may not compare to others in their respective fields, he does have a very good handle on the workings of the game both on the surface and down below. Not many players have put in the effort he has to try and do basically everything that's possible iin the game.
    12/28/2023 1:41 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Netherite is always worth it for the sheer fact that it is the ultimate endgame item and not just bragging rights. It's an essential item for your arsenta because diamonds just don't cut it anymore. The META of Minecraft has become one of getting gear that pretty much negates any sort of danger in whatever world you play. This is particularly why I do not enjoy the game as of its requirement.

    No matter the world, no matter the gamemode, no matter SSP or SMP, the best gear is always going to pay for itself in dividends simply because it is the best. Toss on Protection, Feather Falling, Blast Resistance, have a stack of god apples, and totems, you'll never die again.
    10/26/2023 12:19 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Where is the "I don't play Modern" option?
    10/05/2023 2:30 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Moobloom wasn't the best or craziest or even the most useful, but damn if it just wasn't a purely fun concept. I think that is the point when mob votes went from being "add something fun" to "change the meta" trap like so many video games fall into. It's not about adding depth or complexity or even a challenge, it's all about utility for the player.

    Minecraft, a game of survival at one point lacks any notion of it. There is no danger except your own ignorance or irresponsiblity. Mobs spawn at light level 0 at a range of 40+ blocks making them practially not a threat so long as you liberally light up an area.

    I knew when Copper golem lost, it wasn't about the game anymore. It was about the player and what they want. It's about their world, not the game. You're not impriving the game, you're improving your own experience which may not sound like a terrible thing until you realize that there is no more diversity of opinion. People fear failure, they don't like threats, and they want to not be griefed.

    This mob vote just shows how the game has shifted.
    10/05/2023 12:25 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Crab seems to be in the lead overall since the game isn't relaly about survival anymore.
    09/17/2023 10:19 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Alpha 1.2.6 is pretty mucht he only choice.
    05/12/2021 9:17 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    So, first post is going to be one that many will recognize, but few will quite understand. The feeling of finding a diamond.

    No Fortune, no trades, no finding them in a chest, just pure luck of coming into an open cave surrounded by lava and darkness. That blue ore which glistens, telling you that your journey has ended.
    05/06/2021 7:17 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Where are my Seasons, Mojang.


    If you don't want to make them dynamic, at the very least give us generation variants. I want my worlds of fall and autumn full of corn, halloweeny spiders, orange grass and golden leaves, and that eternal twilight. I care not for snow and spring, but for the love of god I want my oranges and reds that aren't the Nether

    05/04/2021 2:42 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Quite a few good choices here, can't imagine which will win.
    04/04/2021 8:11 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    It's just quiet because the main draws of the game are not like they used to be. The only popular Texture Pack is Sphax, there are rarely any Adventure Maps that aren't purely Parkour (ie, there's nothing like Deep Space Turtle Chase or Herobrine's Mansion), and mods are usually just tech and not much else.

    When was the last time you saw something as ambitious as the Aether? All I've been seeing is Tinkers, Tinkers 2, Tinkers Lite, Tinkers with extra Tinkering, and More Tinkering with Tinkers. While Technology is fun, I'm personally bored by every game turning into how fast you can automate mining the world.

    Skins will always be popular only because there's several trillion ways to paint a cat. Mysteries don't take off like they used to because they get debunked by everyone. Legends turn into forgotten tales as they never gain the traction. You don't even hear about Herobrine anymore due to how few people are interested in an urban legend unless it's real.

    In short: the game isn't "played" by people anymore. It's just something people do.
    03/26/2021 10:37 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Water source block cause it's infinite. Nobody has to go without anymore.
    12/25/2020 11:02 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Man, I have watched so many different people that it's hard to figure out who I like better or least.

    I guess my current best is graystillplays just because his suffering is funny and I like his editing which highlights exactly what I want to see. Used to be jacksepticeye, but he got too energetic for me which is funny cause I love his energy.

    Least has to be....any League YouTuber because they are so cringey, so memey, and rely on anime to sell their stale as hell content. It doesn't help that their personalities are as barren as their hearts. You look up recycled and you'd see a picture of metal and glass, but in superscript any of them.
    12/19/2020 6:30 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    Where is the "Load it up when I can't be bothered to play an actual game of Minecraft" / "feel the nostalgia again" options? I'll load it up randomly with the hopes of either digging it all out and emptying the ocean into it only to break some stuff and never play again.
    12/11/2020 9:27 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    My friend showed me the classic version and after a while I was like "y'know, it's kind of fun hitting blocks and building things."

    Little did I realize the base game was different.

    Little did I realize there were creepers.

    Legit had a straight up heart attack when I'm hitting a tree and hear "hisss BOOM"
    10/04/2020 9:51 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar

    ...oops, showed my age.
    09/22/2020 3:55 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
    Jetra's Avatar
    It's just a joke as people could do with lightening up with so much going on.

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