Manaea's Avatar
Level 1 New Explorer

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    05/18/2019 11:36 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Manaea's Avatar
    Welcome back my friend! It's good seeing old people returning to enjoy the game some more.

    As to what you can do in your singleplayer world(s), I recommend checking out Pixlriffs' 'The Minecraft Survival Guide' series on Youtube, as he explains a lot about the mechanics of the game and what you can do with them.

    If you really want to get into building, check out fWhip's youtube channel and his 'building with fWhip' series. It's a good 200 episodes long by now, but (in my opinion) he's a great builder and he has taught me a lot.

    As for the rest, just have some fun exploring, ideas will come to you as you go :)
    05/18/2019 11:26 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Manaea's Avatar
    It really depends on what type of server you play on as well as what your definition of 'friends' is.

    For big servers like Hypixel, you don't really get the time to talk to people. You're with the same people for about, 10 minutes maybe, before you move on to the next minigame, and 10 minutes generally isn't a lot of time to make friends.

    With moderately big servers like Shotbow, their Annihilation gamemode generally lasts about an hour. You're in the same server with people for about an hour, and because the gamemode supports up to 120 people per game there's a big chance you'll meet the same people multiple times in a day and/or week.

    For small servers, like for example private Patreon servers, It's really easy to make friends. I've been part of one such server and basically, everybody knew one another. I've been in discord calls that lasted up to 10 hours because we were having so much fun just playing the default game.
    05/18/2019 11:17 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Manaea's Avatar
    Why in the world are there so many questions about vaccines on this forum? Is all of this just satire or are people actually this dense?

    Vaccines are good. Period. They don't cause autism. They never have, they (most likely) never will. Everyone who claims otherwise is an idiot.
    05/18/2019 11:15 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Manaea's Avatar
    I get where you're coming from, I really do, but at some point, people just move on. They might lose interest in the game as a whole, they might be to busy with their job, their family, you name it. I've been playing this game since 2011 and I'm still here, but there have been periods where I didn't play the game for months at a time because I just didn't have the time for it.
    05/18/2019 11:10 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Manaea's Avatar
    Being invited to a friends house to play the game on his laptop since he'd gotten it for his birthday. I remember staying up almost all night just to build this giant wooden hotel that looked absolutely horrible.

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