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Level 66 High Grandmaster Pirate

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    06/24/2012 4:04 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar

    Seriously, with potions added it should be a no-brainer...
    03/03/2012 11:39 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    One time in 1.8 *Probably 1.8 pre-release* I came back through nether portal I spawned over the ocean and had to fly :3

    I don't know if it still works the same way, but the creation of portals in the overworld didn't follow the same rules as creation of portals in the nether. Creating the first portal will shift the Nether portal to a safe location, but reentering the Nether portal didn't check the overworld in the same way. If there was not already an overworld portal nearby, it created one at the correct location. If that point happened to be in the air, it just made a little platform.
    03/03/2012 11:39 am
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    When you create a portal, Minecraft tries to create a portal in corresponding place in the Nether. But it won't create one embedded in a wall or out in space over lava. It will move it to the closest safe location. The problem is that sometimes it moves it too far. When you reenter it, it creates a new portal in the overworld corresponding to THAT point in the Nether, which may be quite far away from where you started,

    Portals have never been "linked". They always point to the closest portal on the other side within a certain radius, creating a new one if no active portal exists. If you find your original portal and go through, it will still dump you back in the same point in the Nether. The workaround is to figure out where the portal should have been created and then make it yourself, either by building a bridge or digging a tunnel to the right point.
    02/26/2012 1:41 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    WorldEdit does not have the same capabilities that McEdit does. There are strengths and weaknesses to both of them, but they are nowhere near the same program.

    McEdit hasn't been updated in a while, but all that meant is that you couldn't directly place the newer blocks. But the latest snapshots have broken it completely.

    I am always on the fence on this sort of development. If a developer is making a profit off of releasing tools that only interface with a single piece of software produced by another developer, there are intellectual property concerns that come up. Mojang is pretty liberal when it comes to coding, but another publisher might drop the hammer pretty quick.

    I honestly think Mojang should fold it into the main program anyway. Maybe buy it off of him or retain his services to keep updating it. The ability to move designs around rather than just sharing world files has been very important in the growth of Minecraft's popularity. WorldEdit is okay for small applications, but I am routinely moving millions of blocks at once, and I need to know what it will look like before I commit.
    02/11/2012 6:39 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    Have you been banned from any other servers in the past?
    12/24/2011 1:20 am
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    Would like:

    Air Pirate
    12/12/2011 2:26 am
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    Cry some more. None of the things you mention are compulsory in any way.
    12/11/2011 4:49 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    Depression is nothing to fool around with. You can be depressed about bad things that happen to you, but you can also be influenced by chemical imbalances that lead to long periods of low moods. If you really feel bad for a long time, you owe it to yourself to get help. It is never something you have to go through alone, but talking about it on a forum may not be enough.
    10/11/2011 10:10 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    It is also possible to keep running dirt up into a large tree and planting more saplings. But the result will never look like a natural large tree.
    09/19/2011 7:16 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    I like them when I am playing Survival mode for its own sake. But they mean that I can't really build anything in Survival mode if I don't want to keep patching holes. Sometimes I like having the difficulty up when I am working, just to pass the time. But now I am finding holes in my airships because an Enderman decided to spawn in on the outside somewhere. The frustrating thing is that the changes are hard to spot. At least with creepers the damage is obvious and localized. But I shudder to think what would happen if someone accidentally had mobs on while building one of those big redstone systems.
    09/10/2011 4:03 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    Please keep in mind that you if you are playing 1.8 now, you are playing a pre-release version that was not intended for a general release. So I would save your review until you know what will be changed in the actual release.
    09/05/2011 1:38 am
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    It isn't a slime, is it? The first time I heard one I was pretty freaked out, as they do sound like someone else working nearby.
    09/01/2011 12:02 am
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    I would say that you are best off making things that other posters either haven't thought of making or would see as a considerable investment of time.

    I don't really register pixel art unless it is actually original art rather than just copying a sprite block-for-block from somewhere else.

    Redstone engineering is impressive, but it is a bit of a niche that I don't look at unless it is something that I might need to do something else.

    Buildings are good, but you aren't going to get people to download a starter house they could build themselves in an hour. It needs to be immediately obvious what it is from the first image, and that image itself needs to be impressive to warrant a second look.

    Size alone is not impressive. It is easy to make big shapes in McEdit. People appreciate complexity and attention to detail. The Medieval Buildings pack is the best example I can think of. It gathered a massive amount of attention because of the craftsmanship involved. None of them were very big, but they were presented well and did things with blocks that many builders had never thought of.

    I think people tend to key in very strongly off of the initial image, as I said. This represents a bit of an issue with projects that you post long before completion. If I see someone post about building the Death Star in Minecraft and they haven't started, I am not going to take a second look. But if they have a picture of part of the project and it looks good, I will probably follow the progress.

    Obviously, having anything listed as a Featured Project on the front page dramatically increases the attention that it gets. Otherwise you only have a narrow window between when you post it and when it rolls off the front page, or unless someone is browsing or looking for it specifically. If a project is popular, it gets featured. Being featured makes it far, far more popular.
    08/28/2011 6:51 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    If the terrain generation code has been changed, seeds may not produce the same world in 1.8 that they did in 1.7.
    08/28/2011 4:25 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    You are playing a beta. These things happen.
    08/27/2011 2:11 am
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pirate
    khanaris's Avatar
    There is a good reason why Facebook never implemented a "dislike" button. "Upvoting" and "Downvoting" do not carry equal weight.

    We implemented "approves" and "disapproves" on another forum I am involved with. Happily we got the disapprove option removed eventually, and the forum was better off for it. I look at it from a perspective of utility. Who benefits from an anonymous dislike? Not the original poster, because they don't know why it was placed. And not other members, because they don't know what it was placed for either. In a sense the balance of ups and downs is useful, but this is not like eBay where you are evaluating a seller or buyer.

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