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    10/09/2016 7:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    PenguinGaming11's Avatar
    09/27/2016 8:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    PenguinGaming11's Avatar
    Maplish1. Brandon Bourque (IGN: Maplish)
    2. 13
    3. I'd like to apply for Moderator or Admin anything along those lines.
    4. Because my friends think I'm a good
    so I'd think I'd have a great place on this server.
    5. Have only been mod on one server
    6. MLG Brandon, try to contact me on discord (I'm more active on there).
    7. That I have leader qualities (I don't rage when losing at something)
    8. Most likely
    9. 7 and eight-tenths
    10. Weekends I'm almost always on and I'm on from when I get back from school (about 3:30 Atlantic Time)
    11. I'd be more than glad!
    12. I'm not necessarily looking for money but if I would I'd probably want 5 dollars a day or something like that.
    13. MINECRAFT, videogames, leadership
    14. Someone making fun of how I look (which I highly doubt will happen in MC )
    15. I'm Mod on BiomeMC and honestly, it was quite easy, sometimes there were definitely some conflicts but at least for me, the conflicts were easy to solve.

    I Brandon Bourque, will uphold the rules and constitution of the server, I will obey my upper-level staff members and be respectful to all those who join our server and uses it service. I recognize the right to be terminated for any reason and understand that if accepted will not be able to play or participate in server services if I am hired as an admin+.

    You are not what we are looking for, sorry.
    09/26/2016 8:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    PenguinGaming11's Avatar
    ZachWithWlu1. Name (First and last). Zachary Shepelsky
    2. Age (must be over 12). 12
    3. Position applying for: Admin
    4. Why do you think this position is good for you? I am a very experienced staff member on many servers, and i believe i can help the server by many means.
    5. Experiences as a staff member in all areas.
    6. Skype (required and must have mic). zachattacktkd
    7. What makes you stand out from most people applying for staff? I have been staff for 1 year now on a prison server and i believe i can help on this server,
    8. Can you follow chain of command and help with any question no matter how many times repeated or how dumb the question may be? Yes, I would gladly help anyone that needs it.
    9. Maturity on a scale from 1 - 10. 9
    10. How active can you be (hours and days)? 4-5 hours
    11. Are you willing to signup to the forums / website and check in once in a while? Of course.
    12. Are you interested in payment if the server does well, if so what type of wage are you looking for (note: the server must become successful with constant donations for you to get paid, the effort you put into is the amount you will receive)? Honestly, money doesn't matter to me as long as everyones having a good time
    13. What are your strengths? I am very experienced in catching hackers, developing servers, and helping people.
    14. What are your weaknesses? I rage sometimes when i die in pvp,
    15. If you have been a staff member on any server can you please tell me everything about your recent positions and why you left (this includes being an owner of a server and developing custom plugins, if you have created custom plugins please type in what you have made and any proof). I have been owner of many servers, they went down do to funding issues. Any how, i know how to configure many plugins, for example supplycrates, custom enchants, ect.
    16. If applying for YouTuber, you must have 500+ subs. Please give channel link:

    I (Zach), will uphold the rules and constitution of the server, I will obey my upper level staff members and be respectful to all those who join our server and uses it service. I recognize the right to be terminated for any reason and understand that if accepted will not be able to play or participate in server services if I am hired as an admin+.

    I am sorry Zach, we are not in need of Admins, just Mods and Helpers. If you want to be one of those, please fill out another application that applies to those positions. Also, please put more information.
    09/26/2016 8:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    PenguinGaming11's Avatar
    I will be adding you to skype soon, NItro, to do your verbal interview.
    09/26/2016 8:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    PenguinGaming11's Avatar
    I will get to you asap
    09/25/2016 10:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    PenguinGaming11's Avatar

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