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New Miner

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    01/13/2013 2:57 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    JumpyJJ's Avatar
    IGN: Jully133
    Skypename: Sorry Dont Have.
    Job Requested: Moderator
    Requirements Met: Be able to contact Admins
    Do You have Admin?(On your computer) : Yes
    How long have you been working with Minecraft or server management?: Minecraft; 3 years Server Management; 1 and a half year
    Do you have a mic?: No, My Apologies
    Have you worked with SQL? No
    Do you have premium? Yes
    How dedicated to the server are you going to be?: (Hours) For hours perday I will play at the least 4 hours.
    Do you know how to configure plugins?: Yes
    Do you know what FTP is?: File Transfer Protocol [I didn't copy if you are thinking]
    What is a program that uses FTP? That support all: I haven't bumped into a program that uses FTP.
    How old are you?: 15
    Can you debug plugins?: Yes unless not possible for others of group.
    Are you in School?: No
    What time zone are you in?: NZDT Auckland, NewZealand
    01/13/2013 2:49 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    JumpyJJ's Avatar
    I would love to help!
    01/13/2013 2:48 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    JumpyJJ's Avatar
    IGN : Jully133

    Name : Emma

    Age : 16

    How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Beta

    Why do you want to be part of the staff team : I help as much as they need and love to see this server become succesfull! I do it for the joy of the people who play it and the owners that are in need of help.

    Rank your applying for : Head-Admin, Admin

    I hope that I make it in! But if mine isn't good enough I wish your server the best of luck!

    -Jully133- Minecraft IGN
    01/13/2013 2:41 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    JumpyJJ's Avatar
    ING: Jully133
    Skype(yes/no): no
    Country you live in (TimeZone): NZDT, Auckland Newzealand
    Have you ever been Moderator?: Yes on around 3 servers.
    How much you can play on a day?: I can play around 6 hours per day.
    Why We should pick you?: I am a very dedicated player and help as best as i can for any server in need. I am mature and reliable for anything u think i should be accepted to do.
    What do you think a moderator should do?: I moderator always keeps track of modreq's [If you have] and makes sure the server is running smoothly. AKA No griefers, spammers, rude language, immature users. They will always lookout but aswell provide the users with their needs.

    Extra: Hope you accept me! But if you dont I wish you all the best with your server and hope it will be very great indeed ^.^

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