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Level 18 Journeyman Engineer

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    05/13/2014 11:49 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    ouch. btw, ted, if you want to set up a server for R.E.D. go ahead. it can only help.
    05/13/2014 1:32 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    well, you're welcome to learn, apply, etc, swift. i'll be putting up more details on that side of things as they come though, so keep an eye on this thread.
    05/12/2014 4:05 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    well the teaching side of things is one part of what it would be used for. but we could also use the server as a kind of showplace for really good inventions, including working minigames powered solely by redstone, for example, or new cannon designs and the like, that would interest other players in just what redstone can do.
    05/12/2014 1:47 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    Can do. I'm currently recruiting through this thread, but at the moment, there's no dedicated server for R.E.D. though if TedtheTechie up there comes through on his offer, there will be. i'll likely end up needing some help getting everything built on it to be ready for public use or even for R.E.D. members to use, but i'll keep you guys posted.

    ALSO, Quick question for you guys. how would you feel if there were a separate division of R.E.D. dedicated to modded minecraft? there's actually a modpack that someone I know is making a server for soon, and I actually could use a lot of help with some of the science based mods. we're talkin minechem, thermal expansion, project: Red, remain in motion, (think redpower frames but so much better.) and at least two, probably three computer mods, in addition to advanced genetics and the mad science mod. oh, and the portal gun and grav gun mods. and then even more still.
    05/12/2014 11:28 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    well, while there's a base currently set up on the Roleplay server I run, it'd be a bit... tricky to try and juggle the number of people apparently interested in joining or learning and the roleplay side of, I get the feeling that this many redstone engineers playing on there would cause some pretty bad lag given that it's hosted off a personal PC at the moment. a dedicated server for running R.E.D. out of would be a massive aid, and would really free up a LOT of room for constructions. if you do set one up though, don't do a flatlands map. personally, I think that it's more fun doing redstone while having to compensate for terrain differences, gravel patches, etc, that keeps things interesting.

    Also, I'll be going through and writing down everyone's usernames that are interested in joining, learning, etc, sometime this week. life got a bit hectic, which is why I disappeared for a few days, but it's sort of clearing up now.
    05/08/2014 12:01 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    very interesting. I can think of a few ways that would be useful.
    05/08/2014 12:00 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    I got on, and no one was there.
    05/08/2014 11:48 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    I'd have decked him for two reasons. first, no one, and I mean NOONE messes with my family. and second, spitting on me would have been the point I drew the line. then again though, I'd likely have been able to drop him like a rock in one go, given my build, so I cant really say if it'd have worked as well for you.

    however, you did go the higher road. unfortunately as it may be, sometimes, you must stoop to a lower level to knock the jerks down a notch and end it for good, (not saying kill them, just giving them a reason not to do it again.) but it will always be morally better not to.
    05/02/2014 8:33 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    05/02/2014 8:27 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    Yep, i'll be on on the fourth, no telling what times, but likely most of the day. and I figured you may have trouble finding it. Since up until this point, I've mainly been running R.E.D. solely on Roleplay servers, I haven't had terribly much experience with prepping for newcomers recruited off of sites like PMC. i'll be on sunday like I said, and will show you to the facilities in question. they're located in haearn, and I may not have remembered to change their signs to state they're R.E.D. structures yet, but they're there.
    05/02/2014 12:59 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    the IP is on my server submission. at the moment, that's where the academy, main R.E.D. base and workshops are all at.
    05/01/2014 11:26 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    niiiice. consider yourself accepted to the ranks of R.E.D. ted.
    05/01/2014 7:35 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    sounds good to me.
    05/01/2014 4:44 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    lol, I actually had full faith you knew what you were doing as well, for a similar reason as I had for pepijin. you two are welcome to join at any time you wish, and may wear the goggles with pride, if you so desire. It's a pleasure to have you as part of R.E.D., consider yourselves the first PMC recruited members. XD i'll be on my server the day after the day after tomorrow, my time, central, around 2ish, if you guys will be free.

    for now, I have to go to class, so i'll be gone for a while now.
    05/01/2014 12:43 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    nice to hear. this is actually a bit more interest than I'd anticipated, but that's not a bad thing. XD
    05/01/2014 12:40 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    not really. I had forgotten about this thread. way to post on a dead thread though dude.
    05/01/2014 11:35 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    actually, pepijin, you I already know are a true redstone engineer. no one else would wear their title like you and I do with such pride if we weren't. and I am disappointed in people who complain about command blocks. they aren't some separate thing from redstone. they ARE redstone components. but more importantly, they are also ENTIRELY OPTIONAL.

    As for being able to get on, that's not a major obstruction, as long as you still want to help further the goals of R.E.D. and be a participating member, even if it's only in conversation.

    and Wil, that's fine. i'll likely be starting the actual classes in the academy im having built around the fourth, though admittedly, it might be a day or two after that. when I know for sure what day, i'll be posting in here the day. in the meantime, it would be helpful if everyone who wanted to attend the classes would pm me their timezones and free times, so that I can try and schedule it so we can all be on.
    04/30/2014 6:06 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    it's not so much a build team as a redstone engineer's union. eventually, it'd be neat If we set some sort of standard for quality or design or the like, but that's not a current goal. I don't tend to force people to take on build either, so much as just leave a list of current tasks. if you want to learn though, onere, i'll be able to start teaching in game in about... four days, on my server. if you want to attend as one of the first students, then I'd start getting acquainted with the server now, and linger around Haearn for the moment.

    as for the other two of you, if you wish to join, I'll gladly let you join, provided you can prove your abilities. If you want to prove them in person, go ahead and join us on there in a few days, and i'll supply some stuff so you can show me what you've got.
    04/30/2014 3:14 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    it's more of an expansion. at the moment, it already includes five members, two trained by me, though one seems to be missing. I am considering an expansion to here, given that people are sufficiently interested to join. my primary goal is, after all, improving the Redstone Engineer portion of the community.
    04/30/2014 2:19 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    Maveriknight's Avatar
    aight, a new thread it is then.

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