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  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    May 30, 2024, 12:45 am to Public
    The VPEX ain't getting progress but I might post it SOON and while the 1.21 update is coming (1.21 don't release before I am done on VPEX) So right now I checked one of my posts (the WebDisplays Cinema) GOT AN ABSURD 108 downloads! But now I guess this cinema's Authorized Personel (instead of Authorized Personnel) HAS to be renovated bro this map is already perfect why change such a small detail BECAUSE IT'S THE WRONG SPELLING bro why 108 downloads Because you bro are saying that 108 downloads is 1000 but lemme please renovate this cinema with something new and MAKE THE SPACE SHUTTLE DISSAPEAR! just joking did 108 of you read the readme.txt file I would literally ban you forever without any unbans just for not reading that file

    I finally would shoutout again after A LITERAL 3 months without shoutouts and these random shoutouts must join my discord server to gain early access to my maps I haven't published yet (VPEX,

    Shoutout to:

    RafiMuzakiSaputraMC (bro your name is too long can you shorten it)

    The problem is... the levels are too low so I may pick those with higher levels (Level 10 above)


    And last but not least... (i don't shoutout my old subs btw but now they are now one of them)


    All of who I shoutouted must be online before the Discord invite link ends in 6 hours
    PrestonMinecraf said 2024-05-30 01:14:54
    PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    The Discord Invite link below has only access for all the 6 people


    DISCORD LINK (only share it to the friends of these 6 people in 4 turns ONLY)


    Follow the rules in #rules and i'll BAN not only your PMC account by a ticket, but ALSO I have a bot on that server so that I can ban who violates my rules. So your Discord account is banned from the server.
  • Living Rosary (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL)
    Land Structure Map
    287 13 2
    x 10
    PrestonMinecraf's Avatar PrestonMinecraf 5/17/24 5:13 • posted 10/31/22 1:43
  • Not a OneBlock
    Minecart Map
    170 10
    x 6
    PrestonMinecraf's Avatar PrestonMinecraf 5/17/24 4:53
  • LRT-1 (Type 1)
    Minecart Map
    239 7
    x 5
    PrestonMinecraf's Avatar PrestonMinecraf 5/17/24 4:30
  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    May 17, 2024, 3:58 am to Public
    Pqnda_Iceberg said 2024-05-17 08:49:51
    Pqnda_Iceberg's Avatar
    Your fake right?
  • Transit Metro Anitola (TMA-1)
    Minecart Map
    458 33 2
    x 8
    PrestonMinecraf's Avatar PrestonMinecraf 5/9/24 6:37 • posted 1/2/24 3:42
  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    May 8, 2024, 8:56 pm to Public
    i posted a wall post and it just disappeared but for lrt 1 type 1 it would release on may sorry for delay same for oneblock
  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    March 31, 2024, 12:19 am to Public
    A 2 weeks. And it's the end. The LRT-1 Type 1 would be released in April. More information on the next wall post
  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    March 15, 2024, 12:59 am to Public
    Can it be too fast? Why did it spend a week to just be offline? Now the OneBlock (that is not) was not published and i forgot it and the VPEX is never ending so Mar 15 is delayed to an unknown date. If you are wondering, why the VPEX is just not finished after 2 schedules? Because, i'm not focused to the VPEX, while because i have hard work on the "Freeways" that i even forgot the OneBlock just for this project! Now if you are waiting so hard for the VPEX (that even the Road (Highway) is too slow from growing) WAIT-If you still know shoutouts, it would be BACK. Coming back to the OneBlock, it would be published WAY later on April. (i know it's a bit long but i could publish the LRT-1 Type 1 this month) and I would convert the VPEX to MCPEDL (but the verification not working and just restart the page of what), use ChatGPT. Actually i would check all comments from all maps, and i will see what are your questions (except for i am the real Preston) and that is all.

    For the shoutouts, these would be new subscribers (especially the ones with low levels) and Kal_Expert... he is dead btw so from now on i would allow comments like my last wall post. Shoutout to:

    Beastboy 7894

    last but not least...


    Now, we will wait for other announcements until further notice, I told you all what caused the VPEX and the OneBlock to not be released now. The custom post for the VPEX would be remade to the OneBlock soon, stay tuned. If Kal_Expert is still there, there would be a natural disaster (in PMC) Thank you.
  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    March 1, 2024, 1:43 am to Public
    now the road (highway) is published we can just focus on the VPEX
  • WatLav Village
    Water Structure Map
    413 19 1
    x 12
    PrestonMinecraf's Avatar PrestonMinecraf 2/28/24 3:59 • posted 1/11/24 4:42
  • Head World
    Other Map
    354 10 3
    x 6
    PrestonMinecraf's Avatar PrestonMinecraf 2/28/24 3:37 • posted 10/30/21 1:17
  • Road (Highway)
    Complex Map
    383 18 5
    x 20
    PrestonMinecraf's Avatar PrestonMinecraf 2/28/24 3:00
  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    February 27, 2024, 12:24 am to Public
    COUNTDOWN: Road (Highway) release date is close; Release date approved. Feb 28 release date, Formerly Feb 29, (leap year) changed to not confuse p-I mean the Road (Highway) will be released tomorrow and 2 months no upload; FIRE latest upload.

    What is happening? The Road (Highway) is a 5km (formerly 50km and includes elevated = 5.4km = 54km) And if you check my latest post, the OneBlock (that is not), then you may know the traffic of it. THE FREE RIDE. It has unlimited traffic since it's "free" and since whatever happened to the MRT-3 creation, the LRT-1 is releasing! (and type 1) Shoutouts will come again in the end of March, I will take a long break in Summer, so actually, Can anybody comment? No comments are bad but those OLD memes (that i deleted) is an ExplodingTNT (who even is that) that shows it's hist-VPEX will be releasing in Mar 15. Already confirmed. GO!

    Road (Highway) is getting close, the LRT-1 schedule is there, i will just need to make the publish. Release date is Mar 6, 2024 (before VPEX) and at this date the VPEX will be released. ALSO i will change my profile soon. The banner on top will feature one of my creations, and say "PrestonMinecraf - Unlimited maps" but I will feature some of my old creations and not getting 100 views when the rest are getting hundreds of views. One of these are the TV Boss (https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/tv-boss/) and the TV itself because is there a TV Boss without a TV (https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/tv-5300818/) and they are not getting enough views but why does the Death Star have 2k views but I DO NOT OWN any credits from the video used. This death star was actually made by IJAMinecraft but actually the death star itself was from ijaminecraft.com. Now the credits for other creations was weird but the VPEX also needs the WatLav Village + Amethyst House creation. If you need the BETA version of the new world i am making, let's get information:

    World name: Freeways
    Stage: Alpha
    Status: 20% complete (this might update in a while)
    Features: MLEX (Manila-Luzon Expressway), LF (Luzon Freeway), STF (Samar Tunnel Freeway, CVEX (Cebu-Visayas Expressway), SS (Samar Skyway) These are the expressways AND Freeways.
    Miscellaneous: Palawan Avenue, W Svc Rd, E Svc Rd, Skyway Entry Bypass, Samar Road, and i forgot the name of the 4-lane road but it is right after CVEX
    MLEX Status: 5% complete
    LF Status: 1% complete
    CVEX Status: 15% complete
    SS Status: 10% complete
    W Svc Rd and E Svc Rd Status: same as MLEX
    STF Status: 5% complete
    Palawan Ave Status: 20% complete
    Samar Rd Status: 100% complete
    Samar Rotunda Status: 100% complete
    Skyway Entry Bypass Status: 100% complete
    The road beside CVEX: 15% complete

    The rest will be in a forum thread.

    now everyone knows why i disabled comments
  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    February 24, 2024, 3:09 am to Public
    As everyone are waiting for the Road (Highway), the SM City Visayas will be in delayed construction until further notice. But the map will still be released at the same day, Feb 28. While the VPEX will be delayed to Mar 15, I will ONLY publish the Road (Highway) in Febuary. For those who are waiting for the "NLEX Type 1, I will not release it until later 2024 since... We introduce you... drum roll please A FUNDY ANNOYING DIFFICULTY MACHINE! Now if someone ever still knows the WebDisplays Cinema, I will it update the world soon and everything will be changed. Now those who don't know this "Fundy", then He is playing minecraft broken. While he acts like a Fox, he made a Baby difficulty, the next map that will be released is the OneBlock! (But not actually) This map features INFINITE Railways. Like the TMA-1, There is a Free Ride that gets clogged all the time like there are 1,000 minecarts! Wait, it's getting long. Btw the word "Fathers'2 Ave" originates to the MRA-1 (kinda like Metro Railway Anitola) But actually it multiplied, and multiplied. Now it's in the TMA-1 and Road (Highway) And the OneBlock now has a depot and major railway links to and from the Free Ride and MRA-1. I mean i still shoutout to the same members so no shoutouts this time but...

    Fun Fact:
    If the VPEX was released way back on the start of 2023 (idk if i was at the banned state) then i guess it will pop up on the google search results, like the MRT 3 Type 1.

    The problem is GOOGLE IS STEALING MY CREATION! So i may report them but i am using Bing Chat (now Copilot) and THE SAME HAPPENED. I guess because of the 1k views of this. But i guess if you search railway minecraft the TMA-1 will appear but GOOGLE, STOP COPYING ME!

    Kal_Expert is still annoying me, So i would disable comments from now on.
  • PrestonMinecraf's Avatar
    January 25, 2024, 11:35 pm to Public
    I guess my account is offline for 2 weeks... Anyways, I will publish again on February. While waiting, I have something for you. So right now there are a lot of worlds i have but.. Since no one commented for the VPEX Demo, then all the viewers should have wanted the Demo but they have no accounts... I guess this is why. And after "like" a boring 2 weeks of "nothing" the next map is... drum roll please The NLEX! Wait... so not SLEX? What NLEX is this? Am i going to remake like the ENTIRE 1:1 SCALE OF I-Stop. I mean the NLEX Type 1. An NLEX Type 2 is going to be released in the near future or maybe after the Road (Highway) and VPEX releases... So this is the end.

    Fun Fact:
    VPEX was actually in the works for a very long time! Early development starts in 2022, making the Visayas City Interchange... Which makes sense.

    Fun Fact (again):
    The Road (Highway) didn't EVEN start on 2022. Instead, the Early development for Road (Highway) was on June (or July) 2023! Then, i answered now what date these 2 maps started.

    These 2 projects are the biggest projects and this is why it's almost March and then the maps release. I make sure 10,000 people find this map and my goal on the end of the year is: 100,000 views for BOTH Road (Highway) AND VPEX! (since both are my biggest projects) And before you're done reading this "Wall Post", then this is for everyone. Since the VPEX was from 2022, how is it still under construction? Well, there is a 2022-2023 gap. Starting from August 2022 to March (or February) 2023, this break is very long. Wait! My PMC Subscribers are shoutouted:

    Thank you for 1,000 views for the MRT-3 Type 1, Shoutout to:
    20w14infinite (not actually the minecraft version)
    And last but not least...

    (btw i disabled comments to make Kal_Expert angry)
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