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    06/02/2013 8:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    krookred7's Avatar
    i was on this server i really like and i was on a skype call with three of my friends. one of them owned a spleef arena. we were all jacking around and they all started to troll me by calling the administrator and saying i was griefing but i kept saying i was not. i said they were in a skype call all laughing. one thing led to another and eventually there were 5 ADMINISTRATORS there with us. they kept asking what our skypes were so they could join the call. things were really getting out of hand by then. then they decided to be bigger trolls and one of them left the call and made a seperate one with an administrator to make it look like i was lying. things got all settled and we were talking around in chat. i had enchanted DIAMOND armor/armour and they killed me and stole it. i kept saying give it back and they kept killing me and so on. so they finally dropped it to give it to me and right then the clear lag kicked in and it deleted then entity. so i got supr pissed and started spam reporting them in all caps. so i got banned. i think its funny i got banned over that rather than because of the drama beforehand.
    05/04/2013 4:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    krookred7's Avatar
    4 ppl are obviously not in the sky army

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