Migglesticks's Avatar
Level 36
Artisan Toast

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    05/04/2014 11:02 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Sure, why not? Give mine a go. I'm interested in what the result will be.

    MigglesticksIGN: Migglesticks
    Pose: Try using the pose from my PMC avatar.
    Item Held: None.
    Program: Doesn't matter to me.
    Anything Else?: Nope.
    01/04/2014 2:10 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Or simply adjust the hue. That's under a minute of work, right there.
    11/25/2013 10:32 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar

    One of these things is not like the other.

    And that is officially the extent of my creativity for the moment.
    01/24/2013 5:50 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Sure, I'll give it a go.

    IGN: Migglesticks

    Skype: Private. If required, I will provide it through PM, should there be any interest in my application.

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Maturity: Well, that depends really. I'm certainly not going to start fights with any member of your community (I'm quite immune to any form of anger), nor am I the type to pick on/abuse others with my powers/etc. And I've always been unaffected by trolls/ranting/etc. But I have a very casual attitude and approach. I'm both cynical and sarcastic (in a good-natured way), and I may be found difficult to understand in terms of discussion/humor by younger individuals.

    I am very professional when the situation warrants professionalism. At any other time, my casual side takes over.

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

    Nationality: USA

    Previous positions(proof will be needed): I've had a fair amount of past positions, but none that I could actually prove, as most of those servers are defunct by now. So, let's pretend I didn't have any.

    Current positions(will it impact server activity?): None.

    Plugin knowledge: I'm quite experienced with Bukkit-based plugins, and have done a lot of experimentation with them. IConomy, Multi-World plugins, a great deal others. Anything Tekkit, not so much, but as far as I can tell, I do not require knowledge on Tekkit.

    Command knowledge: I know them very well, and those I forget I can quickly look up/figure out within a very small time frame.

    Reason we should pick you: None in particular. That's entirely up to you.

    Have you ever been banned?: Of the 100+ servers I've been on, I've been banned thrice. All for reasons I am not aware of, so I'm afraid I cannot explain my transgressions, not knowing them myself.
    12/07/2012 7:51 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Name: Migglesticks
    Hostile or peaceful: Passive-aggressive. Or hostile, if the technology is not yet viable.
    Drop: 0 - 2 Villager spawn eggs. I despise the little ninnies, therefore I trap their body and soul. In eggs.
    Hearts: 10. Same as a player or creeper.
    Any additonal info or request: N/A
    Ah yes, Link to your skin: http://i.imgur.com/3yrRJ.png
    12/07/2012 5:09 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Well, why not? I'd love to see how you draw mine.

    Request: Migglesticks
    Name: Migglesticks
    Skin: http://www.mcskinsearch.com/skin/Migglesticks
    Details: Sitting on a TNT block. If you could also make the red eye glow, that'd be fairly awesome.
    Other: None.
    Background: None. Preferably transparent or white.
    11/09/2012 5:33 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    IGN: Migglesticks

    Age: 19

    Why you want to join Atlas: None in particular, really. The closest reason would probably be "boredom."

    Time Zone/Country: EST

    Build Experience: Well, I've owned Minecraft for since alpha. And I've never really stopped playing since then, if it's any real indication. Most of my time is spent in creative for this very purpose. Though make no mistake, I'm certainly no master. Definitely not on the level of Block Fortress or such.

    For one, I'll tell you that while I can build exterior buildings and such, they are not my specialty. And I'm absolutely terrible with Terraforming (landscaping/non building related). However, if you need the interior of any building, dungeon, or whatever to be made beautiful, I can make that happen.

    Previous Builds: I've not released many of my builds to the public, but here's some I have/couple screenshots.

    Runescape in Minecraft: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... minecraft/

    Atmospheric Prison Block Interior: http://i.imgur.com/1wbVD.png | http://i.imgur.com/LtVNi.png

    Inn A Hat: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... on-series/

    Build Rating: I'd say 6 or 7/10 on my exterior building, 3/10 on my landscaping, and 9/10 on interior design. I'd also give my redstone a 7 or 8/10. While I'm not sethbling or disco, I have a pretty vast understanding of making redstone work.
    11/09/2012 4:28 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar

    Like this? http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/daf ... bangalter/

    I didn't make it. I just made use of the search bar.
    11/07/2012 3:02 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    It's not actually the first time I've created a texture pack from scratch, but they were mutually exclusive for a server or a few youtubers. I've created two 16x16's, two 32x32's, and one 64x64 from scratch (this doesn't include the countless amounts of texture pack editing I've done for personal aesthetics). I've not tried making any of the other dimensions quite yet.

    This is going to be my first "publicly released" pack though.

    Looking for everyone's personal preference as opposed to what would be better or easier for me. I can assure you that any of them are quite doable on my end (well, aside from 512x512 or 256x256, but that doesn't stop me from listing them if it's a preference)
    11/02/2012 11:32 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Get me a clearer image, and we'll see.
    10/27/2012 4:01 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    BS? Ah...you know what that also stands for, right?
    10/23/2012 10:31 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    While I am all for the advances in attempting to stop spambots and autovoters, I feel I must step in and express my own dismay at the new CAPTCHA.

    I mean, come on. There's obviously six squares and six triangles in each of those, yet it tells me I'm wrong each time. When I try to count things extra or such that may *look* like a triangle/square, it still counts me wrong regardless of the number I put in (for instance, I tried eight since there's two very dark grey looking triangles to the far right, still got it wrong. Tried seven, wrong). Unless there's some sort of optical illusion I'm not seeing here (which should not be used in CAPTCHA), or there's some sort of hidden rule for pointing out squares/triangles, I'm pretty confident I'm correct in my numbers.

    A CAPTCHA is meant to confuse and ward off bots, not the users of its community. And there's some of us who actually want to vote for our favorite servers without the promise of reward or some such. I've been trying for over half an hour now, and the closest I've come to is one right and one wrong on a different CAPTCHA (the right one was correct based on obvious black squares. Rather than some sort of optical illusion it wants me to see.)
    10/16/2012 8:08 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    I Wanna Be The Guy.

    It will crush the very essence of your soul, and while you're down...crying in the mud, it'll give you a good kick in the testicles.
    09/19/2012 12:59 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    I will forward this once more, after I went back and read through your entire post 50 times somehow missing the vital information each time.

    Well, with that logical paradox out of the way, why not make an application myself, I suppose.

    I am applying for Head Administrator.

    IGN: Migglesticks and Mod_Odd

    Maturity: Hm. 8/10. I never let irresponsibility get the better of me (so you will not see me misusing powers), though I can be quite the weirdie in terms of conversational companionship. Not really into sexual innuendo, but I tend to discuss rather odd topics. My grammar can also be a little...advanced.

    Gender: Most assuredly male.

    What Rank?: Head Administrator

    Experience with Staff: I've not done much staffing in terms of Minecraft servers. I've been moderator a whole three times (and those servers did not last), though I have ran my own servers on occasion, and know my way around commands and such. I'm normally the one hosting a server for my own friends when we play Minecraft together. And I know my way around Bukkit/Tekkit and their associated plugins.

    I've ran several of my own (some fairly large) websites/forums (much like the forum we are on, PMC's), however. Over the past 6 or 7 years, I've probably operated around 20 websites, and staffed many others not of my proprietorship as a moderator, webmaster, or administrator.

    Anybody who'll recommend you?: Not particularly. No one from the PMC community, anywho.

    Anything Else: (The question(s) have been answered)
    1337 V.S. Master Cheif
    09/19/2012 12:38 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    As in, for me to read your whole post? (Which I did) Or you read *my* whole post?

    Well, regardless. Delightful. Rejection is quite adorable.
    09/19/2012 12:25 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Well, with that logical paradox out of the way, why not make an application myself, I suppose.

    I am applying for Head Administrator.

    IGN: Migglesticks and Mod_Odd

    Maturity: Hm. 8/10. I never let irresponsibility get the better of me (so you will not see me misusing powers), though I can be quite the weirdie in terms of conversational companionship. Not really into sexual innuendo, but I tend to discuss rather odd topics. My grammar can also be a little...advanced.

    Gender: Most assuredly male.

    What Rank?: Head Administrator

    Experience with Staff: I've not done much staffing in terms of Minecraft servers. I've been moderator a whole three times (and those servers did not last), though I have ran my own servers on occasion, and know my way around commands and such. I'm normally the one hosting a server for my own friends when we play Minecraft together. And I know my way around Bukkit/Tekkit and their associated plugins.

    I've ran several of my own (some fairly large) websites/forums (much like the forum we are on, PMC's), however. Over the past 6 or 7 years, I've probably operated around 20 websites, and staffed many others not of my proprietorship as a moderator, webmaster, or administrator.

    Anybody who'll recommend you?: Not particularly. No one from the PMC community, anywho.

    Anything Else: Is this server you're running actually server-based or Hamachi-based? And, if I may ask, how many player slots?
    09/19/2012 12:07 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Your rank of "Head Co-Owner" is such a strange contradictory title. The original title of "Co-Owner" implies that one actually OWNS the server in part alongside the original owner. Which should mean that the "Head Co-Owner" is you. But apparently it's. Not.

    Such an oddity, your ranking system.
    09/15/2012 9:56 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    The most amusing thing about large communities is that you'll actually find it more difficult to advertise on them than you would for smaller communities. Because large communities are where most people come to advertise their projects rather than actually view other projects.

    Out of those 5000 people online, you're not the only one attempting to advertise a server. A very nice portion of those 5000 are trying to advertise for their own servers, or simply want to join an already-awesome super mega-built server.

    Need more pizzaz if you want others to join. As in, pretty pictures. Why would people want to join your server as opposed to the many awesome builds already out there? Get some awesomeness built on your server, and show it off. And then desperately ensure your server reaches the eyes of others (bumping your server in lists/etc)
    09/15/2012 9:40 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    PrisonCraft you say? I do so love building prisons. Like (part of) this one, for instance.

    06/09/2012 3:47 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Toast
    Migglesticks's Avatar
    Errr. No.

    For one, just because someone developed the game doesn't make them the best at something. A lot of a game's player's far surpass the developers in terms of skill, regardless of the game.

    Second, if you've heard Disco's voice in some of the video's he's in (Race for the Wool comes to mind), and Notch's/Jeb's in interviews, you'll find they're quite different.

    There's quite a few more reasons, but those are the first that come to mind.

    I can pretty much put a guarantee on the fact that Disco is neither Notch or Jeb.


    Won't argue with the fact that he's a "redstone god" though.

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