Maxkills7's Avatar
Level 3
Apprentice Miner

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    06/17/2013 1:54 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Maxkills7's Avatar
    1) MAxkills7
    2) Web tech
    3) Ive been coding with html, Css, and php for a long time
    4) ive been working on a website but i have no intendend use for it:
    5) Dublud14
    6) When ever you need me
    04/16/2013 3:55 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Maxkills7's Avatar
    04/14/2013 9:28 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Maxkills7's Avatar
    04/11/2013 3:47 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Maxkills7's Avatar
    Everyone join the server ASAP Thanks:P
    04/03/2013 1:22 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Maxkills7's Avatar
    IGN: Maxkills7
    TIme Zone: EST
    How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft: a year
    How Can You Help With Server: i am very knowledgeable about plugins and a decent builder
    Experiences With Whatever You Are Trying To Help Me With:I Do Have my Own fully set up server ATM which sadly, i set up by myself.
    Additional Info You Wish To Tell Me: Well, I have a skype and im very good when it comes to working with people
    02/19/2013 4:43 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Maxkills7's Avatar
    *IGN: Maxkills7
    *Age: 14
    *Skype: Yes
    *Past Experiences: Ive been an admin and an owner
    *What Place would you like: junior or senior admin
    Other IP's you have been staff On:
    *In Over 25 words describe why we should pick you: I believe that i am a very reasonable person and the person you are looking for to run your server. i am very understanding and i have run a server myself so i know about the plugins and their functions. i am a people person and i am very interaactive with other players. i always act with the good of the server in mind. i will not hesitate to ban someone if the are breaking any rules. i will only take action towars the suspect if they have had proof shown that they broke a rule. otherwise, i would punish the hackusator.

    *Can you Donate: i Would in time as i played on the server and as i get to know everybody and feel more like a part of the server.
    *Time-Zone: EST
    *Hours per day (Weekdays) :3-5 hours depending on plans
    *Hours per day (Weekends) :6-8 hours depending on my plans
    *If you logged on and Another Member of staff was abusing a player, how would you react:I would sort out the problem and gather evidence to support each party. if i found that the staff member is being unreasonable and immature, i would go to the owner and report them so the owner knows then either i or the owner would punish the staff member.
    *Maturity Level: 1-10 9
    *Management Level: 1-10 9

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