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    10/23/2013 12:30 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Fixing the economy isn't up to any governing body people don't really seem to understand that. The only thing a government can do is offer programs to help out either existing companies or people to start their own. The only way to help any economy is to get people to buy more merchandise particularly domestically produced goods and increase exports of consumer based goods. For example buying say clothing that are made in your home country helps a lot more then buying clothing made in china at walmart.
    10/23/2013 12:24 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    10/23/2013 12:22 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Have TALENT seriously, the only people that are famous and have no talent are famous for being famous for having no talent.
    10/08/2013 1:21 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    While not be worst service I've ever had I do have an amusing story about why people should stay in school. On the weekend I decided to order pizza for myself and my fiance, We decided to get from dominos because we had a 2 free large pizza coupon (they messed up out order last time really badly might I add ....they forgot the cheese) anyway she ordered the Philly cheese steak and I wanted the Quebecois pizza. I had looked at the menu online and wanted to try it, upon hearing my request the woman on the phone informed me that they do not make that kind of pizza the conversation went as follows.
    "hello I would like your Quebecois pizza"
    "umm sorry sir we do not make that here"
    "....but I am looking at your menu online right now"
    "yes sir but we don't make that at this particular store"
    "Why not?"
    "because sure we can't"
    "is it because you lack the ingredients?"
    "are you untrained to put smoked bacon pepperoni mushrooms and mozza cheese on the same food item?"
    "no sir"
    "....Did you finish high school? have what you need to make it, it is a pizza you have on your menu why is there a problem here?"
    "because sure we just can't"
    10/08/2013 1:05 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    10/05/2013 1:04 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    It's not so much THAT relationship but more so the act of it, the sub-conscious sees it as sort of training. I read a research paper on this quite awhile ago so unfortunately I am not able to provided sources but this has been studied in a real manner.
    10/05/2013 12:57 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Does anyone here know that humans (particularly males) going through adolescence actually NEED to act out a violent act. It is a primal instinct we all have, we like to kid ourselves to think we are more evolved or we have overcome our primal urges this is so far from the truth its incredible. For example we have 2 primal needs the need for survival, and the need for procreation. We have money which when worked for allows us to purchase food and shelter (survival) and money allows us to impress someone of the opposite gender (I don't care what anyone says at some point you need to spend money on someone of the opposite gender). Now the back to the point I am trying to make is that up until very recently we needed to know how to hunt for food and this is bred into us even today and as such when an adolescent male starts puberty when he is a "man" his instincts say you need to know to hunt and how to defend yourself. Violent video games actually are able to facilitate this drive.
    10/05/2013 12:41 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    I have actually contemplated this, and have come to the conclusion that I will travel to an old work camp I use to go to. There is more than enough game in the area for food massive natural gas generators powered by the gas wells in the area plus its a swamp during the summer months and -50C in the winter as well as being 400km from the nearest town which only has a population of 1500.
    10/05/2013 12:21 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Colonization of other planets is already in the works. There is already a mission in the works to start colonizing mars (2025 I believe) in which they are already accepting applications from the general populous (not only scientists and specialists but regular people to give a better gene pool). In addition we are also getting better and better with space travel there is an ion drive currently being developed in the states. So life on earth eventually will probably die out but we will colonize planets and spread out its just our way.
    10/03/2013 11:55 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    I'm not allowed to tell my jokes on here
    10/03/2013 11:53 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Scholarships are important for obvious reasons, however do you know EXACTLY what you want to go to school for? I'm asking because despite what you have been raised to believe going getting a degree does not mean you will have a rich successful life it doesn't even mean you will have a job at the end of it. If you go to college or university get a degree spend 4-10 years doing so and ending up with 25k-100k of tuition debt you will basically have wages garnished until your 40 paying it off. Which basically translates to working a moderate-high high school education job.
    10/03/2013 9:19 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    I'm with you on that one sadly 99% of these city dwellers will never know the sense one gets when eating the meat you have gotten for yourself.
    09/30/2013 7:22 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Combofix is great for removing stuff like that use it with malwarebytes and you should be good.
    09/30/2013 7:13 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    ClashTheAdminGeeeee, I wonder what irresponsible parent keeps weapons in his house...

    This is an unfair statement, the weapon definitely should not have been in a place that was accessible to a child it should have been locked away in a safe. But to say its irresponsible to have a weapon in ones home is definitely not true. Where I live everyone has rifles in their home and vehicles to protect ourselves from wolves, bear, cougars, wolverines ect. We also teach everyone from a young age how to properly take care of a firearm and how to respect it.
    09/29/2013 8:21 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    What? that doesn't make sense something cannot get heavier without an outside influence effecting it.
    09/29/2013 8:02 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Ah news reports your mixture of theatrics half truths misdirections and fear clumsily covered by the guise of real world events never ceases to amaze. Really these are the guys that should produce movies in our society if they did we wouldn't have so many remakes, their ability to take a small misunderstanding mix it up with a dogma associated with a subject adding fear and ignorance is almost beautiful ....if they were not trying to convey important matters to the drooling masses.
    09/29/2013 4:48 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Depends on what form of school your are talking about. If its traditional schooling as in a couple dozen or so students in 1 room learning from one individual, then chances are it would just slip back to a home learning environment parents teaching their children everything they know. Schools do not facilitate the progression of technology and society it falls onto the individual who has fore site and looks for ways to better themselves, as in there would still be scientists but rather than someone going to school to learn a particular field of thought one may hang around someone who is working in that field already and learn directly from them.
    Now if you are talking about no schooling in any sense as in not learning from parents or others then We as a species wouldn't exist every higher animal learns from its parents on how to survive.
    09/27/2013 10:35 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Half of these mods are currently in FTB unleashed. Have you made sure there are no block ID conflicts?
    09/27/2013 10:11 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    An F-15 is faster than my truck. Doesn't mean its more useful to me or practical.
    09/27/2013 9:58 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    krugle's Avatar
    Here is the thing about Windows 8 it in itself is not a bad operating system. The problem is it was designed for tablets AND desktops which translates to the age old adage of jack of all trades master of none. If they had made 2 versions of it one for desktops (with real desktop start button ect) one for tablets (how it is currently set up) it would easily be better than windows 7

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