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    11/14/2013 4:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    -Minecraft username?

    -Why would you like to become a moderator on Minevast?
    I want to become a mod on Minevast because I really love the server and I can bring a lot of ideas to the table for the server, I'm a very experienced staff member on other servers, so I would be perfect for the job!

    -What have you done for Minevast?
    Nothing so far, but if I get accepted I will do A TON of stuff for the server, I'll be active everyday and online all the time and add stuff to the server and a bunch of other stuff as well

    -Have you had any past experience?
    I've had a ton of experience in the past. I was a Head Moderator on a very very very popular Dwarfs VS Zombies server, (It had 1000 slots and was full all the time) I'm very very mature and I know what to do in banning, kicking and muting situations. I'd rate my experience a 30/30 and maturity a 30/30 as well. I've also been a Moderator on 2 other servers, both were fairly popular, and I was a Head-Admin on a very popular SG server.

    -Anything else you would like to add?
    I'm a very nice person, I get along with people very fast, I love to talk to the players and staff I'm very active on the server and website. I'll be posting a lot of the site to help players and just talking to others. My skype is ricer890 if you wanna add me to talk. My first name is Kayden, I have a TON of free time on my hands so I'll be active a LOT like I said.

    I hope I'm good enough for Moderator on MineVast!
    11/14/2013 4:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    My Application:

    Name: Kayden Rice

    IGN: captainprice124

    Age: 13

    Skype: ricer890

    Position Applying for: SrMod

    -Why do you think you are suitable for the "SrMod" Job?
    I think I'm very suitable for the "SrMod" Job because I have a LOT of experience in being a staff member on minecraft servers that are popular. If I were to rate my experience on being staff on servers it would be a 28/30. I was a Head Moderator on the a very popular DVZ server, I had to be on the server pretty much 24/7 and I was. And I'm willing to do that on this server 100%. I'm very mature, if I were to rate me maturity level it would be a 29/30 because I do like to have fun, good fun, not bad fun of course. I know what to do in hard situations when banning, kicking, or muting a player.

    -Why can we trust you with the permissions?
    You can trust me with the permission that you give to the "SrMod" position because I am very trustworthy. I do not abuse my commands at all, I'm the type of guy who only uses his commands / permissions when needed, I do NOT abuse the permissions given. I've never ever been trusted by server staff on other servers. A lot of people trust me with permissions because I'm not a bad person (By that I mean an abuser of permissions). I'm a good person, I would never abuse permissions on any server. You can trust me with all of the permissions you give me, 100%.
    09/29/2013 9:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Thank you very much for that complement!c Good luck in your studies!
    09/29/2013 9:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Thanks for asking those questions, I'm going to answer the questions in the same order you asked them.

    -We'll be using, Microsoft Visual Studio C#, Microsoft Visual Basic, Notepad++, Construct 2, Code::Blocks and a few other stuff to make our products and the languages we'll be using will mainly be C++, C, C#, .NET, Batch, ActionScript3, maybe some Java, and some other languages.

    -We'll probably be making money from some of the products we make, if we feel they need to be priced. And maybe some advertisements on the site and stuff like that.

    -I'm 13 years old with 3 years of experiences, I've been programming sense I was 10 and started making companies sense I was around 11 or 12.

    -And you'll need some experiences in the position you pick. at least a few months. Hopefully at least a year of experiences, or somewhat close to a year. If you want to be programmer, you should probably know some of the languages I list above.

    If you apply, I wish you good luck!
    09/21/2013 9:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    I love listening to Podcasts while I work too!
    09/21/2013 9:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Add me on Skype at: ricer890 we will talk.
    09/20/2013 10:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Well, thanks for your feedback. The site will always be upgrading to make it better.
    09/20/2013 9:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    09/20/2013 9:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Well, when I click send it doesn't send, it just loads and never sends the PM.
    09/20/2013 9:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Sure, email me at: Kayden.Rice@hotmail.ca
    09/20/2013 9:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Gotcha, I'll PM you on PMC once it get's to work, but if it doesn't work then end me a paragraph or 2 telling me about your self, and your experiences etc...
    09/20/2013 9:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    It's made by a 13 year old. I just need to expand the team to generate ideas. I already have the main part of the site coded, If you don't believe me, feel free to do so, but It's made by a 13 year old. I'm the only programmer right now. I'm going to need to expand the team eventually, and that time is now.
    09/20/2013 9:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    For some reason the PM on PMC for me doesn't work. So Is there a way you could get Skype?
    09/20/2013 9:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Tech Support is good, you could be part of our support team. Skype me at: ricer890 asap. And I'll interview ya (Just in the chat since my mic is broken at the moment..)
    09/20/2013 9:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Since most social networking sites don't have entertainment like Podcast's, Videos and Games we have that. We will be adding new features to the site to make it even better.
    09/20/2013 8:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Alright, since you can't Skype, could we do email? Email me at: Kayden.Rice@hotmail.ca for the support team.
    09/20/2013 8:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Yes In the future we will set up a way for users to upload their own content, once they pay the one payment of $15 to put your Podcast's and Videos. But until we figure out that set up, we will have to do it manually, and a support team would be nice. Add me on Skype at: ricer890 if you want to get more details. Thank you.
    09/20/2013 8:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KaydenRice's Avatar
    Sure thing, this social network is different then the others because it's very unique, it's made by a 13 year old kid, it has entertainment (Podcast's, Videos, Games, and more coming soon.) People love social networking and people love entertainment so why not combine them onto one site. The site is planned to launch on the 27th. Once we launch we will be coming up and added new features to make it more unique, and all the other social networking site are serious and professional (I'm not saying we aren't) and we are more about fun rather than having a boring site, like some social networks. We will be experimenting with the design of the site to make it stand out from the others, since we do not want the design to be or look boring. We will always be updating the site with features to make it unique and better, like I said. Any other questions?

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