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    04/04/2015 2:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    Name - James

    Skype- amazingmrpotato

    IGN - AmazingMrPotato

    Age - 15

    Are you fluent in Java - I am fluent in java... I mostly do online developing but I can do plugin development

    How many years of programming experience do you have - 2 years +

    Can you work on anything that we present - Yes I just need at least one other dev. It speeds it up a lot!

    Prior Work - All my work is private to the server I work on here is a link to a website I am working on! http://predatorcraft.tk/index.php Check it out tell me if you like it <3
    04/04/2015 2:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    *IGN: AmazingMrPotato
    *Age: 15
    *Skype: amazingmrpotato
    *Previous work: All my work is private to the server I work on... I can give IP's to server I have wokred on?
    *Do you have experience on Player GUI's Scoreboards, Nametags and others? To easy XD Im really good with those!
    Why is this of interest for you? I want to work and help grow a server. I have experience with servers that have over 500+ players!
    04/01/2015 7:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    Name: James Singewald

    IGN: AmazingMrPotato

    Age: 15

    Skype name: amazingmrpotato

    Staff Role you want to choose: Head-Web-Developer

    Modpack (Leave blank if you are applying for main staff or global staff):

    Previous experience in the staff role you are choosing to apply for: I have 2 years + I am very experienced I have worked on many successful servers!
    Why we should choose you: Why not XD! Well lets see I'm a young developer with lots of exp! I can dedicate hours daily and will love to help. My family has helped me reach my skill level in online and in-game developing. I'm highly proficient in programming HTML java etc. I would love to help give me a msg on skype!
    04/01/2015 6:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    Hey I would like to apply for Web developer?
    Skype: AmazingMrPotato
    04/01/2015 6:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    Age: 15
    Exp: 2 years +
    Skype: AmazingMrPotato Give me a msg for more info!
    04/01/2015 6:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    Developer: Plugin manager / In-game / web developer / plugin developer
    Name: James
    Age: 15
    Skype: AmazingMrPotato
    Past Projects: I have made a website before a plugin and working on a new server called Helios-craft! I want to help on this also
    Experience: 2 years +
    Availability: 1-4 hours on school days 5-6 hours weekends
    Mature:(how mature are you on a scale of 1/10) I would say 8-9
    04/01/2015 6:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    Name:* James

    IGN:* AmazingMrPotato

    Age:* 15

    TeamSpeak Name:* N/P

    Experience with coding Spigot/Craftbukkit:* 2 years +

    Can you make a plugin from scratch:* Yes But I need more than one other developer 3+ is recommended

    Spigot & or Bukkit Profile:* N/P I keep all my plugins personal to the server I work on

    Why we should choose you:* I am a smart person looking for an active staff team... Why not choose me? I am very experienced.

    Extra Notes: I'm a awesome cool cheerful person

    *= A field you have to fill for your application to be valid.
    03/29/2015 8:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    1.) Real Name? (not required) James Singewald
    2.) Age? 15
    3.) *Do you have Teamspeak or Skype? Skype: AmazingMrPotato
    4.) *IGN? AmazingMrPotato
    5.) *What are you applying for as a developer? (Plugins, Web Development?) Plugins
    6.) *Is your code clean? Yes my code is clean and easy to understand
    7.) Do you have experience with Git, Jenkins, or Maven? Not all the time but yes
    8.) *How long have you been developing/coding? 2 years+
    9.) *What are some plugins you have created? (Provide basic descriptions, Links are a plus) I have created a re-make of a factions plugin once where you lose power and get power from killing people thats the only way to get power up.
    10.) Anything else you can bring to the table? I am a smart fluent person
    11.) *Describe your personality to us? I am a cheerful busy and get work done kinda guy.
    03/28/2015 11:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    picasso80's Avatar
    In Game Username: AmazingMrPotato
    First Name: James
    Age: 15
    Skype (Must have skype): AmazingMrPotato
    Where you are located (country): USA
    Experience you have had being staff: I have been co-owner 2 dev. 6 times Admin 3 times moderator 3 Help 2
    Why should I choose you?: Why shouldn't you haha... I'm a great developer w/ plugins I know how to use every single plugin that is popular. I know Java Html etc. Im a all in one package.!

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