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    03/05/2022 3:11 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Thank you, and I appreciate that
    04/28/2021 12:14 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    That's a pretty darn good explanation, this picture will be of use!
    04/25/2021 11:39 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar

    This is the second time this has happened to me

    Why do I have to have such a bad memory...
    04/25/2021 7:33 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
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    04/24/2021 11:47 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Oop I completely forgot to get some entries together x_X

    Do I still have time? It does say "submissions are due on April 24th, so make sure to get your skins/mobs finished by that date"

    So technically I still have time, right?
    04/24/2021 11:44 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    No problem! Hope you can play in the future :)
    04/24/2021 12:02 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    I'm sorry about that :(

    Well, if you ever get the chance to play online, I'm always ready! :)

    (Btw sorry this message isn't a direct reply to your last comment, for some reason PMC isn't letting me reply to that specific message XD)
    04/23/2021 12:00 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Well folks, this poll is now 3 months old, so here's my first update!

    In first place comes Super Mario with 18 votes!

    Second place, we have Pokemon with 13 votes!

    Coming up into third is the Legend of Zelda with 10 votes!

    A close fourth for Splatoon with 5 votes!

    And the fifth and final place, we have "Hmm, I can't decide!"

    Thanks for the attention given to this poll! Keep bringing in your votes, and I'll see you next update :D
    04/22/2021 11:56 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Me and my salmon run team have won regardless of one of the players disconnecting, if that's what you're asking!

    In fact, if I recall correctly, I was in a three-member team when we made what I'm convinced is an impossible save in a Mothership round...

    (My Discord is MCisAwesome95#5916 if you'd like to chat a bit quicker than we are right now XD)
    04/21/2021 11:36 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    I'm a B in pretty much all the ranks but one (Darn you, Clam Blitz!)
    04/21/2021 11:35 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Well, a tip of my cap of legend to you too, fellow woomy! (And you know, you can pick "Hmm, I can't decide!" if you love all the Nintendo games and can't pick one as your favorite like me!)
    04/21/2021 11:14 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Lore is a pretty important part of a game, that's for sure!
    04/20/2021 11:45 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Omg, me too!

    I liked Splatoon so much, I was a fan of it before I had even gotten the chance to play it. Once I got the games, I played so much that within one month, I had beaten the Hero modes for both games and the Octo Expansion.

    I've barely owned Splatoon 2 and my total time playing amounts to over 60 hours at the time of this comment. It's an amazing game with lovable characters, and it's unsettling dark lore was created perfectly (So perfectly that I'm convinced it's even darker than some of the darkest Zelda games, which is saying something BIG).

    I feel like somehow Splatoon might be a little underappreciated. Like it isn't as big of a game as Super Mario or The Legend of Zelda. Of course, it has only been around since 2015, which is nothing compared to Super Mario, which has been around since 1981, but still! When I first heard of Splatoon, I had no idea it was even a Nintendo game. I didn't have any interest in the series until Splatoon 2 was 3 years old, when I got a closer look at the Inklings in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Although, there might be an official Nintendo shop opening in Japan, and Splatoon is planned to be one of the many centerpieces of the shop, whilst Pokemon will be a side theme and not a major part of the shop, so that's something.

    Anyways, I completely agree with you; Splatoon is AWESOME

    (Btw, if you'd like me to add you as a friend so we could play a few games, I'd be happy to!)
    04/20/2021 11:28 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Me too! It has such good gameplay and an amazing storyline. The series never gets old!
    04/12/2021 12:04 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    I was only making an example. You aren't forced to play a game you don't want to play :)
    04/12/2021 12:03 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    I think I can help with that. How laggy is your server? Too much lag makes my computer give up on life and disconnect me every 30 seconds, so progress may go pretty slowly in that case.
    04/12/2021 12:01 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
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    I try not download everything I see because my pc is swamped with screenshots, videos, and worlds made by me and three other people (Two of which make two or three new worlds every day), I mostly leave comments and suggestions.

    Don't get me wrong, there are some ridiculously awesome maps out there that are definitely worth checking out, I just would not have enough room to store multiple maps.
    04/11/2021 11:54 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    Nice, I'll try to get some entries in if I have the time!

    What doesn't kill you makes you... stranger...
    04/11/2021 11:49 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    I have the SNES copy and the respective console and controllers, just haven't gotten around to playing it... again, yet

    I'm excited to get the chance to play it, heard that it's an incredible game!
    04/11/2021 5:58 am
    Level 29 : Expert Miner
    MCisAwesome95's Avatar
    If you do decide to create a Yt channel, good for you! I wish you luck.

    However, I'd recommend that, instead of focusing on one subject or game, do multiple. Check the recommended page and see what's popular before you make a video, then you'll know what people want to watch at that time. For example, if Among Us gets a big update, it's going to be a more watched game than others that haven't updated drastically lately. Making an Among Us video at that time would give you a big boost in views!

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