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Level 32
Artisan Warrior

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    11/27/2017 8:21 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    I agree.
    11/20/2017 8:22 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    IGN: Froged

    Age: 19

    Staff position I am applying for: Admin

    Past experience related to said position: This is something that i have a lot of actually, with having 2 past successful minecraft servers myself, along with administrating and being a Moderator on countless other servers, i'm strongly believe i have the necessary experience to help take care of the server and make everything is functioning properly.

    Do you meet the requirements for said position? (Yes/No): I firmly believe that i do.

    If not, what requirement(s) are you lacking?: Although i do have the experience to the position i'm applying for, i've taken a break from Minecraft and i've recently jumped back in, i just need to refreshen on a couple things and then i'll be all squared away.

    Hours/Days of availability: This varies because of my job, i don't have a consistent schedule but for i will for sure be able to be on for multiple hours a day.

    Extra info: My name is Tim, and i just wanted to thank you for taking the time to review this application and consider me a potential candidate.
    06/19/2017 3:37 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    1) Basic Information -
    Minecraft username: Froged
    Previous Minecraft usernames: Mr_Fantika
    Timezone: UTC-6:00
    Age: 19
    Do you have access to Skype and a working microphone?: Yes i do.
    Skype Name: Fantika0
    Do you have Discord? Yes i do, ReTeKo#9073
    Are you multilingual? No, I only speak English.
    Position Applying For?: Admin if available, if not, any other will do just fine.
    Do you meet all staff requirements?: I do, yes.

    2) When are you most active on minecraft? I'm mostly active on the weekends, but i can still play a decent amount of time on the weekdays.
    What game types do you play? Do you actively use the forums? I play all sorts of games, i have a "Beefy" PC so i play on Steam a lot.

    3) How much time do you have to contribute to the role? Normally i have about 6-8 hours everyday to contribute.

    4) Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, please include details. Yes, when i first started playing Minecraft i was one of those annoying young kids and got myself banned for being annoying and such.

    5) Tell us about a time you made a mistake? How did you deal with it? What did you learn? There was one time where i messed up on directions while driving and made a wrong turn. I then used the GPS on my phone to get us back on the right route. I learned to always use a GPS.

    Gotta love technology!

    6) If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Minecraft ? I'm a very physically active person, i love to run and swim and do body weight calisthenics and every now and then i'll pump some iron.

    7) Do you have any previous server moderation or leadership experience?
    If so explain what role you played, what skills/experiences you picked up and how this will help you in your role as a staff member?
    Yes i do actually, i've staffed on countless servers and at one point owned a server of my own. It got popular but i decided to shut it down because i became very busy with school and my future career field. I was also in the Navy for a short while, i was in a program called Delayed Entry Program(DEP) and was part of a special area in that program. I don't wish to disclose the details publicly but i was the leader of this group and lead other great guys in rigorous workouts. I recently got out because i promised my mother i would try at least a semester of college before shipping out, so i have time to give to the server currently and should be able to for a while.

    8) Why should we accept you on to our team and what will you contribute to the server? I believe you should accept me because of my prior experience and because i'm a mature person who can take care of the needs of the higher ranking officials and as well as the needs of the players. I'm a fun and great guy to be around but also can be firm and do my job correctly and efficiently. I know what a server needs and i know i can supply.

    9) Are you staff on any other server? Have you recently applied for staff on any other servers? I'm not currently staff on any other servers, and i haven't applied to any others. I won't apply to any others unless turned down here.

    10) Anything else we should know?
    I know Minecraft is fun, but get outside and get active!
    Also, Thanks for taking the time to carefully review this application, and for considering me for the requested position.

    10/12/2016 12:10 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    10/08/2016 5:38 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    10/08/2016 2:24 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    10/06/2016 11:56 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    10/05/2016 9:41 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    - *First Name:Tim

    - *Age:18

    - *Rank you are Applying for?: Admin

    - *Experience as a Staff Member/ Builder?: Now this is something that i have in abundance.After staffing on countless server and eventually owning a few successful servers i can proudly say that i have a great amount experience for the server and players alike.

    - *Maturity (1-10): 9

    - Do you think you are right for the job?: I believe very qualified for this title.

    - How well do you handle stressful situations?: I handle these type's of situations as if they're not stressful at all. It's easy to just slow things down a bit and solve everything out.

    - *Why should you be picked?:Because i have lots of experience when it comes to running a successful server and being helpful. I'm mature and a great guy to be around, but i can also be very strict and firm when needed to be. I think i could make a great addition to the current staff team and help this server reach new heights.
    02/25/2016 10:41 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    02/21/2016 10:48 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    Rank you are applying for (Helper/Mod): Mod

    Name: Tim

    Age: 17

    Timezone: Central Time Zone

    Minecraft Username: Froged

    Skype Username:Fantika0

    [1]Why do you think you would make a good staff member? Because i am devoted and loyal and have a lot of experience in this field. I'm smart and professional and strict when need to be.

    [4]Are you currently staff on other servers? No. I focus on one server at a time.

    [5]What are some ways you can improve DesultoryFactions? I can increase the security and provide a hack free environment, i'm very helpful and understand what i am talking about.

    [6]If you were in a situation not suitable for your rank what would you do to handle it?
    Investigate it as much as possible and bring it up to higher authority if needed.

    [7]How active will you be on forums and in game? I'm fairly active on forums, so i will be on a lot to make sure everything is running smoothly.

    [8]How would you deal with a Hacked client?
    Investigate him and see what he's up to, i wouldn't jump to conclusions until i have enough evidence. I would warn him and if he continues, then a ban.

    [9]Will you help advertise the server, on websites, forums, to your friends, etc. (Not on other servers)?
    Of course.

    [10]Do you have any experience? This is something that a have a lot of, i've staffed on countless servers and have even owned a couple successful servers. I know what i am dealing with and can work perfectly without any guidance.

    [11]Why should we choose you over others? No fair way to answer this, but i can guarantee that i will do my job to the best of my ability and make sure everything is running well.
    02/10/2016 8:36 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    02/10/2016 8:35 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    02/03/2016 8:57 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    10/03/2015 9:14 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
    Mr_Fantika's Avatar
    IGN - ImperialGerman
    Age - 17
    Gender - Male
    Staff Position - Moderator
    Why - I think i can take my experience and help make the server better. I love to help out and i'm very mature when it comes to a job as serious as this.
    Experience - An easy way to put it, i've owned my own servers and have staffed on countless servers. I know what i am doing and i do it right the first time, you'll never have a problem with me.
    Extra info - I'm a fun but mature when i need to be guy, thanks for taking the time to read this.
    04/13/2015 11:24 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    04/13/2015 7:49 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    04/12/2015 11:48 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    04/12/2015 11:35 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    Improper format
    04/12/2015 11:32 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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    Invalid skype.
    04/12/2015 11:32 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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