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Level 1 New Miner

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    01/07/2017 11:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OutlawFalcon's Avatar
    Name: Ethan
    Minecraft Name: FunkyFalcon
    Age: 15
    Skype: hithethe1
    Position: Whatever position there is available.
    Average online time a week: To be honest, I dont know my average a week but per day I would have to say about 6-7 it may be less somedays it just depends.
    Why you think you are good for this position: Well, I believe I am good for whichever position I am placed because I am mature, intelligent, and well like having fun. Also, I know how to handle new problems that I may have to encounter. Also, I have been Mod and Admin on many servers before and have done very well even helped create a server in which I was Co-Owner on but shut down due to money problems, so I am very skilled in commands and such.Thanks for reading!
    07/24/2015 3:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OutlawFalcon's Avatar
    IGN(In-Game Name)- FunkyFalcon
    Skype(Required)- hithethe1
    Age- 14
    Timezone- Eastern Standard Time
    Position Applying For- Admin/Mod
    Reason you want to be staff- Ultimately a Admin should epitomize the ideals of good moral character. Selected to represent the server, a helper should be respectful, patient, trustworthy, and knowledgeable regarding the intricacies of the server. As an older player, I feel I have been mature in my conduct and demonstrate these qualities.

    My conduct on the server is ideal for a admin, conduct worthy of a staff member representing, i will reate players and staff with respect, minimizing trash-talking and personal insults. While I do understand the appeal of trash-talking, I generally have tried avoiding it as much as I can, defusing situations with wit and humor or by writing comprehensive, coherent thoughts, especially when dealing with sensitive subjects. The few times that I have gone overboard, be it excessive flaming or insults, I apologized profusely. Speaking out rudely is not something I commonly do, and I make amends if I do go overboard. I find if I refrain from flaming, players are more willing to approach me, trust me, and ultimately respect me, all feelings a player should have towards a staff member. I feel as if I am a respected member of the community based on how I have acted (a nearly impeccable mute/ban history), and as a result I feel as if I were a helper I would have an air of authority and command the respect from the player base.
    07/24/2015 3:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OutlawFalcon's Avatar
    What Interests you about the Skylar Network project?*: Well, this server is interesting since it has a good variety of mini-games. Many servers don't have such a wide variety, but one of my favorite mini-games would have to be bounty hunters. Since it is just like one in the chamber except the tournament twist in the end.

    What position are you applying for*: Admin/Mod, If available.

    What is your in game minecraft account name*: FunkyFalcon

    How long have you been playing minecraft for*: I have been playing minecraft for 3 years.

    How old are you*: 14

    Male or Female: Male

    What timezone are you in*: Eastern Standard Time

    What are your strengths and/or qualities*: I can do basically whatever you need me to do by greeting people when they join too making a parkour. The limits are endless but I'm just here to help make the Skylar Network community a better place.

    Why should we consider you*: Well, I would like to be staff because I like helping people out, also I like making them smile when they come into the server with a big warm welcome! I would also love the chance to help protect people from hackers, griefers, and simply people who say Curse words. This can all be said and done but most people would go off and abuse their powers, so they lack one of the best aspects which is maturity, without maturity people would be abusing daily!

    Skype*: hithethe1

    YouTube channel: None

    Additional Information*: I can play for 4-5 hours a day. Thanks for taking the time to read this whether I get excepted or not.
    07/24/2015 2:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OutlawFalcon's Avatar
    Name : Ethan
    IGN : FunkyFalcon
    Age : 14
    Skype : hithethe1
    Experience : I have been staff on servers in 2014 but they are gone now, so I was willing to try to be staff again.

    What can you do : I can do basically whatever you need me to do by greeting people when they join too making a parkour. The limits are endless but I'm just here to help make the RageCraftPvp community a better place. You should hire me since I am loyal, trusted, and a dedicated member.

    Why do you want to be staff : Well, I would like to be staff because I like helping people out, also I like making them smile when they come into the server with a big warm welcome! I would also love the chance to help protect people from hackers, griefers, and simply people who say Curse words. This can all be said and done but most people would go off and abuse their powers, so they lack one of the best aspects which is maturity, without maturity people would be abusing daily!

    (1 to 10)Maturity : 8-9
    Timezone : EST
    (optional)Anything else?: Nope
    How many hours will you be on every day?: 4-5 hours
    07/24/2015 12:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OutlawFalcon's Avatar
    In-game Username: FunkyFalcon
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Location and Timezone: USA, and EST
    How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft for 3 years now.
    How active are you on Skype: I am usually online unless when I am sleeping.
    Previous experiences as a staff member: I have been staff on a couple different server's back in 2014 but they are gone now.
    What makes you a worthwhile staff member: I can do basically whatever you need me to do by greeting people when they join too making a parkour. The limits are endless but I'm just here to help make the NightCraft community a better place. You should hire me since I am loyal, trusted, and a dedicated member.

    Why we should choose you: Well, I would like to be staff because I like helping people out, also I like making them smile when they come into the server with a big warm welcome! I would also love the chance to help protect people from hackers, griefers, and simply people who say Curse words. This can all be said and done but most people would go off and abuse their powers, so they lack one of the best aspects which is maturity, without maturity people would be abusing daily!

    Preferred Position: Admin/Mod
    Skype(Optional): hithethe1
    Extra comments(Optional): I can be on for 5-4 hours a day.
    07/24/2015 11:07 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OutlawFalcon's Avatar
    Age: 14

    Rank: Admin/Mod

    Why do you think we need to choose you: Well, I would like to be staff because I like helping people out, also I like making them smile when they come into the server with a big warm welcome! I would also love the chance to help protect people from hackers, griefers, and simply people who say Curse words. This can all be said and done but most people would go off and abuse their powers, so they lack one of the best aspects which is maturity, without maturity people would be abusing daily!

    How can you help: I can do basically whatever you need me to do by greeting people when they join too making a parkour. The limits are endless but I'm just here to help make the Piggycraft community a better place. You should hire me since I am loyal, trusted, and a dedicated member.

    How i can contact you: By skype: hithethe1

    Any information?: Well, I can spend 5-4 hours a day on the server.

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