MothIsManic's Avatar
Level 1
New Explorer

So you wanna get to know me?

My name is Moth! Its not a nickname, it's my real name.
I'm 27 years old.
Please don’t interact if you’re under the age of 18, thank you!

I'm non-binary & use they/them pronouns.

I'm happily taken!.

I'm demisexual panromantic, but I'm really just gay as fuck.

I'm disabled, & am aspiring to be a streamer.

I really, really like anime. I'm basically weeb trash at this point.
I mostly play Minecraft on PS5, but just started getting back into it on PC.
I'm pretty socially awkward, & have a hard time talking to other people & playing with them, but I usually warm up after about a week of awkwardness.
I run my own Facebook meme page with over 200k followers!
I play a lot of FFXIV outside of Minecraft.
I like cows, bats, Bulbasaur, mint green, chicken tenders, sushi, anime boys with white hair, anime girls with blue hair, & Pietro from Animal Crossing.

If there's anything you would like to know, feel free to ask! I might update this from time to time!

Member Statistics

890Profile views
14Experience points
1Forum threads
1Discussion posts
Dec 4, 2019Joined PMC
MothIsManicMinecraft Name

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