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    Mr. Blox
    10/27/2011 7:42 am
    Level 41 : Master Blockhead
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    Dude i have 2 computers and yes this one is shitty, dualcore, intel, windows vista, blah blah blah my other one thats my baby quad core, geoforce, amd, window7. so you might ass well shut the fuck up

    So your laptop has geoforce!? That sounds VERY interesting
    Mr. Blox
    10/05/2011 3:34 pm
    Level 41 : Master Blockhead
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    Faroese (Dont speak this one, but I understand it)
    3 first are very similar, though there are auite a few words and frases that are different.
    Mr. Blox
    09/26/2011 2:22 am
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    it'snotfairtobullythefleas has to be my favorite seed for survival mode It's a natural survival islands enviroment and playing it on hard difficulty is a sweet challenge.

    Good Luck & Have Fun
    Mr. Blox
    09/23/2011 6:35 pm
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    Well Miss Carole, assuming the Big Bang theory is true, then your absolutely right about your "heartbeat" idea. Because the logical end will then be a "Big Chrunch" where the entire universe retracts back into the singularity it once came from hence the heartbeat
    Mr. Blox
    09/23/2011 6:08 am
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    I do agree with you on the big bang theory brandman. It leaves to many questions unanswered and some of its explanations are simply too far out there...

    But for all our combined knowledge, it is at the moment our best explanation on all there is in the universe. One of the big problems is, that there is nothing we can "see" or measure from the time prior to BB, rendering it impossible to say anything remotely true about it.

    So for the time being BB is probably the way to go, but that shouldn't mean that we should just rule out any other explanations there is. Our free imagination and couriosity are our best tools in finding out more about all there is in our universe
    Mr. Blox
    09/23/2011 4:21 am
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    Mr. BloxThe universe as a whole is expanding faster than light can travel in a complete vacuum. This is also on of the prime reasons for why we cannot see all of it. The light emmited from the furthest reaches of our univers will never be visible to us due to distance and the speed of witch the universe is expanding.

    Actually, there are a few scientists who believe that the universe is not surrounded by a vacuum, but something with mass. Perhaps other universes. I will try to find some information about this theory on the internet (you know, the land of truth and honesty).

    Well this is where it gets really philosofic and theoretical. If there is a "something" that surrounds the universe, then the question runs all the way back to BB (Big Bang) - What was there before that event? By far the most scientist I've spoken to and read about for that matter, agree that there was a big fat NOTHING. Time and space came to exist in the moment of BB.
    But I've never really bought that explanation. It conflicts my way of thinking completely that everything should suddenly come to exist out of absolutely nothing.
    So as far as I'm concerned, there had to be something meaning there has to be something beyond our know universe today. Be it other dimentions with other qualities or something else entirely.

    But for now, I think it would serve us best to seek answers regarding Black Holes and anti matter. Black Holes because many belive that these actually came to exist before the first galaxies, making them among the first bodies to be created in our universe.
    Also they probably hold some very interesting properties due to their massive gravitational tug.
    Anti matter simply it most certainly makes up as much as 75% pct of our universe. Unwraveling its secrets is bound to give us some crucial answers regarding all of this.
    Mr. Blox
    09/23/2011 3:39 am
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    Well that figures Physics and expecially the experiments conducted at CERN is something that really interests me!!
    I know that this new discovery holds a BIG if, but in a way I belive that the speed of light was to be broken at some point.

    The universe as a whole is expanding faster than light can travel in a complete vacuum. This is also on of the prime reasons for why we cannot see all of it. The light emmited from the furthest reaches of our univers will never be visible to us due to distance and the speed of witch the universe is expanding.

    There are much more to said in this discussion, but my limited english makes it difficult to explain my thoughts on this subject in a proper mannor.

    But thank you IronToastBot for sharing the news from CERN!
    Mr. Blox
    09/21/2011 6:22 pm
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    A whale skin!? wtf lmao.....!

    I'm pretty sure even greenpeace with hunt this "beast" to extinction
    Mr. Blox
    09/21/2011 6:05 pm
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    Creative FTW

    Okay okay, mostly I play creative because I really really REALLY love the creative aspect and freedom of Minecraft.

    But I do also engage in survival on hard difficulty every now and then, because the job of building a great house is so much more challenging with angry mobs stalking you
    Mr. Blox
    09/20/2011 3:26 pm
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    Mr. Bloximo the hungerbar makes for a more realistic feeling, when playing in survival mode.
    Thus it should stay. But making it optional or better yet completely disable it when difficulty is set to easy, would be a better solution. Then those who like a good and honest round of survival can just choose to play at normal or hard and get to play with the hungerbar on.

    YES! I knew I wasn't the only one thinking this!

    Yeah, I for one would LOVE it if the difficulty level had more options and possibilities to adjusting it Normally I only play in creative mode, but when I do play survival, I want full on action for the money. So the abillity to define my own difficulty would be hit the spot for me
    Mr. Blox
    09/20/2011 3:14 pm
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    imo the hungerbar makes for a more realistic feeling, when playing in survival mode.
    Thus it should stay. But making it optional or better yet completely disable it when difficulty is set to easy, would be a better solution. Then those who like a good and honest round of survival can just choose to play at normal or hard and get to play with the hungerbar on.

    Regarding 1.8 overall. Then I'm definately pro-1.8 it's a beast of an update Sure thing there is a few glitches to be corrected, but hey, the game is still only BETA, so in time I belive it's going to be even more awesome than it is atm
    Mr. Blox
    09/20/2011 5:58 am
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    I belive that the infamous Herobrine has become THE legend of Minecraft No matter how much people try to prove that he doesn't exist, people will still claim to see him. Hell, even if the good Notch himself stands up, shows the source code proving he's not real, people will still claim otherwise

    In my own humble oppinion, I think it's best to just accept the Herobrine as a Minecraft myth/legend. He will ALWAYS be around as such.. Same principles as with conspiracy teories
    But I for one, would greatly appreciate it we could keep the talk about him to a few treads instead of littering the forums with new treads saying the same cr*p over and over again. So on that part I totally agree with you rageman96
    Mr. Blox
    09/18/2011 9:20 pm
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    Herobrine or not.. I'm just wondering, when will people learn to moderate their language in this forum??

    Honestly, it's getting a "little" tireing to read one post after another, where every second word is fuck, dickhead, retard ect ect ect ect.......

    Stop the foul language, speak politely and experience first hand just how great this forum actually can be. To rape an old saying one more time; there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers
    Mr. Blox
    09/13/2011 5:50 am
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    I can log on easily from my location in Norway. So it's not the server.

    But getting the message you get, can also be your own internet provider who has problems. Might also be your router/modem messing with you. Sometimes the traffic to and from the Minecraft server is so massive, that it takes a few tries to log on.

    So my advise would be to wait a minute or two, then try again
    Mr. Blox
    08/26/2011 2:47 pm
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    Not to difficult. You need it in a build like that tower??
    Mr. Blox
    08/26/2011 6:41 am
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    For my sake it depends on the game really.. Normally I prefer to play driving games using the arrow keys. But if its a dual control (mouse+keys) game or if there are more functions than just moving you need to be able to use easily, then WASD is the best. Because more keys located in logical positions compared to the arrow keys. Well just my own view on it anyways
    Mr. Blox
    08/22/2011 4:15 pm
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    This subject is WIDELY discussed in most forums. And as you all seem to agree on, it's just to "cheap" and easy for people to click "down-vote" and never leave a comment on why they didnt like it. The voting system and commentfield should be used constructively to supply authors with feedback and as a on-site mini forum for the particular subject.
    If the down vote button is to be removed, then so should the up vote button. They go hand in hand, because its equaly as important to specify why you like a certain project.

    Pyrius brings a good argument and solution to this matter, however I think it would probably overload the site mods and admins with requests on reviewing and deleting comments. So in the long run I dont think thats a suitable solution.

    Personally I like it much better, when there are no vote buttons at all. Leaving only a comment field "forces" people to state their buisness and voice their opinions, witch often makes for a much more healthy debate.

    Trolls and spammers cannot be dealt with entirely regardless of what solution you use. They just have to be dealt with whenever they show up.
    Mr. Blox
    08/21/2011 7:52 am
    Level 41 : Master Blockhead
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    Griefing.. Well as with so much else, there is (or can be) many many sides to it. Reasons for people to do it or not. But most of it depends on several situations combining into a motive. Me, I not a griefer. Why? Because personally, I get pissed to a point where I feel like ruining someones day when other people destroy whatever I spend time on creating. That is of course unless I purposly made it to be destroyed.

    So for me it would be highly immoral to do it.

    Regarding your argument QroCakes. You state that you do it mostly to uncover flaws in server security and put in that way it gets the touch of a noble cause. But wouldnt even you agree to, that there are better ways to let people know about mistakes and flaws but to ruin others work?? Even though its just a game??

    I'm not trolling on you nor am I trying to negate your honest position, it's just that I'm of this oppinion that griefing is wrong and a display in lack of respect unless the server rules states that it's okay to do

    I think the debate is a healthy one, griefing is one of those major subjects of Minecraft that probably never close because there are so many ways to play this game
    Mr. Blox
    08/19/2011 2:23 pm
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    There are many great things to love about Minecraft really. But for me one of the most enjoyable things is the vast freedom to express creativity. The game can seem very limited in it's purpose. (No way to actually complete it), but in effect is not at all limited! Understand the game, and it becomes close to unlimited.

    Seen strictly from a gamers perspective, then it's just awesome how the guys behind it has choosen to develop the game. The sandbox method and that they actually include user inputs to the final product in order to give the game the character the gamers want. Thats worth a big fat thumps up from me

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