lukeytookey's Avatar
Level 7
Apprentice Explorer

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    08/31/2013 7:00 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    Hey you Could Help out at my server the ip is and come on and say lukeytookey and I will make you admin and op so you can help build
    08/31/2013 6:58 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    Hi I Would love to help out with your server and I would not care if I got mod or admin as long as I can help
    08/28/2013 4:56 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    IGN: lukeytookey
    Age: 12
    Are you staff on any other servers: No but I have been before
    How will you help the server: From Being Staff on other servers I can help with greifers and people being rude or spamming in the comments as well as doing things you ask me to do.
    When will you be on: After school and at weekends,Time Zone: UK, England
    Other Info: I've had minecraft before 1.0 came out and I know a lot about it from building to commands and I would really enjoy helping you on your sever.
    08/27/2013 6:42 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    IGN: lukeytookey
    Age: 12
    Position: Mod or Admin
    Why should I hire you: Because I really enjoy playing minecraft a lot when iam on multiplayer and if I could help out a fun server it would be even better!
    What will you do for us: I would help stop greifers and if you ask me to do something even if I don't want to I will.
    08/27/2013 6:37 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    IGN: lukeytookey
    Age: 12
    Rating out of 10 (Be honest): 8
    Why you want to help build: because ive built good stuff on the minecraft and I would love to help you out
    10/14/2012 1:37 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    i would love to play i am an ok builder and very good at minecraft ive played tekkit and yogbox and ofther mods so i can add in mods and iam good with redstone would be great it too play co-op with ya hope i can!
    05/09/2012 12:20 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    i dunno bt i know you can on multiplayer becuase ive seen the trailer and it has spit screen oh and for the guy who wants to know when it comes out today! (may 9th)
    01/02/2012 5:45 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    i entered the server and 2 peaple kept killing me with dimond armor and tools!
    i could't even move becuase of them i really want to help but not to keep dieing
    01/02/2012 5:41 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    lukeytookey's Avatar
    iam in!

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