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Level 14
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    10/25/2012 10:11 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    (I'm sorry if my post is over due, kinda hypocritical I guess, but hw is kinda rough at the moment, making it hard to check in every single minute, sorry)

    Observing them both and being slightly more convinced by the woman's testimony, and the somewhat humoring juggling act by Seve, he nodded solemnly. "No, no that will be enough. It was just a.. misunderstanding I suppose.." He fully faced both of them. "Where are you both heading? I am unfamiliar with any human landmark." Which was no lie. Being in a secluded tribe society who let the humans to their own devices, he barely understood what they looked like, nor did he know how they acted.
    10/24/2012 3:30 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    (Waiting for seve's post)
    10/21/2012 9:31 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    "You sound quite nervous for.. telling the truth." Zoroph said before clearing his throat and shrugging. "And no. I have not heard nor seen of the play, I suppose it's to late to now then." He continued to pace until sudden;y stopping and turning to them both. "And you both are apart of this 'troupe' then why not show me a trick or two eh?" Now he knew he would catch him in the lie, just to make Seve look like an idiot for trying to lie terribly.
    10/20/2012 6:29 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Zoroph kept the glare focused on the two, seeing they were discussing something in private. He ignored it and looked to Seve when he took a few steps forward. Seve's words seemed empty in their politeness after both of them somewhat insulted him, but Zoroph would play along and nodded curtly. "Re-enacting it.. What play would this be human? And I had heard those of the warring kingdoms were not exactly.. fond of the others.." He turned to the side and paced slowly. "Seeing I have told you of myself, why not do the same?" He asked politely, but maintaining a monotone emphasis. "And there is no need for pleasure in my presence. I was only hunting and expected to find prey with all of the ruckus I could hear from in the forest."
    10/20/2012 12:35 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    He leered towards both as they referred to him as a "giant spider man thing" which he took as a racial insult. "My name is Zoroph. Not giant spider man.." He said a little aggravated, but lowered his weapon to avoid unneeded conflict. "This woman is a spy.. For whom?" Zoroph turned to Seve, seeing he looked mostly knowledgeable about this. While staring to Seve, he listened closely to any movements the spy may be making. (Sorry for messing up, I saw lunas post, and I forgot that Cap posted the spy one, I was confused, I will fix it)
    10/19/2012 4:28 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    As the spy had begun to run Zoroph sprung out of the brush, polream in hand and ready to strike down his kill. He turned to the right to see Seve, obviously a armed man, and down the road, was a woman running. This didn't exactly look good for Seve in the eyes of Zoroph, and he kept his weapon at the ready and spoke in his usually deep monotone voice. "Human, what was the ruckus of?" Zoroph turned to face Seve and looked directly into his eyes.
    10/18/2012 9:12 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Zoroph was already trudging his way through the forest, sticking to the shadowy trees, and bushes, and such to keep his distance from any travelers who may attack on sight. He may be quiet, and somewhat stealthy now, but his tracks were deep, and any hunter with half a mind could tell he had been here, and his large frame helped none either.

    His close vicinity to the two humans allowed him to hear the movements by them both, but no conversation, he only thought them to be animals. But being a hunter, that only made it difficult for them both. Zoroph was low on supply, and darkness would fall soon. He began to creep along the woods, and move in slowly, only hearing a large crash of brush, maybe deer were fighting over a mate, or running from predators. Either way, it was fair game to him.
    10/17/2012 9:29 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    I will post in the RP thread once the setting make sense, one does simply place a giant spider man at such a place randomly
    10/16/2012 7:22 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Cap, Is there something wrong about it that I could change? Sorry if it isn't correct, I wrote it late, and I felt like being slightly more free with the app.
    10/15/2012 8:01 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Then why does cap need to see it? Sorry I am just a bit confused
    10/15/2012 7:52 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    What is wrong?
    10/15/2012 7:31 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Character Name: Zoroph Farion

    Age: 24

    Species: Drider. If unknown, Driders are horrid cross hybrids of Dark Elves, and Spiders (Large spiders).

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: As most driders are, Zoroph has a dark, almost eggplant hue of skin from the waist up. Below that is a hairy black abdomen, that of course of a spider. With eight legs he is able to scale most walls with ease, and therefore being a very deadly opponent in urban or wooded areas. He does have four eyes, but all are structured as elven, but they lack pupils. His hair is a long black mane that measures down about a foot. Zoroph's build is that common of any athlete, muscular, but surely he is no Adonis. If he were to be standing on all eight legs normally, he would be a towering 6'8 feet tall, wielding either of his polream which was a gift of his father for accomplishing the tradition of his family. Now of course he does not frolic in the nude, so he dawns a leather hide vest, made with several pockets for any supplies he may need at a quick grasp. Besides that, he is unable to wear clothing. It isn't exactly easy to create clothing for that of a spider, but nothing of the vulgar sort is visible, so none have been known to complain. Unlike his Dark Elven half, he lacks a mouth of most humanoid creatures. His is a gaping maw of two clamp like jaws that outstretch from the sides. On the ends of these clamp like jaws are sharp fangs, and many more fangs lie inside his mouth, perfect for devouring any sort of meat.

    History: Being born into a common tribe of Driders, he was raised on which his community saw as right. His tribe, The Reinack, found their values on dominance and honor. Most disputes were solved with sparring, or dueling. Either may be to the death, but dueling was the most common method of leaving one man or woman standing. Unlike most tribes of the species, men and woman were on almost all equal levels, excluding a place as chief, which was left to the women. Zoroph grew under a mother and father of strict values and order, thus reflecting onto him, causing him to be the cold and intense man he is in the present. His father was a hunter, and tradition of the tribe mandates that all male offspring of a huntsman must become a hunter himself and vice versa of the female hunters and their daughters. He was taught the common education of most in his tribe, and he chose to learn independently in a subject of his choosing, which were trap making, and the creation of traps. Seeing the tribe was mostly underdeveloped, he relied on any piece of machinery that he could scavenge or find, and he would then re-purpose it to benefit himself, or the tribe. Zoroph was able to create several traps to improve the reaped in necessities. By the age of sixteen he was one of the many hunters and guards the tribe used to survive. Unlike most cultures, men and woman at his age were already taking up mature responsibilities such as professions within the tribe, and even duty as a warrior. None were permitted to become patriarchs or matriarchs (mothers or fathers) until fully maturing, doing so before the age of twenty one was punishable by the death of the offspring, and possible banishment. He lived a truly average life, and had only caused trouble when insulting a fellow hunter for causing the kill to escape. It was a simple ordeal that made both look like idiots, and it ended with and honorable duel. It lasted a half an hour until Zoroph emerged victorious. Death was common in most Drider based societies, and this was no more than a simple dispute that was solved. The parents of the fallen Drider kept all respect for the killer of their son, as custom. Years later of maturing and growth, Zoroph was given the choice all are at the age of adulthood in the tribe. Whether they shall stay and serve as a patriarchal guardian of the tribe for the long lasting life they endure, or venture out for the purposes of their own destiny. He chose the second path, and took his chances on his own destiny.

    Personality: Zoroph is a more serious toned, alpha male sounding being. He acts as such in most occasions, even with friends or acquaintances. But out of courteousness, he restrains his tone around Family, or life long friends. He truly despises extensive sadness or glee, seeing them both as unneeded nuisances. This doesn't mean he shows no other emotion, but he does have his limits tow how much he enjoys expressing. Nor does he enjoy being held up, or supported. He was raised to stand on his own legs, yes all 8 of them, he does not expect help when it is not needed, and usually denies it.

    Weakness: His spider half so to say may give him many advantages, but it brings disadvantages. He is very flammable due to the furry abdomen that he drags around, and his 4 eyes only seem to trouble his vision. And of course being a giant spider man does make you a big target to hit..

    Weapons/Abilities: His weapon of choice is a polream which he has used since his indoctrination as a hunter of his tribe. His main attribute is his ability to be quiet nimble and quick with his hands and legs. Along with being able to scale walls and large surfaces at a moderate pace.

    Kingdom:None, he will decide later because his people remained isolated for the most part, seeing the quarreling human wars as none of their business.

    Did I read the rules: Maybe (Yes)

    Anything Else: The tribe will be mentioned by him, but never physically appear.

    Click to reveal
    10/10/2012 8:17 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Just saying, it is highly unlikely. And have you handled a shotgun? If not then I suggest doing so before saying "well I probably can." And I have no idea what your getting at sword.
    10/04/2012 11:05 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    The Assassin is basically a sniper, Mordecai is form the first game and is in BL2, but how could a 16 year old be on pandora surviving or fighting. Even a bigger question would be how a 14 year old is with rego's character. Unless that was a practice thing.
    10/02/2012 6:21 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Where is the thread
    10/01/2012 9:52 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Looks good Swink, I will get to reading it soon
    10/01/2012 5:35 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    If you mean classes then yah they are changed
    09/30/2012 11:54 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Vault Hunter Passport:

    Name: Jenson Bjorn

    Age: 29

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Jenson is brutish, bullheaded and blatantly stubborn. He takes after his father and only agrees with what can get through his skull. Not to say he is ignorant or none to bright, but he only will go by instinct, and usual quick thinking. It has worked for him in the past, and it has failed him on some occasions. Being a man of the elements as most of his family was, he is better kept, or calmer in the elements, the hustle or bustle of city life never gave him a hint of trust. Otherwise he is pretty average, usually keeping an upbeat attitude on things, why go through life without enjoying the carnage?

    Appearance: Jenson is around 5'10 (INCHES/FEET), with a burly or slightly husky build. He has been toughened by the wilds of his home and keeps his hair unkempt and unruly as a dark brown with a short boxed bear. He lacks any other major features, facially or bodily regarding skin marks. His eyes are brown as well, with lightly tanned caucasian skin. Clothing wise he usually wears a tin soldier like helmet on his head, covered in fur. He also dawns a white camouflaged winter combat suit, Vladof manufactured. It features a fur hood, and a attached duple like bag on the bag for the loot of course, and a side arm holster, which he never uses seeing "Bigger is better!". The suit comes with leggings of course with the same acting look, but when it comes to much warmer areas, he wears a short sleeved shirt with a huntsman's vest over it with camouflaged pants.

    Backstory: (Not sure i you want borderlands mythos planets of origin or not but I am making my own for the moment seeing not much info is provided on the others.) Jenson and most of his family was born on Isthimus, a planet of primarily woodland, and tundra. It was discovered by the Jakobs corporation, and the Vladof corporation, both within the same week. This led to conflict and division of the planet territoriality. Jakobs received much of the planets forests while Vladof gained the tundras, and rich mineral deposits within them. Both did well economically, and rarely spared over resources. Jenson and his family lived within the borean forests where the tundra and woodlands 'came together' in a small village of three families. Each lived within large homes and kept to themselves, hardly interacting with each other at all. Much like Pandora, you were likely on your own, but no worries of bandits or violent creatures at every turn. He grew up under rough parenthood and was molded into a strapping young lad by age eight. He even was being taught simple survival techniques by then, especially hunting. Though the usual slow and steady hunt never did it for him, so he took the chance to charge whatever he could get his hands on and unload on it. He was no crazy man longing for the kill, but it gave him food on his families collective plate, and it was better than sitting around. Throughout his total adolescence he learned the ways of the outdoors man, but grew fond of maybe a more dangerous lifestyle. Now he was twenty two, and took up a job as a weapons tester for the nearby Vladof manufacturer. He worked there for three years until hearing the legend of the vault, that of which was the original story that got Pandora into the mess it is today. He brushed it off, stayed behind, let everyone go get themselves slaughtered over nothing. Five years later of course, he then gets word of the actuality of these stories, and what Pandora has to hold now with an even bigger vault lying in wait. He scraped his money together for the next year and took off for Pandora. He arrived and the hellish lifestyle gave him thrills all around. He knew this was home and tomb to him now.

    Class: Gunzerker

    Ability: Dual Wield

    Click to reveal

    Click to reveal

    Stats are not to be used I am guessing. But build and company are as they are in the pictures.

    Anything else?: He is of Norwegian ethnicity, and his favorite weapons manufacturer is Vladof. VLADOF! VLADOF!! VLAAADOF!!!!
    09/12/2012 9:05 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    Urdnot is available, so is Tali I believe
    05/31/2012 12:08 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
    jrskooch's Avatar
    5/10 Seen to many of this type, and there are various codes that are unneeded.

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