omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    08/23/2012 11:31 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
    look my skype is omgitsthesoldier i would like to apply for staff so if u have any questions contact me
    08/11/2012 8:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
    Staff App
    Position applying for:Admin/OP prefer OP
    Exp ive run my own server before i had like 100 on everyday i was Co_Owner on my friends server and all the players loved me which was 50 people but OP i try to get on any server i can im really good at bilding taming people getting the server undercontrol making servers look wonderful
    Why you should pick me:Ive never griefed a server and NEVER WILL
    skype Soldier
    PS:add me on skype to tell be if im accepted or not and all im asking for is a chance so please give me one nad i hope someday i can earn your trust to promote to OP if i cant be it
    Thank your for your time,
    08/11/2012 3:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
    Staff App
    Position applying for:Owner/Co_Owner or OP
    Exp ive run my own server before i had like 100 on everyday i was Co_Owner on my friends server and all the players loved me which was 50 people but OP i try to get on any server i can im really good at bilding taming people getting the server undercontrol making servers look wonderful
    Why you should pick me:Ive never griefed a server and NEVER WILL
    skype Soldier
    PS:add me on skype to tell be if im accepted or not and all im asking for is a shot you can even test me on building skills for OP or how i would deal with a a really bad player so please just give me a chance
    Thank your for your time,
    08/11/2012 3:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
    08/11/2012 3:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
    Staff App
    Position applying for:Owner/Co_Owner or OP
    Exp ive run my own server before i had like 100 on everyday i was Co_Owner on my friends server and all the players loved me which was 50 people but OP i try to get on any server i can im really good at bilding taming people getting the server undercontrol making servers look wonderful
    Why you should pick me:Ive never griefed a server and NEVER WILL
    skype Soldier
    PS:add me on skype to tell be if im accepted or not and all im asking for is a shot you can even test me on building skills for OP or how i would deal with a a really bad player so please just give me a chance
    Thank your for your time,
    08/11/2012 12:06 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
    Position appling for:OP/Admin prefer OP
    Exp been OP for 3 servers players love me good at following orders can find hackers really fast have an idea for spawn people think im nice and i want to help out with your server ;D plz contact me on skype if you need more info or if im accepted or denied
    Thank you for your time,
    08/06/2012 8:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
    hey im going to appl to be a guard and btw i cant reach the server i hope i get the posistion y skpe is omgitsthesoldier so plz add me so we can talk thx
    08/01/2012 9:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    omgitsthesoldier's Avatar
    Position:Co_Owner/Head Admin/Admin
    Why you:cuz i have lots of expierence and have been an admin they loved me i made tons of creations but some hacker tore down the server and banned everyone
    Experience:ive been playing minecraft for like forever i love playing it and i would love to be on your server as staff
    Are you loyal and have you ever been banned:ive only been banned once and thats because a hacker banned all the staff
    Can you donate if yes how much:i can donate about $35 or more likely
    Will you grief ever:i will never grief i would just love it if i could be staff
    WIll you cuss:i wont absolutley postive i will keep your server tamed and looking wonderful
    About you:i love minecraft ever since i got it and its been so long i cant even remember but ive been trying to find a good server i could be staff on so please take the chance of reading my app and think about me once its all im asking when you choose
    PS.plz pm me and/or on skype thx btw im really hoping to be a Co_Owner so plz plz plz

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