lilwildcat's Avatar
Level 2
Apprentice Miner

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    07/30/2013 9:36 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    lilwildcat's Avatar
    1.What is your skype?KillerTrashcan OR Trashcan (I flip back and forth with my skype names.)
    2.How old are you?14
    3.How experienced are you with Bukkit plugins from a scale from 1 to 10.10.9
    4.What is your IGN?lilwildcat
    5.How long have you been playing Minecraft?Since InfDev
    6.What time zone and how much do you play?Eastern and 3-9 hours a day.(Depends on what my friends and I are doing that day.)

    Little Extras: I am a brony so I do enjoy being fair and kind too people but, I will lay down the law if some things get out of hand. I have also been an admin on a server but the server changed so everyone is the same rank now. I am a very experienced person in commands, seeing as how I had taken the time too look up what they do and what they are. That's just a few of the reasons why I should be an admin so please don't just skim over this take time too read over this and what it means. Send a contact request over skype even if I am not going too be admin.

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