LegoGuineaPig's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    07/19/2015 6:19 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    LegoGuineaPig's Avatar

    1. In game name: LegoGuineaPig
    2. Gender: Male
    3. Age (Must be between 14 and 17): 15
    4. E-mail address and/or Skype( I will contact you if you are accepted):
    5. YouTube (Optional): N/A
    6. Time Zone and/or Country: GMT, England
    7. What are you good at in Minecraft (building, redstone, survival) and explain why, post screenshots if possible: Large Projects, I built my own 'Biffa's Bowl' in a worl in survival mode.
    8. Do you watch the hermitcraft server, if so, what do you like about the server/series? It has a good community, very friendly.
    9. Why you would like to join? I would like to be able to play with other people, and I enjoy playing Minecraft with my brother, so it would be nice to play with more people.
    10. How much time do you think you will spend playing on the server? 2-4 hours on weekends, 1 hour on weekdays
    11. How many years you have been playing Minecraft? 3 years
    12. Any additional notes: i hope to see you on the server
    07/07/2015 3:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    LegoGuineaPig's Avatar
    In Game Name: LegoGuineaPig

    Skype Name(If applicable): N/A

    Age: 14 (almost 15 if it matters)

    Maturity: very mature

    Skills (Examples: Redstone, building): I'm good at sticking at big projects.

    Why do you want to be on the server: I want to play on an SMP, and find people I enjoy playing with.

    A little about you: I will be able to play quite oftenly up until september, but after that a bit less frequently. I enjoy building large bases and machines that make my life in minecraft much easier.

    I will check over this everyday and respond everyday.
    05/02/2015 1:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    LegoGuineaPig's Avatar
    1. Age: 14
    2. Motivation for joining the server: Was on a community server before, and it is now not online anymore, and would like to have a minecraft multiplayer experience like mindcrack/hermitcraft.
    3. How long you have played Minecraft for: About 2-3 years now
    4. How often you play Minecraft: I try to play at least once a day and much more on weekends.
    5. Your email address:
    6. Which country you live in: England
    7. Any other information you think would be helpful: I am very mature and I have read the rules and I assure you that I will not breach them. Thanks for reading my application and I hope that I am accepted.
    12/27/2014 1:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    LegoGuineaPig's Avatar
    1. What is your IGN: LegoGuineaPig

    2. Why are you interested in joining this server? Bore of single player and want a server with a sense of community

    3. How often will you play on the server? Quite often, depending on school work, but if i have no work then I will hop on

    4. How old are you? (Must be at least 15, maybe 14 based on application/maturity): I am a 15 year old who is very mature for my age

    5. How long have you played Minecraft for? About 2 years now

    6. How do you plan to spend your time on the server? Building a base and making friends
    7. What is your skype? I do not have skype, it will not work on my computer without messing up my files

    8. What is your Youtube? (If you have one. Recording is optional): I have a youtube channel, it is LegoGuineaPig, but I will not regularly record, maybe every now and again I will.

    Thank you for reading my application and I hope I am accepted.

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