Neptulis's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    05/07/2016 9:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Neptulis's Avatar
    In-Game Name: Neptulis
    Age: 17, soon to be 18
    Country: Sweden
    Will you use Skype for voice chat?: I am able to yes, but I would prefer (and recommend) Discord (free and easy to use).
    How long have you played Minecraft?: When redstone was first introduced, Alpha 1.0.1.
    Why do you play Minecraft?: I think it works great as a creative outlet for things that cannot be expressed by other ways. It is also very enjoyable to play with other players, and finishing a big project is the best feeling in the world.
    Why should we accept you?: I am an active community-player, meaning I do tons of projects to the benefit of all players. You will be receiving tons of ideas from my side, how to improve projects and also what to do next.
    Are you willing to vote for the server daily to help support us?: As long as I remember it, sure
    Do you accept our server rules?: Yes
    If you could add your own rule to our rules list, what would it be?: Nothing that I can think of currently.
    Images of your builds: Not one of my best builds, but the only one I can currently find an image of as the server I was playing on was shut down unexpectedly.

    This is just a small sample of what I am capable of. I have recently started developing a more western, rustic kind of building style which I am enthusiastic to try out.

    EDIT: A build I threw together in half an hour, just to more clearly show my current buildtheme I am going for. - Setting should be by water, some kind of harbor going on

    EDIT 2: Regarding the rule about being on PMC for 3-4 months; I was on another big Minecraft-forum before PMC, but recently decided to become an active Minecrafter again, thus the low membertime.
    05/03/2016 4:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Neptulis's Avatar
    Really great server, bump!
    05/01/2016 11:34 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Neptulis's Avatar
    IGN? Neptulis
    Skype? Undisclosed, will be given in PM
    First version played on? When redstone was first introduced, Alpha 1.0.1; I still miss the seecret updates
    Skills (redstone, building etc..) I am fairly good at redstone, and I'd like to think that I can build pretty much anything as long as I got a good understanding of what it is I am aiming for. I also love to build things, everything ranging from huge mansions to more secret underground bases. Also I enjoy picking oranges.
    What can you bring to the server? I am a "community-player" meaning that I will build projects that all of the server can enjoy and benefit from. My Minecraft-playtime is also high, so I will bring an active and knowledgeable player to the server.
    Why do you want to join? I am in love with the Hermitcraft server, and I watch every episode that is put up about the server on YouTube. I would like to engage with other passionate Minecraft-players to create something great. I have many ideas in mind for builds on the server.
    Have you ever been banned from another server? If so why? Negative
    Favorite movie? Shawshank Redemption; I have yet to meet a person that do not like the movie a bit.
    Time zone? GMT +1
    Country? Sweden
    How often will you be on? Everyday, ranging from 1-5 hours of playtime.
    Age? 17, soon 18
    Other? Not that I can currently think of.

    Thank you for your consideration!

    - Neptulis
    05/01/2016 11:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Neptulis's Avatar
    1) Minecraft username: Neptulis
    2) Age: 18
    3) Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, why? Negative
    4) How active are you? Usually 3 hours on weekdays and 5+ hours on weekends. It is very dependent of what I got in school, but usually this is the time I put in.
    5) Do you have a YouTube Channel? If so, please share your channel! Sadly, I do not. I had one before, but I feel like I am more of a watcher than a creator
    6) Why do you want to join? I have owned the game since early Alpha where builds with dirt and cobblestone were considered cool, as long as they were functional. Watching Minecraft develop into the huge game it is today has both impressed me, and made me sad because of the ever changing content. I have though came back to a stage where I feel excited playing Minecraft; and doing so on a server with other people is a hundred times more enjoyable than playing alone. I have a ton of ideas regarding builds and such which I am eager to share with other players.
    7) What do you have to offer our community? A great sense of humor, or so I'd like to think. A mind filled with crazy ideas that I want to put up for display. Also a very chill personality, and I'd say I go well with most people. I am active and when I'm playing I am always doing something, so don't be surprised if you see a huge community build built by me for the benefit of the community; such as XP-farms and other useful contraptions.

    Thanks for considering me!
    - Neptulis

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