OMGTyca's Avatar
Level 1
New Network

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    09/22/2016 11:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    OMGTyca's Avatar
    This is my buddies server hosting, it's very good and cheap for the things you want!
    03/13/2016 5:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    OMGTyca's Avatar
    Actually no, it is storming here and my power keeps going out, keep making assumptions, you probably didn't know what you were doing anyways.
    03/12/2016 6:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    OMGTyca's Avatar
    I would want one.
    IGN: ImOwner
    Slogan: Most likely the Owner of your server
    03/12/2016 11:00 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    OMGTyca's Avatar
    Add me on skype, I am as well a experienced developer.
    Skype: OutOfLube
    03/11/2016 4:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    OMGTyca's Avatar
    Skype OutOfLube
    03/11/2016 4:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    OMGTyca's Avatar
    My skype is OutOfLube
    02/17/2016 11:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    OMGTyca's Avatar
    Minecraft Username:


    How Often will you be on the server?

    Most likely 2-4 days a week.
    Any past experiences with being staff on servers?
    Unfortunately I haven't played mine craft in a while so I wouldn't remember what servers
    I was staff on, but I remember being staff on a lot of servers on and off before I quit.
    Why'd you quit?
    I get asked this a lot so I decided to include it with the application, I quit because I was having trouble in school at the time, and was recent arrested due to a bullshit reason, I will go into detail later on.

    Why do you want to be staff on my server?

    I would like to be a staff because, I am not a good pvper sadly, but I am good with handling situations, and my maturity is off the charts, for me being 15 I've been told I sound like I'm 20, and above but I'd disagree, I am very ethical and responsible when it comes to commands, I when what commands and witch commands are needed in curtain situations, Including chat spam, obviously a mute.. cheating, will be a ban. I'd say I would be a good staff because I pretty much don't have a life, well kind of lol, but overall I think I'd be a good fit, I got a quite en joyful username so people can have a laugh or compliment my username, I am a very entertaining person, I know when jokes get to serious or when racism goes to far, so as I said I think I'd be overall a good moderator.

    Do you ever plan on donating?

    If I ever do plan on donating, I wouldn't be able to donate a lot, I do not have a job yet and I do not have chores I get paid for but when I am 16 witch I will be turning next year on the 25th of September, then I would most definitely donate.

    Why my server?

    I picked your server to apply on for my first server back on for a while, this is actually the second ever server I applied on this account, so you should be happy lol, just kidding, but anyways I picked your server because I'm overall nice to people, witch I always am If they want me to be nice to them, then I'd like them to show some respect back.
    Any more things you'd like us to know?

    IGN -

    Previous IGN (If changed in name changes) -

    Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application -​

    Timezone - Pacific Standard

    Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? -
    Yes I do.

    Link to gaming twitter account (if you have one) -​

    What time are you most often on? (your time) -​
    9 in the morning until 6-7 depending on the day
    for my school it would be 12 to 7-9.

    Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? -​
    No I am not.

    When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? -​
    I've been playing since Alpha and I've came along way.

    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on any server? -​

    Yes, just for me having my IGN as ImOwner

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? -​
    I don't really apply for servers as much as I play on them, but I've owned my own
    server before so I know what I am doing.

    How many hours can you contribute per day? -​
    Around 7-9 hopefully, as I said depending on the day.

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than they? -
    "(Name)" just ignore them, you're to mature and very intelligent to argue with people that want attention.

    Do you have any experience with depression? How have you dealt with this? -​
    Umm, yes my friend actually has depression, I am very familiar with this.. unforgettably...

    Are you able to record? -​

    Yes I am, would I if I need proof, for sure.

    How many server staff applications have you made before? -​
    I have made 0.

    What is the date of the last application you made? -​


    Anything else we should know? -
    I have a short school schedule so I will be most active on the server, most likely from my experience with my schedule It usually turns out that way.

    Thanks for reading!
    Sincerely - Ty, aka ImOwner
    Skype: OutOfLube

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