JoeyCheese's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    11/24/2012 10:54 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    JoeyCheese's Avatar
    Real Life Name: Joey
    Age: 14
    How long could you spend on the server?: One to two hours, but every day.
    Roleplaying Experience?: A lot- posting on forums, minecraft servers and other games.
    IGN: DeathByCheese45
    Roleplay Name: Ani Krom (male)
    Character Biography/Diary (Be Detailed, 4, 5 lines): Ani was born in Alisandor, a jungle planet in the Tapani Sector. However, when he was seven, he was taken away by slave-traders to Tatooine to work for a rich moisture farmer on Mos Gamos. There, he worked as a general slave for 2 years, and then as a mechanic for 3 years. When he was 12, a Jedi Master thrown off course landed on Tatooine and took Ani to Coruscant, where he begun his training as a Jedi Padawan.
    Action Scene (Describe an action sequence with you in it): Master Obi-kryl looked around at the Jawas approaching. He shot me a quick, mischevious grin- then jumped into battle, his lightsabre swinging. He cut a swathe of dead Jawa bodies, and soon the survivors began to leave him alone. However, they came for me. I stood paralyzed for a moment, then my Jedi training kicked in- I flipped over them and decapitated three before they knew what was happening- then I kicked one in the chest and Force pushed another into the wall. With a fierce battle cry, I quickly dispatched the rest with my lightsabre.
    Faction: Republic
    Job: Jedi Force User, Pilot
    Talents: He is a really good pilot, from spending time as a mechanic, and is more talented with the sword than with the force. He is also quite impatient, a fact that makes his Master quite annoyed.
    Cons: ??
    Appearance: He is tall, with brown hair and darkish skin, with grey eyes. He has that little braid that Anakin has in Attack of the Clones. He wears
    RP Skin: I dont know how to get it like that, sorry. But its a Jedi Skin.

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