kaicrafty's Avatar
Level 1 New Crafter

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    06/23/2012 8:31 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    kaicrafty's Avatar
    Do not join their server.

    The admin there known as Leeroy abuses
    his powers. he admin warped to me in my home, and killed me, then
    whenever i respawned he teleported me to him and killed me while burning
    my house with lava. Over and over again. Then ordered me to remove my
    sign that protects my chest (instead i broke my chest to at least burn
    the items so he couldnt get them.

    Then he kicked me when i said he did all this in chat.

    Again, unless you just want an admin to abuse their power, kill you repeatedly for no reason then find another server.

    seriously hope someone takes away his powers because other then him the
    other people seemed very nic
    06/23/2012 8:13 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    kaicrafty's Avatar
    Do not join their server.

    The admin there known as Leeroy abuses his powers. he admin warped to me in my home, and killed me, then whenever i respawned he teleported me to him and killed me while burning my house with lava. Over and over again. Then ordered me to remove my sign that protects my chest (instead i broke my chest to at least burn the items so he couldnt get them.

    Then he kicked me when i said he did all this in chat.

    Again, unless you just want an admin to abuse their power, kill you repeatedly for no reason then find another server.

    I seriously hope someone takes away his powers because other then him the other people seemed very nice and friendly and the server seemed very fun.

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