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    11/18/2014 5:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    Don't be afraid to apply
    11/17/2014 10:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    I got 130 subs, what perks would i have ?
    11/17/2014 7:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    Does Youtubers have any perks ?
    11/17/2014 7:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    11/06/2014 10:06 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: Kasperkraack
    Age: 18
    Timezone: GMT + 02
    How much time can you be online?: Depends on my homework, but certainly 1+ hour
    Maturity (1-10): 9 I can be really serious, but also funny
    Staff Experience (if any, not required): I have been admin on 6 servers, Co-owner in 1 server, and head-admin on 2 server, so i got some pretty good experince.. I also have a lot of experince with World edit and Mob arena
    Why should I pick you over other applicants?: You should take me because I'm not only qualified for this position due to my experiences, but also i'm loyal, always gets the "job" done, funny, nice to all people, and because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me. I take good care of my responsibilities so if you are giving this position to me, then think of it as a great "investment".
    Other Notes: I just started a youtube channel, so it could be a great opportunity for the both of us
    11/06/2014 9:42 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    Can see it :/

    What is your skype ?
    11/05/2014 6:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    A friend request, or did you add me to a group ?
    11/04/2014 3:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    Took this template from your site

    1. Name: Kasper Kraack (but my friends call me Kronk)
    2. IGN: Kasperkraack
    3. Position Applying for: Mod or Admin
    4. Previous Experience: I have been admin on 6 servers, Co-owner in 1 server, and head-admin on 2 server, so i got some pretty good experince.. I also have a lot of experince with World edit and Mob arena

    5. How would you plan on contributing to our server? If i gain the permission of you, i would love to create some events, like building contest.
    6. Do you use skype? Yes i have ImKraack
    7. Anything else you would like to add to support your application? I have recently started a Youtube channel, so i think it could be a great opportunity for both of us
    8. What country & timezone are you in? I live in Denmark GMT+2
    09/21/2014 5:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    Can you add me on skype, because i can't find you

    Add: ImKraack
    09/21/2014 5:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    Do you still need staff ?
    09/21/2014 5:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar


    Real name:Kasper Kraack


    Exp: I have been admin on 6 servers, Co-owner in 1 server, and head-admin on 2 server, so i got some pretty good experince.. I also have a lot of experince with World edit, factions and Mob arena

    Reason:I want this position because I think I would be good there. I have been staff on 9 servers so staff is not new to me. I would be good cleaning chat and making executive decisions regarding kick ban or mute. I love seeing and helping new servers grow and i would love to see this one grow. I am very mature and funny for my age, which makes me perfect for staff, so I can learn and grow. I will assist any newbies with the server. I will make friends with everyone and hopefully influence server tranquility and friendship. i hope you choose me for staff.

    Country/Timezone:I live in Denmark, and the timezone is GMT+ 02.00

    If a griefer was griefing spawn what would you do:First i would give him a warning, and if was stupid enough to ignore me, i would give him a 30min ban, so he could think about, what he did, and if he was stupid enough to do it agian, i would perm/ip ban
    09/21/2014 3:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    Position you'd like: Admin SR
    Skype Name:ImKraack
    Skills:i'm very good at building modern style houses

    Here's one that i have build
    Just forward to 2:47

    Previous Positions as Staff: I have been admin on 6 servers, Co-owner on 1 server, and head-admin on 2 server, so i got some pretty good experince..
    What you could offer:Advertising through Youtube, good humor, a lot of cool modern houses, a really nice server
    Time zone: GMT+ 02.00
    Why would I pick you?:You should take me because I'm not only qualified for this position due to my experiences, but also i'm loyal, always gets the "job" done, funny, nice to all people, and because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me. I take good care of my responsibilities so if you are giving this position to me, then think of it as a great "investment".
    09/20/2014 7:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    -AGE&IGN 18 and Kasperkraack
    -Country&Timezone Denmark and GMT + 2:00
    -Skills which you have & detail position(You can set your detail position. if you have a skills in building, you can be a head builder, or you have a skills in coding, you can be a head coder. but your skills must be a best.)
    I'm very good at building modern style houses

    Here's one that i have build.
    Just forward to 2:47

    -Other experience : I got a lot of different experience, because I have been admin on 6 servers, Co-owner in 1 server, and head-admin on 2 server, so i got some pretty good experince.. I also have a lot of experince with World edit and Mob arena
    - Skype ImKraack
    09/20/2014 7:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    1. Name and age: Kasper kraack, 18 years old
    2. *IGN:Kasperkraack
    3. *Skype(must have mic): ImKraack ( but i prefer to write instead of talking)
    4. *Wanted Position: Admin
    5. *Have you ever been banned from a server if so why: Never
    6. *Past experience: I have been admin on 6 servers, Co-owner in 1 server, and head-admin on 2 server, so i got some pretty good experince..
    7. *Why should i chose you: You should take me because I'm not only qualified for this position due to my experiences, but also i'm loyal, always gets the "job" done, funny, nice to all people, and because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me. I take good care of my responsibilities so if you are giving this position to me, then think of it as a great "investment".
    8. *about you: I'm 18 years old, and live in Denmark
    I also have a youtube, but it got hacked, so i have created a new one.. So this can be a great opportunity for both of us
    9. *What would you do to someone of higher rank abusing there power: Talk to the other staff members and then report it to the owner
    10. *What would you do if someone threaten to DDos our server if you do not op him: I would perm/ ip ban him, because he might tell the truth :/
    11. Extra Modern style houses are beautiful
    09/20/2014 6:10 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    IGN : Kasperkraack
    Skype (Required NO EXCEPTIONS) : ImKraack
    Real Name : Kasper kraack
    What do you think of our server progress? It's very good, because i have not seen many server that offer, rpg, special custom calsses, creating their own town, and NETHER TRESS!!! and i really like the idea about the nether tress, i will turn out really awesome.
    Why do you wanna be apart of our staff? I want this position because I think I would be good there. I have been staff on 9 servers so staff is not new to me. I would be good cleaning chat and making executive decisions regarding kick ban or mute. I love seeing and helping new servers grow and i would love to see this one grow. I am very mature and funny for my age, which makes me perfect for staff, so I can learn and grow. I will assist any newbies with the server. I will make friends with everyone and hopefully influence server tranquility and friendship. i hope you choose me for staff.
    Why should we pick you over the other applicants?You should take me because I'm not only qualified for this position due to my experiences, but also i'm loyal, always gets the "job" done, funny, nice to all people, and because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me. I take good care of my responsibilities so if you are giving this position to me, then think of it as a great "investment".
    Do you have a knowledge of any coding languages? If so what language(s) and please explain? srry i don't know any, but i'm willing to learn, and i'm a fast learner
    Timezone: GMT +02.00
    Age (16 is the limit NO EXCEPTIONS): I'm 18
    Country Residence: Denmark
    Contact E-mail:
    09/20/2014 5:31 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    How Long Have You Played Minecraft?
    Since 1.6.1, so i got a lot of experince
    Full Name?
    Kasper kraack
    Minecraft Username?
    Skype, Steam, And Or Email?
    ImKraack (skype and steam)
    Phone Number
    I have been admin on 3 servers and head-admin on 1 server, so i got some pretty good experince.. I also have a lot of experince with World edit and Mob arena

    i'm very good at building modern style houses

    Here's one that i have build
    Just forward to 2:47

    What Rank(s) Are You Applying For?

    Owner, senior staff or Head-Admin

    Why Should We Choose You?
    You should take me because I'm not only qualified for this position due to my experiences, but also i'm loyal, always gets the "job" done, funny, nice to all people, and because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me. I take good care of my responsibilities so if you are giving this position to me, then think of it as a great "investment".

    Why Do You Want To Be Staff?
    I want this position because I think I would be good there. I have been staff on 9 servers so staff is not new to me. I would be good cleaning chat and making executive decisions regarding kick ban or mute. I love seeing and helping new servers grow and i would love to see this one grow. I am very mature and funny for my age, which makes me perfect for staff, so I can learn and grow. I will assist any newbies with the server. I will make friends with everyone and hopefully influence server tranquility and friendship. i hope you choose me for staff.
    09/19/2014 11:50 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    KingCreepy's Avatar
    IGN: Kasperkraack
    Age: 18
    Which position? Head-admin or admin
    Contact (any way to contact you, preferably Skype): On skype, ImKraack
    Why do you want to join InfiniteMine Network?:I want to join, because I think I would be good there. I have been staff on 9 servers,i was admin on 4 of them, Head-admin on 2 and Co-owner on 3, so staff is not new to me. I would be good cleaning chat and making executive decisions regarding kick ban or mute. I love seeing and helping new servers grow and i would love to see this one grow. I am very mature and funny for my age, which makes me perfect for staff, so I can learn and grow. I will assist any newbies with the server. I will make friends with everyone and hopefully influence server tranquility and friendship. i hope you choose me for staff.
    Why should I accept you?: You should take me because I'm not only qualified for staff due to my experiences, but also i'm loyal, always gets the "job" done, funny, nice to all people, and because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me. I take good care of my responsibilities so if you are giving this position to me, then think of it as a great "investment".
    What will you do to help improve this server?: I will tell all my friends about the server, i got a youtube channel, so i can do advertising, clean the server from hackers, and give all players a good time on the server
    Have you ever been banned before? (Yes / No): Never
    If yes to the previous question, why? (If no, put N/A): N/A
    Any staff experience?: As i told before,i have been admin on 4 of servers, Head-admin on 2 servers and Co-owner on 3 servers

    Have a nice day



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