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    • LugiaGal-'s Avatar
      LugiaGal- posted to guest book of MinecraftMinun's AvatarMinecraftMinun
      February 14, 2020, 4:50 pm to Public
      I Love your birds! :D
      MinecraftMinun replied to MinecraftMinun's comment below 2020-02-27 23:48:36
      MinecraftMinun's Avatar
      Now that you've mentioned chickens, I suddenly have a list of different chicken breeds that I plan to make sometime in the future.
      MinecraftMinun replied to LugiaGal-'s comment below 2020-02-17 19:23:47
      MinecraftMinun's Avatar
      I've still got a lot more parrot skins I've yet to upload.
      LugiaGal- said 2020-02-15 07:41:02
      LugiaGal-'s Avatar
      Oh I love birds and I think I have too many submitted parrot Mob skins.
      I'm thinking on starting to do chickens. XD
      MinecraftMinun said 2020-02-14 19:45:21
      MinecraftMinun's Avatar
      Thanks! I'm not sure why I make so many parrot skins (I don't have any special interest in birds) but I'm glad to see that you appreciate them.
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