OMFG_ItzThatGuy's Avatar
Level 16
Journeyman Dragonborn

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    03/15/2012 12:45 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragonborn
    OMFG_ItzThatGuy's Avatar
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    Have you been admin on a server before, if so which server:None in the past few months as i've been working on my mates server

    (Optional)Why did you leave the server your admin on: they ran out of money and had to close down

    How old are you:16

    Are you familiar with Necessary server commands:i'm very good with all of the commands in the plugin section

    Why are you applying?:would like to server to work on

    Why do you think you would be a help to the server?:i'm quite a good builder and i understand most pugins

    What do you think you could help most with: anything

    Do you have any suggestions for the server?: voxel sniper would be good to change the landscape to your will
    03/03/2012 5:02 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Dragonborn
    OMFG_ItzThatGuy's Avatar
    Name :
    IGN (In-game name for dummies) :OMFG_itzthatguy
    How long have you played :since the infdev
    What have you built (Photo-proof would be nice) : is my most recent work and what i spend most of my time on. Most of my better builds are being incorporated into my Voxel Box town but i'm currently unable to log for long (due to internet problems) onto The Voxel Box so i can't get a picture for you
    How long can you play in a day :3/4 hours a day, but around 1/2 during Exam times
    Skype (Yes or No) : If yes, please pm your username and ign please.Yes
    Are you willing to host a server? :No

    Admin Application (Please add this under your builder application) :
    Are you impatient? :No
    Will you ban your good friend if he/she is greifing? robably depends on how severe
    What will you do if someone asks you to op him/her? :Kick him/her or ban if he/she asks repeatedly
    If someone joins the server, what will you say to him/her? :Greet them and then offer them a tour of all the best builds
    How do you deal with greifers? :Ban if the grief is unrepairable but kick if it is repairable
    Any past experiences or conflicts? :not in the past couple of months
    How many times have you been banned? (For what cause) :No

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