MiniMe023's Avatar
Level 21 Expert Miner

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    12/22/2012 3:58 am
    Level 21 : Expert Miner
    MiniMe023's Avatar
    IGN: MiniMe023
    Skype: I prefer not to share this on the internet, please PM me if needed.
    Age? (years) 14 years of age
    Maturity (0-10): 9
    Timezone (If US, what state?) GMT + 11:00
    How long have you been playing minecraft? (Months) 10 Months
    How often do you play minecraft? (Hours per day) 2 Hours
    Do you have previous staff position experience?(including proof)
    Owner [OP]: Mineplex – Currently Down – IP:
    Co – Owner [OP]: EnderCraft – Left Server – IP:
    Super Admin [OP]: Cordite – Shut Down – IP:
    GFX Designer / Admin [OP]: ArtSandCraft – Shut Down – N/A (Deleted)
    Moderator [OP]: MoonCraft – I Had A Break From MC – IP: N/A (Deleted)
    Moderator [OP]: No Name Server – Shut Down – IP:
    Moderator on many other servers though I do not feel the need to list them all.
    Do you know what Nodus is, and have you used it? Yes I am aware of what Nodus is, I have used it once on a server of which I was an admin on and I was required to use it to catch hackers, ect. I have not and will not use it for hacking/griefing reasons.
    Have you ever been banned on a server and why? Yes, I was banned from RayCraft though it was because we go in an IRL fight (Not Physical).
    If you were given Op status, what is the FIRST thing you would do? I would play Minecraft all the same and I wouldn't take advantage of it. I would use it also to help out other players in need as well.
    If you were saw a fellow staff member abusing his/her powers what would you do? I would report it to a member of staff that has the authority to deal with the person.
    Why do you want to be a part of the VikingCraft staff? I would love to be apart of the Vikingcraft staff team as I believe I am very experienced with Minecraft servers as well as I have very good people skills (I have 4 siblings). If i was to become a part of the VikingCraft team I believe I would be a great asset and would help in making VikingCraft a safe and enjoyable experience for all. I am also very experienced with plugins as when I ran my own server I setup and configured every plugin (Over 30)
    What characteristics make you a qualified staff member? I am smart and very good with people as well as very experienced and patient.
    What are the rules regarding hacking? Hacking rules are very strict and will not be tolerated on VikingCraft.
    Are you an extrovert or not? I am somewhat of an extrovert though I am quite sensible and responsible.
    Experience with plugins:
    Essentials (For Bans): I am quite experienced with the banning system included with the essentials plugins, Essentials can be used for banning players who have disobeyed the rules. Players can be banned either permanently or temporarily. If a player breaks a rule that is not sever enough to receive a ban a player can be kicked from the server as a warning. The main commands used for this plugin are:
    /tempban <PlayerName> (Temporarily bans a player)
    /ban <PlayerName> (Bans a player)
    /kick <PlayerName> (Kicks a player)
    MCBans/MCBouncer: Havent really used Mcbans/Mcbouncer much but know it is used for temporary and permanent bans either local or global.
    Commands I know:
    /ban <Player Name> <reason>
    /lookup <Player Name>
    /kick <Player Name>
    /unban <Player Name>
    /tempban <Player Name> <duration> <m(minute) or h(hour) or d(day), w(week)>
    /mcbans offline
    /mcbans online
    /mcbans status
    HawkEye: Have used HawkEye before and I’m pretty good with it, it is used for finding and rolling back griefers, you must select a block with the Hawk ‘Tool’ (/Hawk tool). You can then rollback the block you have selected by typing /Hawk rollback <Parimeters>
    LogBlock: Have used Logblock before and i'm pretty good with it, it is used for finding and rolling back griefers.
    Commands I know:
    /lb world
    /lb area [radius]
    /lb player [name] <radius>
    /lb block [type] <radius>
    /lb rollback player [name] <time> <minutes|hours|days>
    /lb rollback area [radius] <time> <minutes|hours|days>
    /lb rollback playerarea [name] [radius] <time> <minutes|hours|days>
    /lb rollback selection <time> <minutes|hours|days>.
    /lb me
    World Edit: I fell like I was born to use world edit; it is one of my favourite plugins and probably one of my biggest strong points. World edit is used to replace, delete change and much more, you must make a selection with the WorldEdit ‘Wand’ (//wand) or by typing //pos1 and //pos2. The main commands are
    //set (Sets the area to a selected block/s)
    (I can also use percentages E.g. //set 25%98:1,25%98:2,50%98)
    //walls (Makes walls on the selected area in the selected block)
    //faces (Adds faces to a selected are in the selected block)
    There are many more but I wont name them
    World Guard: I am nearly as good with world guard as I am with world edit. World guard is used to protect regions and much more, you must make a selection with the WorldEdit ‘Wand’ or by using the //pos1 and //pos2 commands!
    /region define (Defines/Adds a region)
    /region redefine (Redefines the region area)
    /region flag
    (Adds ‘Flags’ that can allow/deny things such as TNT, PvP or Mob-Spawning
    (I could list all of the flags I know but I believe it would be rather pointless.)
    /region priority <id> <priority>
    Anything else you want us to know? Thank you for taking the time to read this, any response will be appreciated.
    12/22/2012 3:32 am
    Level 21 : Expert Miner
    MiniMe023's Avatar
    Whats your in-game name?
    My Minecraft in-game name isMiniMe023
    How old are you?
    I am 14 Years of age.
    Staff Job applying for:
    I am applying for the job of Moderator, Administrator or Builder.
    Rate your maturity on a scale of 1 - 10:
    On a scale of 1-10 I believe my level of maturity is a 9.
    Rate your grammar on a scale of 1 - 10:
    On a scale of 1-10 I believe my grammar skills are a 9.
    What kind of person are you? (Funny, thoughtful etc.)
    I believe I am a humourus, sensible, mature,thoughtful and caring person, I also have good people skills.
    Do you have any experience of being staff if so state a server?
    Previous server expierience.
    Owner [OP]: Mineplex – Currently Down – IP: (With AlexSossi98)
    Co – Owner [OP]: EnderCraft – Left Server – IP:
    Super Admin [OP]: Cordite – Shut Down – IP:
    GFX Designer / Admin [OP]: ArtSandCraft – Shut Down – N/A (Deleted)
    Moderator [OP]: MoonCraft – I Had A Break From MC – IP: N/A (Deleted)
    Moderator [OP]: No Name Server – Shut Down – IP:
    Moderator on many other servers though I do not feel the need to list them all.
    What's your timezone?
    My timezone is GMT + 11:00.
    How many hours per day or week will you be able to dedicate?
    I can dedicate up to 2 hours a day on weekdays though not over the christmas period.
    Why should I choose you to join our staff team (Make it long)?
    I believe that I should be a staff member on ColdCraft Tekkit as I have experience with many other servers and plugins. I would love to be apart of the ColdCraft team as I believe I could make ColdCraft a better place. If you accept me as a staff member of ColdCraft I would pledge to be on as much as possible and help out as much as I could and I believe I would be a great asset to the ColdCraft team. Other than working as apart of the ColdCraft staff team I also do some GFX design, if this is required of me feel free to look at my portfolio;
    If builder, give a lengthy paragraph of what you have done pictures required.
    I have made many great builds on Minecraft but sadly I do not have pictures of them on this computer as it is rather new.
    Tu hablas espanol?
    Lo siento, no hablo español
    04/17/2012 1:26 am
    Level 21 : Expert Miner
    MiniMe023's Avatar
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    My name is Max from Mineplex; Minecraft server located in Australia. Mineplex Is run by 3 experienced operators,I have included a brief of our respective backgrounds.

    Max Levey: Co-Owned, server: Raycraft, I have also been Admin on Cordite. I have lots of experience with plugins, the plugins i am best at are: WorldEdit, WorldGuard, GroupManager and many others.I will be the main person doing plugins and configuration. I also once

    Alex Sossi: Also a Co-Owner of Raycraft and Admin of Cordite.Alex runs a small hamachi server just for our group of friends and knows how to install plugins and much more that would be needed for the server.

    Jack Butler: Was a Super-Admin on Raycraft and PrimeBuilder on Cordite. Jack also runs a Hamachi server that we use to test things on such as plugins and config. Jack is currently doing configuration of the groups that we will have.

    As you can see we are all experienced with plugins and servers. All of our servers we have been and Admin or Co-Owner on have had lots of traffic.

    Mineplex is in the Beta stages, plugins,map,configs and players, all that is needed for our server is hosting, and that is why I am writing to you today. I am proposing that if you hosted our server we would advertise you on the server; at spawn, broadcasted and much more, on youtube; put you at the start and finish of all videos and on the Mineplex forums.

    Thank-you for your time,looking forward to hearing from you.

    -Max Levey,
    The Mineplex Team
    04/16/2012 3:00 am
    Level 21 : Expert Miner
    MiniMe023's Avatar
    I Will Do Your Ranks For You But I Will Need Atleast Admin And If That Isnt Possible Moderator. I Took The Liberty Of Doing The Ranks Already So If You Send Me The IP And Make Me Admin/Moderator I Will Send You The File In A PM
    04/16/2012 2:52 am
    Level 21 : Expert Miner
    MiniMe023's Avatar
    I would be happy to do you a groups.yml file that will work 100% with as many ranks as you like for a small amount of money.

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