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    06/24/2016 7:45 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    Name: My name is Josh.

    IGN: My In-Game Name is frozencoke.

    Age (Preferably Over 13): I am fifteen years of age.

    Experience: Knowing the things that I know from learning it all from past experience, I would like to consider myself a very professional, smart Staff Member.

    The main server that I have worked on is The Archon as a helper. Brig a helper on the archon for 4 months was a very good experience for myself as I knew what it felt like to manage players on one of the most popular Factions Servers out there. I learnt a lot of things from being a staff member on there and it was truly amazing. I no longer play on The Archon because it became very corrupt. (Mass Staff DDoS attacks, Dox Leaks, account jacking)

    Another server that I have been apart on was Grape Prison. Being the Head-Admin on there was also a very good experience because of learning the things that I was assigned like helping create ideas for the server and actually making them happen. I would always help make the server improve by regularly checking for any duped items, X-Rayers and I would even be in charge of the Staff Applications. I am very good at choosing other staff members and I know what a good server would need for staff members.

    I have Co-Ownered plenty of other servers and by doing so I learnt so much about so many things. Things like how to change plugins around and how to configure them for players, how hard and how much discipline it actually takes to run a server and how to pretty much become the best of the best.

    Any Subspecialties: I have a very wide range of vocabulary and spelling which is a great asset when speaking to staff member, I am very smart and a great decision maker, I know every command necessary when it comes to being a Head-Mod and if I don’t know some, I will take the time to learn, I am a fast learner and have a very enthusiastic mind.

    Why do you Want to be Head-Moderator: I would love to be Head-Moderator on VoxelMC because the amount of time I have already spent on the server, I feel that I have loved it from the beginning and am going to keep enjoying it. I would love to take this role because I feel that I have the sufficient skills and expertise to take it on.

    I am a very active person and will be very active especially with the staff role. Whether or not players will be joining on the server, I will treat every player the exact same and make un-biased decisions as I am a great decision maker!

    Why do you Want to be a Member of the Team in General: I would love to be apart of the VoxelMC team because what i’ve seen already, the server has a very friendly environment and I feel it would be a great learning curve to Head-Moderate a Skyblock and soon to be network server.

    I am a very friendly, great, enthusiastic person and would love to get to know everyone that joins the server. I would not only be a Head-Mod to everyone, but I will also be there friend! I will be there when help is needed and I will try my best to get to know every active player.

    Are you a Successful Leader:
    I am a very successful leader, indeed. I know how to lead a team properly and can do it smartly and efficiently. If someone is un-comfortable with doing something that I have assigned them to do that is completely okay! I will firstly see if anyone else would like to take over and if not I would take over it myself. I am a nice, good buy disciplined person that is willing to take on anything that is thrown at me.

    If there is conflict or beef between players or staff member. I would try my best to get both sides of the story and see what’s really going on. Making un-biased decisions is a high priority or being a Head-Moderator and that’s what i’m all about.

    I just would like you to know that by choosing me as your Head-Moderator, you will be choosing one of the most experienced, intelligent, trustworthy staff members out there and I would for sure be a huge asset to your server.

    Thank you Frost.

    06/20/2016 1:55 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    So are you expecting a 12 year old to administrate a possible successful server? I mean homie, you need to chill. I get where you're coming from but in order to have a successful server, you must have successful, mature staff and I'm sure a 12 year old isn't anywhere near as mature as a 15-18 year old.
    06/19/2016 8:45 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    How old are you? Just wanting to know to see how much experience you have
    06/19/2016 1:56 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    06/19/2016 1:52 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    1) IGN: frozencoke

    2) Age: 15

    3) Timezone: AEST (+10)

    4) Maturity (Out Of 10): 10

    5) Position/Rank Applying For: Staff Manager

    6) Why Should You Have This Rank: I never intend to toot my own horn, but I believe that I should be given this rank due to my large amount of experience in not only Minecraft, but in being a staff member. I am a very mature, smart person for my age and believe I can pursue this staff position.

    I think that you should choose me as your Staff Manager because I can help you with almost anything for the build up of the server! I am a great decision maker and know quite a lot about making a server. I am a very picky person and I will help you pick only the best applications that I think will be a big asset to the server.

    But I mean, it's not only about the application? They could have a very good looking application, but still do little to no work on the server and don't do the jobs that they are assigned. That's why I feel I would be a great staff manager to this server because I would be monitoring everything about the staff members; their actions, the way they go about things, their politeness and all of the staff complaints/reports.

    Not only will I be Staff Manager to other staff, but I will be their friend! I will get to know each staff member individually. I will Manage Staff, correctly promote and demote staff based on their achievements, actions and the way that they go about things and last but not least I will teach staff on how to become better at their job! Things that they could do more or improve on. I love teaching others and I 100% feel that this is the job for me.

    7) How Long Have You Played Minecraft: I have been playing Minecraft since 2011.

    8) Previous Experience: I have been staff on plenty of servers before and I know my way around most if not all commands needed, I have been staff ranks ranging from Helper to Co-Leader on servers that didn't really make it that far but I guess the main servers I have been staff on that you should know is a Staff Manager on Grape Prison (Discontinued) (40-50 Players Daily) and a helper on The Archon. (Factions Black) (Resigned) (1000-4000 Players Daily)

    9) Skype (If you have it): I do have Skype yes, Skype will be a great way for me to interact with lower tiered staff members in different group chats so everything is a lot more organised.

    I will give you my Skype username if I am accepted.

    10) Strengths AND Weaknesses: I feel that I am a very strong leader and know how to manage any type of staff member. I am very smart, I know every command that is necessary for being a staff member, I know how to properly run and assign jobs to all lower staff members, a great relationship builder, I stay calm in almost every situation and all I really have to say now is, you will be making the right choice by recruiting me as your Staff Manager.

    I am not very good at coding/plugin developing but if you do not already know how to do that i'm sure we could find someone that can. I mean I know my way around plugin commands and if there's a plugin i'm not sire of, I will research and find out.

    11) Do you prefer to work as a Team or Solo: I mean, I am a great independent learner, but can also work very well with a team. It really depends on the situation. In this one being a staff manager, I will not only work as an efficient team with other staff members but I will help others to get to know each other and become a team.

    12) Extra/Other: I guess I just want to say thank you for reading this (even though you're probably not done), and I hope that you make the right decision by recruiting me as your staff manager.

    13) Questions/Concerns you have: I am going to be honest, if you are going to be recruiting people who are just here to abuse or be stupid and not help, I don't think that this will be a server for me. And I know, how are you going to know whether or not someone is going to be a professional staff member or if they're just going to clown around? That's why I think that if you recruit me as a staff manager I can help with things like this, I know my way around a negative person and a positive one.

    The one main question I have is, what type of server is this going to be? Anyway, we can discuss things like this later.

    14) Essay [Optional]: (Just going to put here why I should be the Staff Manager straight up.)

    I think that you should choose me as your Staff Manager because I can help you with almost anything for the build up of the server! I am a great decision maker and know quite a lot about making a server. I am a very picky person and I will help you pick only the best applications that I think will be a big asset to the server.

    Also, yes I know I am only 15, but I feel like I have the maturity of an adult and can manage almost anything that is thrown at me, don't be fooled by my age.

    Please get back to me in a PM with your decision and we will go from there!

    Thank you for reading my application.



    P.S. If you would like proof that I was a helper on The Archon, I will provide it on Skype if I am accepted.
    09/21/2015 7:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    What's up VortexPrison! Now, I don't necessarily want to be any type of staff member just YET. I want to show you my application to show you that I think i'm very eligible to be a successful staff member on any type of server. The reason I don't want anything just yet is because I want to be a staff member on a successful type of server, or one that knows what they're doing. If your server is up to my standards, we'll see how we go!

    So, the following application will be copy and pasted from MY OWN application that I posted to a server called The Archon, which is a very successful Factions server I used to play on & am a donator on. I currently am looking for a Prison server because Factions is just getting too boring and frustration with all the hackers and X-Rayers. So here we go!

    Skype: I don't want to be releasing this to anyone other than yourself, so if I am accepted I will pm you!

    Age: I am currently 13, turning 14 in 3 months.

    Experience: Yeah, so I have been a moderator+ on multiple servers, including a successful one called Grape Prison. Sadly it has been shutdown due to lack of commitment by the owner. But I mean all the other servers I have been staff on haven’t really been that successful. I have also Co-Owned TRX-Craft & CodexCraft.

    TimeZone: AEST (UTC +10:00)

    How many hours can you contribute per day?: I can play for about 4 hours a day on weekdays, and 10+ on weekends.

    Staff Position Wanted: Look, I would usually be looking for something like Administrator because I really do think i'm got fro the job, but seeing as you aren't looking for those. I'm happy to get Moderator and possibly work my way up to Administrator from there!

    Thank you so much fro reading, I hope the very best for your server and yeah! Have a great day!

    06/15/2015 6:05 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    05/20/2015 4:01 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    How old are you? 13

    Why do you want to be staff? Well, i'm not just going to sit here and say "Blah blah blah i'm the best staff ever accept me" Like alot of other dishonest and imature people. I really do beleive that I am a very respectful staff member, but no only that, a very respectful person in general. I would like to think that I am a very mature 13 year old & I know when enough is enough.

    But, i'm not one of those douchebag type of staff members that abuse their permissions and their position. I will always, no matter the circumstances try my best to help everyone and every situation and make it better. I am also a pretty nice guy with lots fun in me! I would love everyone on the server to be having an awesome, fun time.

    I have alot & alot of experience with Factions & the commands used in Factions! Command that a Moderator should know! I know almost every main command used when dealing with situations & I know when & when not to use the right command for the job. I am very good with handling situations & good at handling stress. I take no mercy when coming to people like hackers/x-rayers. Mainly because it really does just ruin the fun & purpose of Factions. I will under any circumstances try my hardest to get reliable proof of the offender doing the wrong thing, and try my hardest to get them banned! X-Rayers & Hackers should be banned from the whole Minecraft community without warning, they are a real disgrace the the community.

    I also beleive that you should take me into consideration, because I am a relatively smart person. With a very wide range of vocabulary & spelling, which can make the person i'm talking to alot easier to understand me.

    What is your maturity levels? For a 13 year old, I really do beleive that I am a very mature person that knows when enough is really enough.

    What experience do you have? I have been a Head-Moderator on Apex Prison & Grape Prison, an Admin on TwistedBranches, InfinityPvP & Co-Owner on TRXCraft. So, from looking at the positions that i've had, they are mostly leader roles. So I pretty much specialize in leader roles, including Head-Mod to Administrator. But, I can very easily understand that you may be uneasy by promoting anyone to this type of role straight away so I am very happy to work my way up to there!

    What talents do you have in minecraft? I've been playing Minecraft for about 2 years and I just love it! I am also great when it comes to handling situations, & know from basic-intermediate commands, so pretty much all the ones a mod/admin would use!

    Do you have skype? Yes, I do. But could I PM you it if I am accepted? Thanks, Josh.
    05/17/2015 5:10 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    Age (Yes we are looking for 15+ for STAFF):
    Ok, so I am only 13 years of age & I do understand that you are looking for staff members 15+ But, I really do beleive that I am a very mature 13 year old & I know when enough is enough. But, i'm not one of those douchebag type of staff members that abuse their permissions and their position etc. I will always, no matter the circumstances try my best to help everyone and every situation and make it better. I am also a pretty nice guy with lots fun in me!

    I live in Australia! I speak english very fluently.

    I specialize in mostly leader roles, including Head-Mod to Administrator. But, I can very easily understand that you may be uneasy by promoting anyone to this type of role straight away so I am very happy to work my way up to there! I am also great when it comes to handling situations, & know from basic-intermediate commands, so pretty much all the ones a mod/admin would use.

    I will private message you it on PMC if I am considered/accepted.

    Do you play factions:
    Of course I play Factions! I really love Factions & what it has become and evolved into today. I've mainly played on 2 different big faction servers including The Archon, in which I played on for about 5-6 Months, & SaicoPvP which is a relatively new Factions server that 2 youtubers play on. CreepersEdge & OhTekkers! In which I have only played on for about a month now. I am very familiar with multiple key things a good Factions player should know about Factions. Including, how to build a well built & secured Factions base, how to build a unprotected vault in good spots, how to make multiple types of farms like Cactus, Sugarcane, wheat, and all types of spawner farms. I've been apart of some pretty big Factions and I know how to play Factions very well!

    Why this server specifically:
    I came across this server, and I decided to check it out as soon as I saw "WITHOUT OP KITS" in the recruitment title. I also, like you never really started on a new Factions server if it was already half way through the map. Because all the ones I tried to check out had very OP kits for high donators and there were alot of high ranked donors on the server. So I just find it great how there are not going be OP kits for donors. So anyone and everyone can have the chance to become rich!

    Outro (Added) So, I really do hope that you enjoyed my application & that you really do take it into your thoughts considering my age, 13. I hope that you guys can trust that I will be a great staff member. Have a wonderful rest of your day!
    05/04/2015 2:45 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar


    I have one, will dm you it if I am accepted!

    Past staff experiences:
    Well, I have been a dedicated staff member on multiple servers. In which I have a mixture of staff positions in all of them! Including Moderator on Grape Prison, Head-Moderator on InfinityPvP, Admin on TwistedBranches, Admin on CrackedPVP & Co-Owner on TRXCraft (Worked my way up to it)

    Tell us about yourself:
    Well, finally I get to introduce myself! G'day guys! What's going on!? My name is Josh & I am 13 years of age. I live in Australia! To me, being a staff member on any server is very important! But, to make a good server it takes good staff! So, i'm not just going to sit here and say "Blah blah blah i'm the best staff ever accept me plz" Like alot of other dishonest and immature people who might be trying to abuse their permissions. I really do believe that I am a very respectful staff member, but no only that, a very respectful person in general. I would like to think that I am a very mature 13 year old & I know when enough is enough. But, i'm not one of those douchebag type of staff members that abuse their permissions and their position. I will always, no matter the circumstances try my best to help everyone and every situation and make it better. I am also a pretty nice guy with lots fun in me! I would love everyone on the server to be having an awesome, fun time. I also have alot & alot! of experience when it comes to factions! I used to play on a server called the Archon for about 4-5 months in which I was very rich.

    How active can you be:
    To be dedicated, you must be active! So, because of that I can be active for about 3-4 hours on a school day. (Depends what's on) and about 5-6 hours on a weekend. (Depends what's on)

    What skills separate you from everyone else:
    I have a very wide range of vocabulary & also spelling. Which can help any other member of this server easily understand myself. I know how to use basic & advanced commands for almost any type of staff member. I also have prior knowledge of being a staff member as I have been Moderator, to Head-Moderator, to Admin. If I were to pick any form of staff position, it would have to be a Head-Moderator or Admin. Only because I really do believe that I can forfill this position perfectly, like I have before. I do understand that it is a hard couple of positions to get to right off of the bat, so I am 100% willing to work my way up to there if so.

    Why do you want to be staff on FinestPvP:
    I would love to be a staff member on FinestPvP! Because I would seriously love to be here from the start and watch it rocket up! I would love to be apart of this server to make sure that everyone is having a safe, and fun time on it. I would love to play on this server because it seems like you know what you're doing and it seems alot of fun!
    I could also promote it on my Skype and tell lots of my friends about it!
    05/03/2015 3:28 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Joshicals's Avatar
    Intro: G'day guys! My name is Josh & I am 13 years old! I would just like to say thank you for reading this and that I hope you make the right decision on this application! I appologize for such a late post.

    •Your In-game name: Joshicals

    •Age: 13!

    •Skype: (I Will direct message you the username if I am accepted)

    •Location: Australia!

    •Are you fluent in English?: Of course!

    •Why do you think you deserve to be a staff:
    Well, i'm not just going to sit here and say "Blah blah blah i'm the best staff ever accept me plz" Like alot of other dishonest and imature people. I really do beleive that I am a very respectful staff member, but no only that, a very respectful person in general. I would like to think that I am a very mature 13 year old & I know when enough is enough. But, i'm not one of those douchebag type of staff members that abuse their permissions and their position. I will always, no matter the circumstances try my best to help everyone and every situation and make it better. I am also a pretty nice guy with lots fun in me! I would love everyone on the server to be having an awesome, fun time. I also have alot & alot! of experience when it comes to factions!

    •What kind of skills do you have?:
    I have a very wide range of vocabulary & also spelling. Which can help any other member of this server easily understand myself. I know how to use basic & advanced commands for almost any type of staff member. I also have prior knowledge of being a staff member as I have been Moderator, to Head-Moderator, to Admin. If I were to pick any form of staff position, it would have to be an Administrator. Only because I really do beleive that I can forfill this position perfectly, like I have before. I do understand that it is, a hard position to get to right off of the bat, so I am 100% willing to work my way up to there if so.

    •As a Staff Member what will you bring to the server and how will you help it grow?:
    I would love to help this server grow! I could do so by advertising the I.P to all of my mates, alongside skype! I beleive that by not only just me, but all of the other staff members, could make this server an extremely enjoyable server which can most defiantly attract loads of players!

    Outro: I would just like to say thank you for reading and hope that you choose carefully! All the best for your server, whether I am accepted or not!

    -Regards, Josh.

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