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Apprentice Explorer

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    05/06/2018 11:00 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    IGN: Imagineering
    Age: 18
    Country: United States
    Time zone: EST/EDT
    When did you start playing MC: Late 2010
    Reasons for playing: I stopped playing for a while actually. I've recently come back to the game because of all the new things that have been added. I have also gotten an interest in building and making stuff in vanilla minecraft to make the game easier for me (Mining quarries, farms, etc).
    Schedule (Available on weekends, weeknights etc.): I am available both weeknights and weekends. Once it hits mid-June I will be playing once or twice a week due to a job I have taken.
    Do you have discord: Yes. It is Imagineering#0981
    Additional information: Nope
    Favourite TV show: Andy Griffith Show, The Office, and Family Guy when I need background noise.
    Favourite Movie or series: Avengers/MCU is one of my favorites, as well as a lot of Disney movies.
    Favourite Music Genre: I like ELO and Bruce Springsteen. A lot of 80's music as well.
    12/09/2012 2:14 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    FYI- I am shooting for a head-admin through mod


    12/09/2012 2:05 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    1. IGN MrMk27
    2. Age 13
    3. Maturity lvl: 9 or 8, i'll get mad sometimes but im usually good, just don't work me up
    4. building lvl: 10, I heart building! its what i love about minecraft. I'm not sure if you know but I am a graduate of the marithina building academy!
    5. plugin configuration lvl: 9 I can figure out alot of plugins easily, its just one of those very diffrent servers, from plugins i normally use to ones i have no idea to work! lol
    6. plugin knowledge lvl: 9, I played on alot of servers that got disbanned or shutdown forever, while playing they taught me and gave me knowledge for other servers
    7. Command knowledge lvl: 8 I am great with commands! the only downside is towny, im going to have to work on that...
    8. How long estimated can you stay on the server a day: 3-4 hours weekdays, all day weekends, unless there is a conflict
    9. Why do you think you should be recruited for the server staff: I think its time a new player becomes staff and proves his responsibility, i want to gain a trust with every single person on the server. Even if it means to go all out. I also think this server has a great community and nice staff and i want to be apart of that group!
    10. How can you help the server out: Whenever a staff member is stressed out i can help him with watever he needs. when im asked to do something, i'll do it right away to get the job done, then relax and feel the greatness of accomplishment! not procrasinator ghost! Whenever a griefer or hacker is online i'll be notified and ill kick him, if he continues i'll ban him. When a member is in trouble i will solve the problem immeadiatly, even if it means banning
    11. How would you help a member in need of help: I would tp to him and ask, "what is wrong?" he will proceed and tell me. I will go to the cause and fix it. Afterwards i will help him with anything else he needs!
    12. Do you like the server: I do not like it at all! I LOVE IT! lol XD [ I am a very humerous guy]
    13. What experience do you have: Well... I am op on Grave's server [a member who plays on redstone inc] and a op on my friends server. i also have op expierience on kongcraft, a now shutdown server! There i found out how to do everything i know now!

    I hope you consider and put me on your team!

    08/26/2012 3:05 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    IGN: MrMk27

    Age: 14

    Area: Builder Maybe Admin idk What You'll Think

    Why pick me: I Build Some Amazing Things Like Temples And Towers I Love Minecraft And That Wasn't Really Good... Maybe I Should've Sticked To Herion

    Skype or any way to contact you outside the server : MrMk27

    only if you want builder questions:

    Building skill: 8

    prove of your skill:

    Style: Temples/Medieval Things/Modern Stuff
    08/26/2012 2:36 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    Skype: rylee124
    Why Do You Want Staff: I think you are nice!
    What Would I Benifet Out Of Making You Staff: I am just, nice, and I like to resolve arguments!
    How Would You Help The Server: I would try to help people who are new to Minecraft and resolve arguments!
    What Would You Be Most Happy About Being Staff: Being able to help people!
    Will You Have Fun: I will have fun without abusing!
    Will You Invite Poeple Onto The Server: I am gonna invite ALL my friends!
    How Much Do You Play Minecraft: I play almost all day!
    Will You Be Dedicated To This Server: I will most likely be (Between my youtube channel of course!)
    Are You Glad This Applacation Is Done: I kinda like applications so no!


    Rank: MOD
    08/26/2012 2:30 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    08/24/2012 8:54 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    08/24/2012 8:50 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    08/24/2012 8:48 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    08/24/2012 8:43 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    Ip= :d Herpity Derp Derp A.K.A Retardation Station XD

    08/22/2012 8:21 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    IGN: MrMk27
    How Long You've Been Playing Minecraft (Ex: Beta 1.3) Alpha
    Age: 14
    WorldEdit Skills? Amazing
    What you would build if You're Hired: Anything Woody 239 Wants
    Would You build it on the server or in Singleplayer? The Server
    08/21/2012 1:14 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    App: Head-Admin/Admin
    Maturity 1-10: 9
    Age (optional): 14
    Experience as Mod or Admin: Im OP On 4 Servers
    PvP Level 1-10: 10
    IGN: MrMk27
    08/04/2012 11:48 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    Ill help
    IGN: MrMk27
    im good at building decorations and stuff also im on the voxel box to that might help with my exception
    07/23/2012 2:30 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    wuts the username to the hamachi network?
    07/22/2012 10:29 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    Your nickname: MrMk27 or call me Mr
    Your age:14
    How long have you been playing Minecraft: Ever since the begginings of Alpha
    In what are you good (redstone,structures...): Building Houses (VoxelBox) Redstone (Not alot just a little)
    Why do you want to be an OP: Becuase i want to help the server grow also i have expirience with this becuase I am Op on 3 diffrent servers. also i want tpo help creative a safe friendly fun and great Griefer free server

    I hope you consider me on being with your team of staff
    Thanks for reading!

    07/18/2012 4:31 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    my IGN: MrMk27 can u whitelist me? and can i be an admin?
    i am op on 3 servers i own one too also every other server ive been on im mod
    I have been banned 3 times y?
    1st My Arch nemises server i hate him he banned me
    2nd some admin was advertising and i said be quiet and no advertising and he banned me for talking back
    3rd i got on this random server the said F*ck off and banned me for bieng a b*tch
    i mean wut the h*ll?
    Thank you for taking your time reading this
    07/05/2012 5:21 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    MrMk27's Avatar
    I'll Be a Builder If You Want

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