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    12/12/2014 10:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    NathanX2's Avatar

    Age: (Just need to be mature enough!)

    Previous Experience? Explain descriptively:
    I have been a co-owner and admin twice and a moderator a couple of times.

    Skype: (required)
    my skype name is nathanielx2

    Why you want this position specifically:
    I have been looking for a good server to start on and this server seems like a good one to restart my minecraft life after returning a few days ago after 4 months due to school work. I am getting sick of only being moderator because I want to help more than just being active and if i am promoted to admin on this server i can help in a lot more ways with building and helping new players who might not be used to servers.

    What would you think I would ask you to help with?
    From past experience i think you would ask help in building and plugin areas.

    Would you work on the server contently alone when others are not there to support you?
    Yes. on the servers i currently play on i find myself alone. but that doesn't stop me because if its a good server them it keeps me hooked.

    Anything else that could get you accepted?
    I don't really have anything else to put down and there's no good lying and saying i help Mojang run minecraft and stuff like that because then i couldn't prove it.

    Free time? (weekdays and weekends)
    Since its the holidays i will be on most days all day and on weekends when my parents are home i have minechat so i can still be on and help.

    Thank you for taking time to read this. I hope i will be accepted.
    12/08/2014 2:42 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    NathanX2's Avatar
    1. Whats your IGN or name ( Nickname )
    2. Age?
    3. Have you ever been staff on servers?
    Yes. I have mods admins and have co owner-ed a server.
    3-4. Have you ever been fired?, if so list why...
    No I haven't been fired. I only lost my positions because the servers closed as many do.
    5. Are you a good builder
    Yes I'd say i am a good builder.
    6. What are your building strengths
    secret bases, mountain bases and houses with secret underground rooms.
    7. What have you built in the past ( Optional )
    Many bases for my favorite faction that i make on every server. Black light.
    8. Explain Why you want to opt into this Server, and strive it to become successful...
    I have been looking recently for a good server to join seeing as i have rejoined minecraft after 2 months because of school and this server looks like a good one to help it prosper.
    9. Lastly, what's your Skype for contact info
    My name on skype is nathanielX2.
    06/03/2014 6:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    NathanX2's Avatar
    Application: Head-admin or Admin
    Name: Blayke Hardgraves
    IGN: NathanielX2
    Maturity: 9 and 10 out of 10
    Skype: Blayke.w.hardgraves
    Age: 15
    Timezone: Brisbane
    Experience: i have owner a server, have been co-owner on a server, been admin and mod on a server.
    Reason: My server crashed recently and to many people left so it had to be abandoned. Now i am looking for a good server where i can be a staff member and help lots to help it grow as much as i can. If you accept me i will promise to do my best and do everything within my power to help the server.
    Plugins: i am okay with plugins and am still getting better with applying them to servers.
    Play time: i have played minecraft for about 2 and a half years.
    Coding experience: i am okay with coding but i am more a website developer and have made lots of websites with programs like: Weebly and enjin.
    How active: i can be on almost everyday if i don't have anything else on for at least an hour and more on weekends.

    Thank you for reading this application. Please Skype me as soon as possible if i get the job thank you.
    06/01/2014 3:07 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    NathanX2's Avatar
    MC Name NathanielX2

    Skype Name: blayke.w.hardgraves


    Maturity Level from 1 - 10: 9-10

    Past Experience?: yes having been mods and admins on a couple of servers.

    Can do configuration files?: yes.

    Can build?: yes.

    Can web develop?: yes.

    Can create logos, images, banners, ect?: yes.

    Can develop plugins?: yes.

    Why do you want to take over? i have always wanted a server but have never had good enough internet.

    What kind of server are you thinking of turning this into? a free world server with factions and mini games

    What can you do to the server if I hand it over to you? i can help make it really fun and popular with lots of advertising.

    How active can you be?: and hours each day and more on weekends.

    How long do you think it'll take to achieve the server(s) you are planning to create? hopefully a week and less.

    please Skype me if i get the server. Thank you.
    06/01/2014 12:41 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    NathanX2's Avatar
    Application for Staff (head admin or normal admin)

    Full Name: Blake Hardgraves

    Age: 15

    Country: Australia

    Game Name: NathanielX2

    Timezone: Australian Central Daylight Time UTC + 10:30 hours

    You Have More Accounts All Name's Than?: No more accounts

    Reason: I want to help this server grow to become one of the best servers ever.

    How often can you be online in The Ruler: I can be on for an hour most days and more hours on weekends

    Skype: blayke.w.hardgraves

    Do u have Experience ?: yes after being admins and mods on other servers.

    Have you ever been banned on a server and why?: Yes for advertising

    Have you been staff on a Minecraft server before/Server Name and ip?: norhood - (this server is currently closed to everyone for maintenance)

    Since when do you play Minecraft?: 2 and a half years

    Which gamemode: survival

    Please Skype if i am approved.

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