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    01/14/2014 9:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    01/12/2014 5:16 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar Here's the link to my channel come and join me for FUN Minecraft Gamplays!
    08/11/2013 10:35 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Check out my channel for some Minecraft Mini-Games

    Please Subscribe!

    Thank You!
    07/28/2013 4:25 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    I want: Co-Partner (or partner in crime well not basically in bad things lol)
    Age: I am 15 years old
    Skype : My skype is MinerRocks
    IGN: MutantRage
    A description of what you would do to help this server: I can advertise your server because im making a youtube video i can put it on every on my video. And also i can donate because why not i want to help.
    Some other Server Hosting experience: Yes i've been admin on a cracked server but they De-op me when i've got my premium account.
    How Often are you on minecraft: I'm always online don't worry
    Could I trust you? Yes you can. we will make this server popular as possible and we will make this server awesome. and yes i'm making a youtube Trolling/Griefing video but trust me i just want a another server that need's help.
    07/28/2013 4:17 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    There are no players!
    07/28/2013 4:06 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    What position are you aiming for?- So im aiming for a position of admin.
    Age?- Im 15 years old
    Maturity Level- Very high
    Time Zone- UTC/GMT singapore
    Skype- My skype is MinerRocks
    Why should we except you?- Because i have some experience from handling and minecraft server and also im always online so that i can help players that need's help
    Previous experience?-I've been admin on a cracked server but when i buy a premium minecraft they De-op me so now im just a regular player on their server.but their server is now currently closed.
    Any additional info?- I'm making a youtube video. and also i can advertise your server on my videos and i can donate because why not? I want to help
    My in-game name is MutantRage
    07/28/2013 1:50 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    Name:Rhonmark Samson
    IGN: MutantRage
    What position(s) are you applying for: i wan't to apply for admin.
    How long you've been playing MC: Im playing minecraft for 3 years
    How long have you been playing on MC servers: It's the same a above its 3 years.
    Have you ever been a staff member before:Yes and its a cracked server but now im a premium user so they take me out.
    If so, what server(s):The server was MinerCrafter:25565 but my it was closed now because they are so mean to other players
    Why would you like to be apart of our staff: Because i want to help your server and i want to help you to make your server popular i can advertise your serve if you want to.
    Would you be able to donate: Ahmmm Donate? sure thing. im want to help you.
    07/28/2013 1:41 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    Damn you're gorgeous! i want to apply!
    07/28/2013 1:41 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    Damn you're gorgeous! i want to apply!
    07/28/2013 12:30 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    Hey i want to apply i'm 15 years old my skype is MinerRocks i'm a good builder. and yes i can code.
    07/28/2013 12:24 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    Hey epicmiguel i've just talk to your admin there are cool though i really want to apply just admin on mod it is fine with me my in-game name is MutantRage. please i really need a minecraft server
    07/27/2013 11:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
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    Can't Reach Server!
    07/27/2013 11:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    MutantRage's Avatar
    Hey guys check out my channel for some Minecraft Trolling/Griefing and for some Minecraft Mini-Games.So my in-game username is MutantRage. Please subscribe it will help me alot! And i only have 10 subscribers so (sad) Thank you so much!

    Please Don't Forget to Subscribe Thank you guys!

    (P.S) I really appreciate that you YES YOU! the one reading this post to subscribe to my channel. Thanks To You in advance!

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