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Level 12 Journeyman Crafter

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    06/01/2015 10:27 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    MaxTheMango's Avatar
    Name [IGN]: SirMango_

    Age: 12

    Skype: omgitismax

    Location: England

    Rank: Helper

    In the first few months of me having mc pc i got invited to be staff on a friend's server and he gave me the Helper class and i could help quite a few people but i didn't get that much experience since the server went down due to an unknown reason.

    What can you offer to the server:
    In the near future i could offer some plugins as i'm starting to code them, the first one which i'm going to do is get a one where it welcomes you to the server everytime you join and on the first time you join it will give an item and send the message "Everybody please welcome PLAYERNAME to the server!" also when i get more practice at java code i will start making more developed plugins.
    05/30/2015 1:41 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    MaxTheMango's Avatar
    Name: Max Henson

    Age: 12

    IGN: SirMango_

    Skype: omgitismax

    Position you're applying for?: mod

    Do you meet the requirements I listed above for that job? If so how?: Earlier on when i'd just gotten minecraft a had a friend that needed some mods for his server, i joined his server, he said i could be a helper just to make sure i could do the job correctly and a few weeks later he promoted me to mod but the next week the server had to be deleted due to hacking.

    Experience in this job (Not looking for "I was admin one time for this server."): As i said before i had a friend that needed a server, if you skipped it you might want to read it again.

    Are you willing to join the Skype chat?: Yes

    Why should I choose you? What makes you more qualified? I'm not just good at helping i know some stuff about how to use some plugins that seem a little bit difficult to other users, may not exactly be difficult to all users but i can still figure some cool stuff out with them.

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