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    Lord Fawful
    03/19/2014 1:37 pm
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    Most common/popular? 18+ PvP Factions servers with Griefing and Raiding allowed.

    ampenergy33Non-grief, non-PvP, no factions. Just a normal survival server. With bukkit.

    This guy gets it. I wish more servers were like this.
    Lord Fawful
    03/19/2014 1:33 pm
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    I don't think this belongs in this section.

    Anyway, I've done so many I can't even count. It's really embarassing.
    Lord Fawful
    03/19/2014 1:31 pm
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    I'd be pretty sad, but then I'd just move on to Team Fortress 2, Kerbal Space Program, Driver: San Francisco, etc.

    But of course, eventually I'd get the wish to play Minecraft again.
    Lord Fawful
    10/17/2013 10:20 pm
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    I can't wait until I get a Nintendo 3DS so I can play Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Until then, I have to satisfy myself with Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. (I've alterady completed Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story about four or five times...)
    Lord Fawful
    10/17/2013 6:55 pm
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    Destroying someone shorter than you simply because your crush finds him cute?

    Get a life. Doing that would be basically cowardice and you'd ruin the last chances of her liking you. I know this because there's an idiot at my school who basically thinks he owns the class as he's bigger than most of the people there. Needless to say he's my enemy due to his extreme cowardice and ego.
    Lord Fawful
    10/14/2013 6:56 pm
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    Doesn't has lyrics, but doesn't stops this from being an epic final boss music:

    Lord Fawful
    10/14/2013 6:40 pm
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    I know that feel, but unfortunaly there's probably nothing we can do. Sorry.
    Lord Fawful
    10/13/2013 9:40 am
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    Nothing, since this crappy computer can't withstand even one player on a server.
    Lord Fawful
    10/12/2013 11:00 am
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    In my opinion, Minecraft is based around teamplay survival, not a game where you have to kill each other for your items. But, again, it's just my opinion, and probably fueled by the fact that I can't freaking find any server that is not Factions or PvP!
    Lord Fawful
    10/12/2013 10:58 am
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    Technically, I got in around Beta 1.7.3, but in reality I actually "got" the game at Release 1.2.5.
    Lord Fawful
    10/11/2013 3:49 pm
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    I agree.

    Honestly, Organized PvP - the kind that you and another player you want to duel with go to an arena, get a preset of weapons and fight each other in a friendly(a.k.a. no grudges or just to swipe stuff) way is how PvP should be in Minecraft, and not when:

    - You want to go out of spawn, then a guy with full diamond armor and sword slaughters you for no reason other than "honor"(actually makes them look like idiots). Did I mention their armor and weapons are enchanted?

    - You're peacefully mining/cutting trees, then a guy in full diamonds kills you from behind without a chance of you fighting back and takes all your random junk(that he didn't need in first place).

    - You spend a ton of time building your base and killing off mobs, and when you have to leave the sever, some idiot comes, griefs everything and steals your loot, and says "it's part of the game".
    Lord Fawful
    10/11/2013 3:40 pm
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    I'm with you, pal. I'm 13 and I'm not a griefer. I get offended on the inside when others claim people 14 and under to be spoiled brats who don't respect and are otherwise annoying. (Well, I may be spoiled, but at least i'm NICE. usually)

    But, all in all, I just switch that with another meaning, on which "I am special" since, unlike others my age(according to the older players), I actually am courteous and I don't beg for OP. (It embarasses me to death to know that I once was like this back when I was 11 or 12...thankfully I grew up.)

    CloudWingAlso, don't call me prejudiced because I'm a year younger than everyone in my grade, and I'm in honors, so I get bullied way too much.

    Ouch, that sucks. But, since they bully you for being in honors and since you're younger than them, then honestly they're just jealous cowards who want to see you suffer just because you're better than them. I know, stupid, but unfortunaly that's the bullies' life rule - If you're different, you should be scrutinized and excluded. If you're equal, then you belong to the gang.
    Lord Fawful
    10/11/2013 3:20 pm
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    I don't consider PvP to be a major fact, but apparently lots of people breathe PvP and the "blood" of the players they kill, so if PvP was removed, probably most of the players would leave.

    This sucks, since Minecraft Multiplayer was originally supposed for you to team up and try to survive together, not to kill each other constantly like you're two soldiers in enemy factions in a war.

    samkee00I would be ALMOST completely content without it. We need it for HG and stuff, but seriously. I go onto server list- Pvp server! Pvp server! Pvp server! Pvp server! Pvp server! Survival server! Pvp server! Pvp server!

    You just summarized about 87% of Minecraft Servers in the whole world.
    Lord Fawful
    10/11/2013 3:13 pm
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    Normally Coca-Cola, but ever since I've heard about an incident that someone got sick from drinking a Coca-Cola soda bottle and later discovered that there was a dead rat's head contained inside it, I think I prefer Pepsi just to be safe.

    But I mostly prefer Grape or Orange soda, it's way tastier IMI&WO*.

    * In My Insane & Weird Opinion.
    Lord Fawful
    10/11/2013 3:10 pm
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    Either Artist(I like drawing, but unfortunaly my drawing SUCKS.), Medic(Pays well, but I don't want to study 24/7...) or Inventor(Robots FTW, but like medic, requires a lot of studying...).

    So, yeah, I'm pretty undecided for my future. So that's why I only care about my present, herp derp
    Lord Fawful
    10/09/2013 12:37 pm
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    1. When did you start playing Minecraft? What version was it?
    Non-legitly(yes, I played a pirated version once): Beta 1.7.3
    Legitly: Around 1.0.0
    2. What was the first thing you built in Minecraft?
    A small brick house horribly-lit with Redstone torches and grass floor, all(Except the floor) spawned from an external Inventory Editor since I was a huge noob at that time.
    3. Singleplayer or Multiplayer and why?
    Singleplayer, because Mods. But Multiplayer is great, too.
    4. What's your favorite server and why?
    Currently no opinion.
    5. What's your render distance set to?
    Without Optifine: Tiny
    With Optifine: Normal/Short + 16
    ...yep, I have a horrible computer.
    6. Do you play with the game's music on or off?
    7. Do you use Optifine?
    As stated at Question no. 5, yes.
    8. Do you use any other mods?
    Yes, a LOT.
    9. Favorite block?
    No opinion.
    10. Least favorite block?
    Gravel. I despise Gravel. But then, without Gravel we wouldn't have flint, and therefore we would only be able to get arrows by killing Skeletons or spawning them...
    11. Favorite item?
    No opinion.
    12. Least favorite item?
    No opinion.
    13. Favorite aggressive mob?
    Slimes and Skeletons.
    14. Least favorite aggressive mob?
    I don't have a least favourite aggressive mob.
    15. Favorite animal?
    Sheep. <3
    16. Least favorite animal?
    Bats....they are the only mob I actively hate.
    17. What's your building style like?
    Bland. My builds are always flat(figurative meaning).
    18. Do you build in Survival or Creative?
    Creative, durr.
    19. Favorite Minecraft minigame? (Spleef, CTF, Survival Games, etc.)
    I don't have a favourite minigame.
    20. Are you a PvP player?
    Nope. I hate PvP.
    21. What was your favorite Minecraft update?
    Beta 1.8.
    22. Let's be honest, was Beta's terrain generator better than the current one?
    Yes, and I know it contradicts Question No. 21's answer.
    23. Favorite ore? (inb4 diamond)
    I don't have one.
    24. Favorite biome?
    25. Ever built any pixel art?
    26. Ever built any crazy redstone contraptions?
    I suck at Redstone. The only redstone 'contraption' I ever built was a Piston Gate that took me ages to get it right.
    27. Every played any adventure maps? Which one is your favorite?
    Yes. EnderSpace, but that's probably because it's main plot involves you getting eaten(Accidentally or intentionally, I don't know) by an Enderman.
    28. What's your favorite texture/resource pack and why?
    Sphax's BDCraft, though I don't like the mobs' looks really much...
    29. Did you make your own skin or did you download one? What is your skin and why did you pick/make it?
    Well, the only skin I 'made' was when I found an Astronaut Slime skin. Then, I copied the face of an alternate Swet skin I found, and pasted it on top of the Slime skin, and ta-da, I made a totally unoriginal Astronaut Swet skin.
    30. Favorite mod or modpack?
    31. If you could add anything to Minecraft, what would it be and why?
    I'd add dreams, but since not everyone would like that, I think I'd go with furniture.
    32. What's the most impressive thing you've seen built in Minecraft?
    The fully interactive Minecraft Man(wth 98.88% more vore! And yes, I have a vore fetish)
    33. What's your favorite redstone contraption that you've seen built?
    34. Watch any YouTube Minecrafters? Who's your favorite?
    If you count Mod Showcase videos, then I can consider TheDiamondMinecraft, TheAtlanticCraft and a few times SkyDoesMinecraft(does not means I am a budder fanboy).
    35. Who's your favorite Mojang member? (Notch, Dinnerbone, Jeb, etc.)
    Currently none of them are my favourite, but that doesn't means I hate everybody there.
    36. When it comes to pets, do you go for cats or dogs?
    37. How good are your interior design skills?
    As in Question No. 17, it's Bland.
    38. Ever recorded a video of you playing Minecraft?
    Yes, only one, and that was regarding a guy who was raging on Minecraft over lost items, or something like that.
    39. Ever played Hardcore mode? How did it go?
    Only once, and I didn't make it past Daytime. Not because I died, though, I just quit playing since I'm a huge wuss.
    40. What's your favorite edition of Minecraft? (PC, Xbox, Pocket)
    41. What's your food of choice in Minecraft?
    Cooked Porkchops.
    42. Favorite dimension?
    Space, from Galacticraft.
    43. Favorite Minecraft record?
    Cat. And not because I like cats.
    44. How hardcore about Minecraft are you? Is it just a once-in-a-while thing for you, or are you playing every day?
    I guess I play in rather commonly...
    45. Let's be honest, were you scared out of your pants the first time you went spelunking?
    As I stated in Question No. 39, I am a huge wuss, so yes.
    46. Own any Minecraft merch?
    47. What's your favorite aspect of Minecraft?
    I guess the survival thingy interests me.
    48. Ever played any Minecraft knock-offs? (Terraria doesn't count)
    I don't think so.
    49. How do you think your life would be different if Minecraft wasn't created?
    I'd be bored to death.
    50. What's your best Minecraft memory?
    When I was(and am) building a huge space station with the Galacticraft mod. I think it's 47% or so done.
    Lord Fawful
    10/09/2013 12:06 pm
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    Dragon Egg. Honestly, they have no use IMO.

    Well, at least until they add an use to it. As of now they just seem to be placeholders, somewhat like the Sponge, except it has no use, whereas the sponge can still suck water(At least according to some users).
    Lord Fawful
    10/09/2013 11:51 am
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    *Buy Nintendo 3DS
    *Buy Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS games for me to play on it
    *Buy new Computer
    *Buy Garry's Mod
    *Buy a Lamborghini Murciélago
    *Buy a beautiful beach house
    *Donate a good part(but not everything) of the money to charities.

    Great way to help both myself and the others in need.
    Lord Fawful
    10/09/2013 11:42 am
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    Hm, I don't have much to add in here since I got the luck to not see much #swag people around, but from what info you have said, yeah, those #swag people seem to be really dumb. I hope to God that I never become one of those people.

    <----- Is 13

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