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    11/15/2011 4:51 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    LotsaBahts's Avatar
    11/15/2011 4:42 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    I don't like it when people use EMO slang like 'cretin' or 'durr', and think they are clever.

    I don't like when people get over-offended at a bit of criticism...actually I do like that because then I Troll them hardcore haha
    11/14/2011 2:21 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    LotsaBahts's Avatar
    I am working on something massive in survival mode. But I plan on making several playable adventure maps. I need to know more on coding. Like how to make creepers do damage but not map damage and how to protect a large area so it can't be altered??
    11/13/2011 3:10 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    This is sad....why do you think people troll in the first place? To get tweekers like you all hot and bothered and waste your time!!

    Dept of Homeland TROLL Security! Watch all your rights get flushed and wipe your ass with the declaration...
    11/11/2011 9:14 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    SionNo! We JUST got rid of the damned thing. AT LEAST GIVE IT A WEEK, CRETIN!

    You're just saying this because you're a "master modder" Well, i'm a level two skinner, and as you can see on my profile, ALL of my skins have got downvotes.. It didn't start out that way, no. I did something to piss someone off and they decided to down vote all of my stuff. A few other people must've seen my post ranting about it and decided to help the guy out. DO NOT bring back the down vote.

    Cretin? Jesus Sion you rage really easily.

    But closer to the topic, I think the banishment of the down vote is good. It'll shut up all those who were whining for it being removed. I really had no problem with it, it never swayed my opinion on downloading a skin or texture pack.

    Cretin means moron, i do rage easily, but i'm in a slightly bad mood today, i just need to listen to some music to strengthen my nerves so that i don't involuntarily start a flamewar.

    If you go around calling people names then don't expect them to like you or your work... if you get a downvote, thats life...it just peoples opinion's man!...who cares about that! I guarantee they don't give a crap about your opinion!
    11/11/2011 4:24 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    yeah i'm one of those fill the glass till it overflows and then keep filling kind of people...
    11/11/2011 4:19 am
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    Totally man!
    11/11/2011 4:15 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Really!! someone doesn't like your project and votes down... ...who cares...everybody has an asshole and a keyboard these days!
    11/11/2011 3:33 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    People are always gonna be opinionated assholes...I don't mind getting a down vote but I would like a comment or a reason why would be nice. If you want to get rid of the downvote then in my opinion you should get rid of the whole voting concept.

    Some project do deserve a downvote! Like when people post some pic of what they are 'gonna' do or some picture that isn't even minecraft!
    11/09/2011 11:02 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Better NPC AI! I want to see the NPC villages become communities and expand and compete with your establishment. I want to see NCP tribes(passive/aggressive), better dungeon complexes, NPC's are creative and build and mine for themselves and form raids...not just spawn everywhere.

    More types of food/plants and animal breeding!
    11/06/2011 12:40 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Cause seriously its just letters on a screen it's not like they are actually yelling. Maybe for a lot of people who have English as a second language might find it easier to read upper case...Hell I have had teachers who only write in uppercase...when it comes down to it who really cares?? is that the point?...who gives a shit what other people think! The whole purpose of trolling is to get people annoyed or angry.

    Exactly what Pasidon is saying man! Hahah the COD MW3 Trailer HAHAHA! Superbad nOOb!!! Best youtube ad ever!!!
    11/04/2011 11:31 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Asus is good! Not sure on price though.. Make sure you pick up a nice after-market CPU fan also! Well worth it for an extra $50. It will extend the life of your CPU and help it to perform better!
    11/04/2011 11:19 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Do what I do...go off traveling for a couple (minecraft) days until you are a couple thousand meters from spawn. Then build your dope ass village! you can try talking to the admins to see if you can make something nice near spawn that is protected and all that...unless you have crappy admins then this shouldn't be a problem.

    I build a castle on a server and once the admins found it they liked it so much they offered to put a protection on it so that it can't be griefed!

    If you wanna make a server you might have to pay...money makes the world go around...sad but true! I'm sure you can use google to find everything you need! Some sites host minecraft servers for $. How much depends on the options that you choose.

    If you wanna make a sweet server map you can always start an offline map and make your nice little town or whatever and then once you get a server use that save as the map.

    Maybe if you make a good server with a site and dynamaps and all that good stuff you can get people to donate, but you must realize that it will take time and money to start that. In my experience, people will never pay for something that they can get for free, but then again...prostitution is the oldest profession...

    If your some 'super computer genius hacker' then maybe you can build a dedicated server, but that cost money too...and judging by your questions...you aren't a 'super computer genius hacker'....
    11/02/2011 4:46 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    I griefed once on a minecraft server when I first started playing. Now I don't though.
    11/02/2011 6:21 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    get the fock out 6/10
    11/01/2011 6:40 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    I would go for the Intel for sure. Not to bash the AMD, I am using Phenom II and I don't really have too many issues with it. It comes down to a matter of price. I was building a cheap gaming PC for $500 so I opted for the AMD, however computer technology is advancing so rapidly that it is almost throwing your money away to buy the best stuff...I am sure some would disagree, but I must say that unless you are an expert gamer and you have a nice chunk of change to blow and no life...then by all means go for all the top end stuff that will be outdated before your box is even built...

    If you have your heart set in Intel. I have heard that is does perform better. Mostly from posts and things like that. I haven't actually looked into it to much extent. But the word is Intel is better.

    So if your getting a computer you should get all the parts and build the box yourself on Xmas morning! Hopefully you will be good to go and have everything installed by the time you cut the turkey!
    11/01/2011 6:29 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Found it looking for minecraft builds and to show off my builds

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