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Level 26 Expert Dragon

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    03/22/2014 2:25 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    Ladies and Gentlemen, Biscuits and Gravy, my name's KerianH and I'd like to show you my new youtube channel! Given that my old Youtube channel has a bunch of copywritten content and is not at all professionally done I decided I was going to make a new, more efficient and professional channel that had videos with greater quality. My channel has game footage, such as let's plays and multiplayer shenanigans, and will also have some recordings of me reading aloud some cool stories, or some voice samples of me demonstrating my voice talent.

    Be sure to check it out and subscribe. You don't need to worry about joining an army here though; the Mantis Shrimp has no need for an army. His Punch is the Punch that shall pierce the heavens...

    10/19/2013 3:56 am
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    Yesh, Diamondpickaxe has made me a launcher. I'm still open though to have the modpack available on different launchers.

    Now comes the next problem; trying to get forge to stay on the modpack file and NOT try and install onto my vanilla client...and I have absolutely no idea how.
    10/18/2013 8:49 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    Alright, so a quick update; turns out that you CAN have Balkon's Weapon Mod in a modpack, but you need his explicit permission first, which I'm intending to acquire before I put it on. ^^
    10/18/2013 8:36 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    Does it now? Well, a little late, but I'll give it a look-see either way. Thanks.
    10/18/2013 6:16 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    I've been trying to use the Magic Launcher. It works...kind of. But I don't see how having to install the mods onto Minecraft to begin with and get it all set up constitutes as "we can download the mods without affecting your minecraft client!"
    10/18/2013 5:43 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    Yeah, but the ATLauncher's got some pretty complex stuff involved. I'd try it out but it would take a lot of time to set it all up.

    aboveordinaryThis is cool but you won't be able to legally distribute it publicly with balkon's weapons mod as the owner has said "this is NOT allowed to be in any modpacks" but good idea

    GAH! Glad you mentioned it to me, That sucks, given that it's a cool mod and really should get out there more...but there are other weapon mods out there. Hopefully I can find a suitable replacement.

    Thanks for all the comments guys!
    10/17/2013 2:29 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    A number of mods, though given that the pack's just starting out I still have to scout for more. Buildcraft will be in it, Flan's Mod is a definite with custom packs (hopefully), most of what made Voltz fun will also be included.

    Any suggestions on mods btw are more than welcome. ^^
    10/14/2013 3:32 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    Lots of things, though thankfully the Minecraft developers are actually swaying in the direction of what I want.

    Coral reef biomes, some new water mobs, and potentially some actual flying mobs in the main overworld would be great.
    06/09/2013 5:19 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Dragon
    KerianH's Avatar
    Hmm, what would I want in 1.7?

    Well, I'd like the following to be made possible:

    1. WorldEdit command blocks: it takes up a lot of map space when you try and get command blocks to jump to different areas to simulate cutscenes; map space that's kind of hard to manage and replicate. So, to save trouble, why not make a command block that can act similar to a Worldedit command? Essentially it would upload schematics from a specific file and plant them in specific coordinates based on position, rotation, and height.

    2. MORE STRUCTURES! When Minecraft was released with Superflat maps, something mentioned was a side program that could allow users to download structure schematics into your map and have them spawn randomly in your world like villages or strongholds. While that may seem like a bit much, just adding some more structures in general would be awesome. I'd like to be able to explore my world and find weird new things randomly instead of the same old, same old.

    3. More bosses/mobs - We need water mobs, that's something we've been asking. But also we could use some more flying mobs in the overworld and maybe some new stuff in the Nether. We could use some more birds besides chickens, maybe a couple of passive mobs, but most definitely I think the game would benefit with more hostile mob stuff; neutral critters that only attack when provoked, or animals that act as predators and add a little extra variety into the game.

    4. Another Biome - It'd be interesting if a completely new biome was added to the game. I mean, with the arrival of Horses circa the new update, there's a good chance that lots of people will want more flatter biomes like the plains and the tundra. But also, it'd be interesting if other mobs could be added that can be ridable like horses that would be included in these new biomes. The inclusion of a Savannah Biome or a Volcanic Plain biome in my opinion would be the best bet, as both would have unique locales and unique new items to add to the game (new tree types, new mobs, new blocks, etc).

    5. Another boss - The Wither and the Ender Dragon are fun, but it'd be nice if we had other bosses available besides them. I mean, once you kill an Enderdragon on your world that tends to be it, and Withers are extremely difficult to make. Adding a water boss or a nether-specific boss would be a very interesting thing to include into the game; imagine facing against a Kraken in the middle of an ocean, or fighting a devillish worm of sorts when travelling the Nether; one that can tunnel through Netherrack similarly to the Ender Dragon's means of tunneling through stuff?

    Well, that's what I want to see in 1.7, not necessarily in any specific order though it'd be nice if they included it in the future.

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