NotWasabui's Avatar
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    I Am Very Pro At Skin And Pvp. Very Serious. Please Donate Diamonds And Likes. Sorry For Captilizes I Am On My Nokia Right Now. Yes I Am Dantm.
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  • Remember everyone... Be proud of your body!

    I am inspired by my body. Therefore I will make skin of my body. I am proud of my body and you should be too.

    So guys I'm going to be a bit different and start at the bodily functions first. I will first start with a model of chemiosmosis.

    Im studying right now wish me luck! #proud #body #bodilyfunctions #chemiosmosis #proud
  • Wall Posts

    • NotWasabui's Avatar
      December 6, 2021, 5:31 pm to Public
      Hello, err, single subscriber, I must say you are quite the stubborn fellow. Over a couple fortnights, due to a recommendation from a professor, I decided to go abroad and research in other facilities in Cambridge instead of the New York university I'm in instead. Traveling has been fun, even with the pandemic and things essentially blocking all forms of regular tourism. What? You're asking about the regular tourism? Like, shouldn't I be working? And my answer to that is, well, if you have been following with my posts, essentially a repeat of the previous post. I must say, in the most eloquent sense of words, organic chemistry is a bitch. However, I am making some progress with the skin. It's not the more physical properties of the body, such as the phospholipid bilayer membrane or the PS1/PS2 enzymes, which gives the horrible head-bang-on-the-wall headaches. Instead, it's the seemingly simpler stuff, like when Wasa sits out in the Sun too long and dies from heat stroke because he can't even sweat. Seriously, how hard is it to get the body to know when it is too hot or too cold unconsciously?!? In a few weeks from now, I'll be returning back to New York after I finish researching the effects the chip shortage will have on future generations (What? You thought I was recommended to travel abroad because of biology? Heh, it was because of social psychology instead!). And, once I'm back, expect something big. Afterall, I'll be back and focused on the true subject on hand: completing this damned skin.
      NotWasabui replied to NerdPud's comment below 2022-04-17 18:04:42
      NotWasabui's Avatar
      Hello! Sorry But My Name Is Wasavo Not Logan Sanders. You Might Have Confused Me With Someone Else.
      NerdPud said 2021-12-06 18:10:11
      NerdPud's Avatar
      Well, hello Logan Sanders!
    • NotWasabui's Avatar
      September 27, 2021, 1:58 am to Public
      Guys… uh.. its been a while. It turns out that bio is really in-depth and complicated. My Minecraft oc Wasa (pls no steal) keeps dying from blood loss? Yea, it just seems like the cardiovascular system isn’t just functioning. SO… I’ve been learning. Right now I’m pursuing in biophysics at uni, but it still isn’t coming together. I think more time is needed guys. I’m gonna go for a doctorate. Expect my legendary skin in a few years.
    • NotWasabui's Avatar
      October 6, 2019, 5:17 pm to Public
      Guys the first layer of muscle is out! You could try it out if you want!
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