JoblessHD's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    09/27/2013 4:53 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    JoblessHD's Avatar
    Admin application:

    IGN: CrystalTend

    Skype (Also a must): deathsonicpvp


    Gender: Male

    Past experience: I've been an Owner before on my own server, I'm not that very good in building but good with commands, I know most of the commands needed to help the server.

    Why you?: Why me you may ask? Because I can tend to fix problems easily between 2 users that are having an argument. For example if this is not a griefing server, Player A grieved Player B's house or base, and Player B grieved Player A's house or base, then both of them deserve a ban because both of them have caused trouble by grieving both their houses.

    I think you should make me an admin, or a moderator, it doesn't really matter with me as long as I have a server I could help in and enjoy it all day long, I will not tolerate any hackers and such that.

    Another example if a hacker comes in and starts grieving spawn for instance, then I'll instantly try to ban him, if it doesn't work, shut down the server, when it gets back on, I'll make sure I IP Ban him and also Ban him and his alts.

    A random person joins the server an starts spamming his own server's ip in the chat.
    What do you do?: Automatically ban that player if they start spamming because advertising his own server is not allowed and spamming will not be allowed

    Would be awesome if you choose me. I also have a mic if you want to talk on skype

    Have a good day and enjoy ! :3

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