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    12/18/2013 2:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Nutty_River's Avatar
    IGN: Nutty_River

    Age: 15

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

    Why would you want to be staff: I am a very experienced at being staff members on both normal Minecraft and Pixelmon. I know a lot about both of them. I also think I can help running things smoothly between 2 different people. If an arguement is going on I will find a fair way to settle it. I'm not that strict but I can be if I have to. I am also someone who is very trustable. I also have a lot of free time so I can be watching the players a lot. I think this sums up everything about me, but I'll add more if needed.

    12/15/2013 7:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Nutty_River's Avatar
    Hey, it's Nutty. Here's some things with my Staff Application.

    I'm 16 years old. I am very experienced on staff positions on both Minecraft, and Pixelmon servers. Minecraft servers: Moderator on 8, Admin on 5. Pixelmon: Moderator 6 times and Admin another 5) I know almost every block ID in the game, know about 8/10 of things about Pixelmon, and know how to keep conflicts in order. If 2 people are having an arguement I always try and come up with a fair way for both of the sides to end it. I have a lot of free time so I will be able to be on a lot. I am someone very trustable. As of contact, I do not have a Skype atm but you can always contact me at my e-mail. (I'll tell you it if I get selected due to privacy reasons.)

    Thank you so much for reading this and if there's anything else please let me know.
    12/12/2013 6:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Nutty_River's Avatar
    IGN: Nutty_RIver

    Age: 15

    Timezone: EST

    Rank I'd like to be: Admin.

    Why would I like to be Admin: Because I have had past experience with both admins and moderator so I feel as I'm ready for another Admin position.

    What skills: I have a lot of free time so I can always watch for the server for the most part. I also can make a little bit of Pixelart.

    Have you ever been a Helper or higher: Yes, Moderator on 7, Admin on 5.

    What makes you stand out: Well I guess that I know what to do and when to do for the most part and when conflict arises, I find a fair way to end it.

    Anything else: I'd just like to thank you for reading this.
    12/02/2013 2:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Nutty_River's Avatar
    ||Admin Application||

    Age: 14

    Previous Positons and on what server: I've been moderators on 6 different servers not counting the minor ones with 30 slots. As for Admin only about 4 times.

    Knowledge about Pokemon: With the newer generations like Black and White and X and Y, I'm a little rusty but getting back into things. I know about 8/10 on older like Blue and Gold.

    Knowledge about Pixelmon: I know a lot about Pixelmon. It's like a lot of the games I'm more experienced with. I know most of the fossils and crafting as well. So with that I'd say 9.5/10.

    Administrating experience: I was praised well for the most part. When members needed help I was usually the most they'd come to. Either because I was trusted or that I was on a lot. Maybe even both.

    Sore loser or bad winner?: Nah, not at all.

    Do you accept of giving a rank of Elite Four without choice: Yes sir.

    Can you constantly keep up a cheerful attitude and give players tips whenever they lose or beat you: Sure. If they need any help with battling I'll be happy to give some detailed tips with the things they're struggling with. Cheerful attitude isn't a problem at all.

    Will you follow your Elite Four duty and allow the Challenger to proceed if you are beaten: Yes.

    Good attitude: Yup, yup, yup.

    Do I agree not to abuse powers: Yes I agree.

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