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Level 2 Apprentice Explorer

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    06/03/2016 3:44 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    I can do Undertale streams with this, i wouldn't recommend streaming most games with this though (Please note: it takes me ~2 minutes to load everything on the speedtest site itself XD)

    It also depends on what site. Like I can stream to YouTube with this no problem with any game, but with Twitch streams... as I said I can do Undertale streams.

    And this is a good time of day for internet. My internet speed drops like a rock when I'm doing any sort of download/upload, gaming, or it's night.

    I get fiber this month though so that's a good thing!
    06/03/2016 3:29 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    I've PvPed with 5000+ MS before and still won, and I consider myself bad at PvP. 250 MS is not bad. I don't get why people say it is when usually it takes me over a minute to connect to servers hosted literally in the next room (I test mods/plugins/etc. on a server on my computer in the living room and play MC from my laptop in my bedroom).
    04/09/2016 10:16 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    What is your Skype Username? puppyspirit361

    What is your Minecraft Username? KitKqtEnderheart

    If this your first time applying?

    Do you have any past experiences with being a server staff member? Yes, I am currently an apprentice builder on a theme park server.

    How often can you take part-in and assist with the server? ( Be honest and realistic )
    Sometimes before school, after school, and on weekends I can be online. When school is over, I will have much more time. I can be active at least 3 days a week.

    Do you have any experience with building for a server? Yes, I am an apprentice builder for a theme park server (Hyperion Parks).

    What are your top 3 favorite build style/theme?
    a. Medieval
    b. Modern
    c. Realistic

    What are you best at building?
    I believe I am pretty good at building large, detailed builds. I have a habit of over-detailing.

    What's your favorite part about building on Minecraft? I love building in Minecraft because it's fun, I get to express my creativity, and I get more experience.

    Lastly, why should we hire you?
    I believe I am a pretty good builder. I know I'm not perfect- in fact, I wish to build more so I can improve. I learn quickly and can generally pick up on a build style easily after some observation. I am also okay at interiors, although I feel I am better at exteriors. In my opinion, I am good at terraforming as well. I work well with limitations and under stress.

    Screenshots of some of my builds, interiors, and terraforming work:

    Thank you for reading my application!
    02/02/2016 4:46 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    I prefer games that target creativity and have little/no/avoidable PvP.

    I like Creative servers, friendly survival/factions servers ("Oh, you're new here? Hi, I can help you a bit!" not just "oh look a noob lol lets kill him/her"), prison, build battle, draw my thing, hide-n-seek, parkour/parkour races, and random games that haven't been done.

    I also like anti-hack plugins (I know, the banwaves don't catch everyone, but they catch enough) and moderators that will keep an eye on someone you think is hacking, even if you don't get perfect proof (A friend of mine found hackers on a server and doesn't have screen recording software, so she took like 50 screenshots and posted them on a forum and they said it was invalid because she didn't have video footage). It annoys me when I see people flying in Skywars and because my internet is obviously not great, they say "you don't have a good connection so it could be blocks not loading in so your claim is invalid end of story." It could also be hackers.

    I definitely like friendly moderators/admins/staff. I've been on servers and been really confused about stuff and been told "If you don't know how to play why are you here?" I didn't know how to play factions instantly. (I thought it was based off of the Divergent series. x3) It's an instant turn-off for me.

    One last thing: Little/no lag. I had a bad enough computer without a server that's overloaded and lagging everyone on it. If the server doesn't have enough RAM or a good enough CPU for 1000 players, turn it down to 750. If you get an average of 100 people on a time, you don't need a player limit of 2000. If you need to, get ClearLagg (clears certain entities every so often). You can change what despawns. If you host your server on a computer you have access to instead of buying hosting, make sure your internet can handle it. If you have bad internet, invest in a faster connection. If you pay for hosting and notice it takes most players more than 5 seconds to connect on a regular basis, buy from a host that's closer to your server population (If you own a server hosted in EU and most of your players are from NA, move to NA).

    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    01/31/2016 9:04 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    IGN(In Game Name): KitKqt
    Age: 14 (almost 15)
    Skype(You must have this): puppyspirit361 (Theodore Finch)
    Experience(1-10): 5 (I do a lot of creative mode stuff, but I can do some survival)
    Maturity(1-10): 3-6 (I can be kind of mature sometimes and I've been told I grew up fast, but I'm kind of weird and have a dirty mind. I also like to laugh.)
    01/31/2016 8:58 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    IGN: KitKqt
    Name(Not Required): Katherine (Kate or Kat)
    Age(Not Required): 14
    Skype(Feel Free To PM It To Me): puppyspirit361 (Theodore Finch)
    Youtube: puppyspirit36
    Timezone: Central Standard (Wisconsin)
    How long have you been playing minecraft for?: About two years
    How much time will you try to dedicate to this server?: I can dedicate time after school and on weekends and occasionally before school. I have offline things like school, band, etc. and unreliable internet, so I might not be able to be on every day.
    Were you ever in a different SMP Group? If so, why did you leave?: Yes, my own. I left because of hosting issues and we decided to drop it.
    01/31/2016 8:52 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    Name: Katherine (Kat or Kate)
    Age: 14
    Skype: puppyspirit361 (Theodore Finch)
    Youtube Channel: puppyspirit36
    Why you want to join the MooCraft crew: I think I have some interesting ideas for an SMP and I would love to practice my survival mode building (and survival mode in general) with others.
    Have you seen/been in any SMPs before: Yes, I used to own my own (went down because of hosting issues and lack of activity) and I used to watch a couple SMPs.
    Anything else you would like to add: I have fairly unreliable internet and I have a lot of offline stuff sometimes (school, band, etc.)
    10/05/2015 1:22 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    1) Is your internet good? FPS? I have issues with both of them and people have thought I had hacks just because my chunks wouldn't load in, I could hit people far away from me because they were right in front of me on my screen, I would build and many blocks would place server-side (like i had Worldedit perms without op), etc. For internet, just see if there's better internet around for an affordable price. For FPS... I hate when people tell me this, but it's kind of true... If you're having FPS issues, you need a better computer/graphics card/stop using texture packs.
    10/05/2015 1:18 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar

    Mine would be MASSIVE. Modded worlds (Crazycraft, Pixelmon, custom modpacks, etc.), Bukkit servers (Walls, Creative, Factions, Survival, Bridges, DrawMyThing, Skyblock, Skywars, Prison, Hide&Seek, UHC, custom minigames that I really don't want people to steal because they're actually pretty cool, Parkour, Hunger Games, Super Craft Bros., etc.), one or two whitelist-only servers because I kind of have business that I need multiplayer test worlds for and right now I'm having issues with that , plain old vanilla servers (as in no plugins whatsoever, which may be a bad idea but I think I can make it work if I haven't already...), and I think I've covered just about everything.

    Why? My computer can't handle 1.8 and all the good servers are for 1.8. I'd pretty much recreate my favorite minigames from 1.8 into 1.7. I need modded servers for myself to reduce lag. Vanilla servers... Well, why not? It could be the best thing ever or it could go down in flames (literally... Griefers... xD)
    09/30/2015 7:27 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    This is perfect for running a small build team! We no longer have to wait an hour for the server to load xD

    I love that there is full FTP access as well... I hated not being able to use custom plugins/configs/worlds xD

    I would like the option to upload a custom JAR in the future (because I like Spigot as much as the next person, but I still prefer mods). I don't know if this will ever be possible, but I hope it will be!
    09/30/2015 6:31 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    I laughed xD
    09/29/2015 9:18 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    Are you playing on a server, and if you are, do you know whether it's cracked or not?

    Cracked servers do not support skins after 1.7.9 if I'm not mistaken. To fix skins, the owner would have to use the AutoIn plugin.

    Obviously this does not apply to Bungeecord (online-mode Bungeecord, offline-mode worlds) servers as they have to be in offline mode to work Bungeecord has its own auth system.

    Test in singleplayer, if you see your skin then it is most likely a cracked server.
    09/29/2015 9:12 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar

    I have a few ideas for names and would be willing to help with a spawn/hub/other stuff with your server, but I would not have much time to actually come on and play due to co-running a build team, school, YouTube, and other stuff (I actually don't even go on my main servers that often anymore).

    Names (may need slight editing): First Dawn, Twilight Ascendance, Titan's Wrath, The Empire of the Fallen (My friend Lady_Elizabeth came up with this one)

    If you want a builder/build team for the server, please let me know- My build team and I would be glad to help!
    07/01/2015 7:37 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    KitKqtEnderheart's Avatar
    Oh gosh, I'm kind of glad I saw this... I don't know their exact prices, but the Walschaerts Build Team is really good. They built the Mesa Valley, and Christmas Catastrophe maps if you've ever seen them. Their website is and honestly, I would hire them in an instant. They're pretty good at finding a balance between detailed and crowded. Right now, the perfectionist is on vacation for a couple weeks, but you still have redstoners and builders (6 of them total, 7 counting the one on vacation). They also build for Stacyplay's Bookcraft series (if you've ever heard of it).
    Hope they meet your standards

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