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    03/27/2014 1:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    piendakaas's Avatar
    Yes you need to port forward it, there are enough tutorials that you can watch. Or take a look on your ISP (internet service provider) forums.

    And yes, there is a way around it, you can use hamachi or another program (I forgot the name >.<). the disadvantage of using an external program is that every1 who wants to join your server needs this program. with port forwarding is this not a problem. (I prefer port forwarding it's easier and more playerfriendly)

    I can help you if you want, just PM me
    03/21/2014 5:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    piendakaas's Avatar
    IGN- piendakaas
    Age- 18
    Timezone- +1 Amsterdam
    Country: The Netherlands
    Language: Dutch and English
    What position are you applying for? Admin or/and builder
    How long are you on each day? It depends on what day, I think at least 1 hour a day average (more in the weekend and no-school days)
    Experience? 3 year experience of playing mc, and I made a lot of server myself (for friends), and I was 2 times admin on another server (not mine xD). My redstone skills are pretty good (it's like bit progamming), I can build (a lot) better than the average minecraft players. And I love to help people and have some fun with them
    Can you donate? How often can you donate? I'm poor :S,, but I will donate with my help and courage!
    Tell us a little about yourself- I took a break for a year in minecraft, but I started again a month ago and now I'm searching for a server which I want to help with my knowledge.
    Why do you want to be staff? Not necessary, I can also only help with server itself (plugins or something or building), but it's very handy to become staff and help people at the same time (and stop griefers if dare they join when I'm online >:D)
    Why should we pick you as staff? I want to make fun and I love the make the best game expierence for players. (That's the reason I hate griefers/hackers and "rish" players who give their daimonds and stuff to noobies in the server, it spoils their game experience!)
    How can you benefit the server? I told the most things in "experience" tab ;3.
    Additional comments- I love potatoes! My grammar is not the best, but I can read english and I think every1 will understand what I'm trying to say. My favorite color is green. Thank you for reading my extreme, badass apply, I know, I know, this sentence is ruining everything. Have a good day! And I hope ur server will be fantastic with or without me.
    03/20/2014 8:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    piendakaas's Avatar
    Name: Rino
    IGN: Piendakaas
    AGE: 18
    Country: The Netherlands (I can speak dutch and english )
    SKYPE: (I will tell you in private message or something)
    What will you do in order to help the server? I love to help small servers to set up the first steps. My building skills is above average, my redstone skills are pretty good (i think xD) and I know a lot about server/plugins/configuring. (vanilla, bukkit, tekkit and ftb included)
    What will be your contribution to the server? Improve game experience for players (better/more plugins), build some nice houses (especially medieval style)
    Past Experiences on other servers: I made a lot servers for myself (and friend), And on a few (not my own) servers I had staff ranks.
    Why do you want to help? I love to help (new/small) servers to get big/good/fun
    What rank do you want to apply? I don't know really, admin is handy (especially for configuring plugins), but moderator will do to. (and if you don't want any help in managing the server, I would like to become a builder to build for example the spawn, mobarena or other minigames.)
    What will you do to griefers? Griefers? what griefers? We will DESTROY them with our kick-ass anti-grief/cheat plugins!
    What will you do when players are asking for help? I'll try to help them as much as I can.

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