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Level 36
Artisan Spider Rider

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    05/25/2015 10:10 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    I like the baby zombie. I wish we could become friends and frolic the lands together.
    05/25/2013 11:44 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar

    You know how most zombie apocalypse stories depicts 2/3 of the world already dead? Yeah. I don't see my chances of survival being very high. At the very least, the first thing I'd do is eat the last survivor.
    05/02/2013 3:38 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    I have to say, I've experienced the special treatment. I can't help it when someone tosses me items (flippin' character always picks them up automatically) but in survival servers in the past, male players always insisted on having me move in with them. I want to have fun and mingle and whatnot, but sometimes it's just awkward. Once, I somehow I ended up as some guy's "Minecraft wife" even though I didn't even consent to it. It was weird.

    But recently, I only ever play with my brother on PVP servers, and my current skin is a naked chicken man with a leaf, so no special treatment here. I've never even tried using a female skin on a PVP server. I know how that community is.
    05/01/2013 3:41 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    Came from the original .hack series. I always liked the name and used it since I was 11 (18 now), but Mistral was taken on here, so I added an E. 0: I remember posting in a thread like this already, but whatevs.
    03/18/2013 7:27 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    Alriiiigght, I think I fixed it by going to my Java Control Panel and setting the security level to medium. There are advanced settings for it, but I have no patience to figure out which setting in particular is causing the security warning. 8D Maybe I'll set it back to high when I'm not on PMC. Thanks peeps.
    03/18/2013 6:59 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    That was a good suggestion - I went into my browser settings and tried that, but I must have already tried that before, because planetminecraft.com was already added as an exception to everything, lol. I have no idea why it's still popping up. I'll try to see if there's any other security options for Firefox that I can't see directly in the settings.
    03/18/2013 6:47 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    Edited my first post. No, it does not. It won't pop up again for that specific skin, but it will for any new skin. And I bet if I cleared my cache, I'd have to check them all over again. 8|
    07/15/2012 5:28 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    Ridiculous! D8 The server I was on yesterday just got hacked and massive-griefed by "Nodus". And then they said they would grief "Nerd" next... possibly some other big server, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe they're the ones who got their clammy noob-hands on the servers? They even said they "deleted" the backup, which is only really possible if they hacked the admin's account personally.
    03/10/2012 6:32 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    lol I never trust anyone named Notch in-game. Even if it were the real Notch, I'd probably be like, "NICE NPC NOOOOOB" D8
    03/01/2012 1:09 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    Is anyone having performance issues? My computer is incredibly crappy (with Optifine and Gamebooster and other various tricks to speed it up, so don't worry about giving me tips), and I'm worried that increasing the world height will also increase the world lag. =___= (Haven't downloaded it due to internet lag. That's a whole nother story. XD)
    02/29/2012 9:53 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    I use an old version of MCSkinEdit. I'm used to using the shift key to to copy colors and other quick access tricks that the program has. I still haven't tried MCSkin3d yet though. The file messed up when I downloaded it and I've been too lazeeeehhh to redownload. I always hear really good things about it though.
    02/28/2012 10:31 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    I chose made-up gods. o w o I remember when I wanted to make my own god character. It was pretty fun thinking of ideas. C8
    01/18/2012 11:33 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    I must agree. It's pretty obvious this bill will never be passed, and now people are dragging it out further and making it a huge hassle.

    I'd also like to note that people are blowing the bill itself out of proportion. I don't agree with it, but the intention is not bad. People are acting like they're butchering puppies or something, LOL.
    01/15/2012 2:27 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    This! : D
    And also, more ambient sounds. Like wolves howling occasionally at night (hopefully not as much as they whine when they're damaged though), and more spooky sounds, or rustling when a monster is nearby or something. Part of the reason I like Minecraft a lot is because you can put so much detail into the world even though it's just made out of blocks. There's a lot of potential in that aspect, and I think they should really go all out with it.
    01/02/2012 3:44 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    It was a challenge between mythical creatures or feudal Japan. I chose feudal Japan though. I'd love to see what people can come up with! >8D
    01/02/2012 3:36 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    Very good. The ponies you're so fond of would make a good example for you.
    01/01/2012 11:57 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    This too. And unfortunately, all the noobs still flock to them because they don't care about having fun and challenging themselves, only looking cool and being a completely useless pawn to whoever leads the faction, who is most likely a moderator. ._.
    01/01/2012 7:12 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
    nnana's Avatar
    I hate memes. Sorry, but like any joke, if used in abundance, it just becomes obnoxious and irritating.

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