JohnnyPilot's Avatar
Level 1
New Crafter


Hello, dear Minecrafters!

My name's John, a proud and loving father of three daughters from England and I've been using Minecraft since sometime in 2018, I think. I've generally spent most of the time in Creative mode as I just love creating things... such as HMS Victory on my banner! More recently, however, I have been having fun in Survival and Adventure mode and downloading various worlds... like desperately surviving on Mars!

I have particularly downloaded many Texture Packs because of my creative passion... and I love all things military and historic, such as ancient and medieval time periods. I am a mature (LOL) adult and I'm an ex-Royal Navy nuclear submariner. I can also fly a light aircraft from 8 hours of pilot training, hence my username! I'll NEVER be too old for playing and creating! And, I'm single and free... to do what I want... any old time! ๐Ÿ˜

The most recent of my MC passions brought me, via a YouTube tutorial, to the PMCSkin 3D creator as I decided I wanted to learn how to create my own skins. I usually use for all of my 2D graphics design and so was pleasantly surprised to discover this online software purposely built for such work. I have already created a few detailed skins and have also learnt how to create a Skin Pack for Minecraft.

Once experienced enough on skins, I'd really love to learn how to create Texture Packs of my own! Of course, I'm also thinking of the possibility of uploading the best of my work to the MC Marketplace in order to see if I can make a penny or two... or a cent or two to the many US folks here, I'm sure! (No disrespect intended to all other nations as I love and respect all foreigners and I speak some French, German, Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Polish and Bulgarian! ๐Ÿ˜Š)

Anyway, in the meantime, I'm learning to find my way around Planet Minecraft and how to interact with you guys, ask for your expert knowledge and assistance and progressively expand and grow my 'reputation' here.

See you around, dear crafters and survivors! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Member Statistics

360Profile views
163Experience points
18Submission views
2Forum threads
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Jan 17, 2020Joined PMC
Dad_of_HMDMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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