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    11/12/2013 9:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    myzebra123's Avatar
    What is your in-game username? myzebra123

    What is your age? 14/ female

    What is your timezone? PST

    Skype: Yup. myzebra123

    What can you provide to the admin team? Well, in real life, I am training to be a lifeguard. Because of this, I have skills with handling people, leadership, and time management. I have a good sense of humour, and am mature enough to know when to ban or kick someone, and have done so in the past. I know how to deal with problems smoothly, and have a BS allergy, so I can see right through lies. I have owned a server in the past, and have been staff on 5+, so I know what to expect, and how to handle things.

    How many hours can you commit to the server every week? Probably one hour a day. I am in highschool, and have lots of homework.

    Define the job of a staff member in 3-4 sentences: A staff member should be welcoming and helpful. They should clear up issues. Staffs should help keep the server running smoothly and away from harm.

    A player is reported of flying. What do you do? I would get proof, like a screenshot, and give them a warning, and tell fellow staff members to keep an eye out. Second time I will kick, third time I will ban.

    Do you have any skills non-related to Minecraft? I can create websites, and like I said im training to be a lifeguard.
    (i.e. Web Design/Development, Java Code, etc.)

    What can you provide to the Drift Network? I can provide my help and support, and I will contribute to the loving environment of the network. I can provide my effort, and will donate as well.

    Do you have plugin experience? No, sorry.

    Describe your administrative experience in 3-4 sentences: I have worked my way up to admin on many servers. It was a fun experience, which I got much satisfying feedback on how I deal with problems. Needless to say, people who have hired me have never been disappointed.

    Why do you choose our server? I would like to offer my skills and personality to your server. I am choosing this role because it would benefit me in my life saving courses, by giving me experience with problem solving. I am hoping to go bigger after this, and would be amazing to put on my next resume.

    Anything else?

    Hope to hear from you soon.
    ~ myzebra123
    11/10/2013 1:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    myzebra123's Avatar
    Age: 14/ female
    Ign: myzebra123
    Skype: will say if accepted
    Mic: Yes
    Experience: I have been staff on 5+ servers, and always get good feedback. I get serious when need be, and am mature enough to know when to ban or kick someone, and have done so in the past. Being a female, people don't usually take me seriously, but I know how to take control, and be stern and assertive. I know basic commands, and know how to make websites. I applied to be staff for a few servers after my family friend made me co-owner on her server, and was hooked. I am training to be s lifeguard (irl) so I have skills with leadership, can manage time, and know how to deal with people.
    How Long Have You Played: Around 2 years, give or take.
    Why Our Server: I have been staff on a few small servers, which shut down quickly. I feel like taking the next step, and becoming staff in a moderately popular server. This also helps with my courses in real-life, as I said before, I am training to be a lifeguard.
    Education: I am a near straight A student in grade 9, and I am planning to graduate with academic courses, and am planning on going to University Of Toronto.
    Who Is Notch: Markus Alexej "Notch" Persson, is a Swedish video game programmer and designer. He is the owner of Mojang, and the first perrspn sandbox video game, Minecraft, which he later sold to Jens Bergensten.
    Are You Staff Anywhere Else: As I said, I was on a few small servers, which soon shut down.

    Hope to hear from you soon,

    11/10/2013 1:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    myzebra123's Avatar
    Ill apply too. I'm a female, with experience. So please private message me if interested.
    Hope to hear from you soon,
    11/09/2013 9:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    myzebra123's Avatar
    Irl Name: Will say if accepted
    Age: 14
    Minecraft IGN: myzebra123
    Experience?: Yes. I have been an admin on 5+ servers, and a builder on 3. I guess you could say I have "people skills," but I can get serious if need be. I am mature enough to know when to ban someone, and have done so in the past. I have built a spawn on a server that has not been online since the new update. I am looking forward to getting to know new people.
    Qualities: I have good people skills, I can be stern and assertive when need be. I have a good sense of humour, and am pretty easygoing. I am open to everybody's ideas.
    Why do you want to be staff?: Well, I got promoted once, and was hooked! I think I can bring skills to your server that only I can offer. I am a girl, and because of that usually don't get taken seriously, but once they see my dark side, they will never mess with me again.
    What rank would you like?: co-owner or admin.
    Anythign Else?: Nope.
    11/09/2013 8:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    myzebra123's Avatar
    I have knowledge, and so does my friend. My username is myzebra123, an my friends is flames215.

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