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    06/21/2014 2:21 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    05/03/2014 2:22 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    Never said it was okay to pirate, and I actually have never pirated. Just simply stated that games that lack a demo / free trial just open themselves up to pirating because most people don't have money to waste a on games that might turn out to be pretty lame.

    Also never meant to start a flame war... Just simply offered an opinion a lot of other gamers share. And the link to Notch's post was just to update new players who may not been aware of his opinion on those who do torrent his game. Not to say that "Oh just because Notch said it makes it okay". Anyways, I appreciate the feedback, and am aware of all of the negatives / positives that go along with pirating, one of the reasons I don't do it myself. But just thought I would jump into the discussion

    Usually try to avoid the forums due to flame wars XD

    Anyways, this topic should probably get deleted / locked because it will just continue to get flamed.... Just saying lol.
    05/03/2014 1:10 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    Update - Didn't mean for my comment to start a flame war XD Jeez, I was just simply stating an opinion a lot of other gamers have about pirated games. But this topic should probably get locked before a much larger flame war begins lol.
    02/08/2014 7:47 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
    pixeledme's Avatar
    Proof for anyone that is interested...

    Check out the creators twitter message here https://twitter.com/dongatory/status/432227971173068800

    He says "I am sorry 'Flappy Bird' users, 22 hours from now, I will take 'Flappy Bird' down. I cannot take this anymore." However this is probably just a publicity stunt...
    11/25/2013 5:12 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    So pretty much how I read your first post is this: You get turned on by pixelated characters, therefore to avoid "sinning" you want a website that by the way does not create rules based on a particular religions theology, to remove all skins that you would consider inappropriate... Lol you really shouldn't be on the internet XD
    04/11/2013 4:23 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    Your port has been added
    04/11/2013 3:55 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    I will add the port number so that it will work Once the port is added I will comment back.... There are so many new port numbers now its hard to add all of them.
    03/20/2013 9:03 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
    pixeledme's Avatar
    The non touch screen PC version of Windows 8 is definitely compatible with Minecraft... I had to recently update my laptop to a Windows 8 OS and was worried it would not work with Minecraft, but all I did was download and install Minecraft the normal way and it worked perfectly. All you need to make sure is that your computer has a lot of ram and a great processor.
    03/10/2013 6:16 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
    pixeledme's Avatar
    I think god mode is only for the paid version of BlockScape.
    03/10/2013 5:36 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    Yeah, it has vehicles etc. But the thing that I really liked about it was that you are not limited to just 1 size of block which allows for more creativity and realism. Its still in such an early stage of development though.

    There is a mode like creative mode in Minecraft called god mode, which allows you to use any resource, and does not have any limitations. Right now that seems like the best option to play on because survival doesn't really have mobs yet.
    02/26/2013 6:06 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    Lol it was more of "wishful thinking" rather than thinking they would actually be compatible... I have so many mods that I use so I was just hoping I wouldn't have to update

    Thanks for the response though and yes it comes out this week
    02/13/2013 8:48 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    I would not agree with that statement about laptops... Any computer is only as good as the upgrades you choose to customize it with. I would never recommend just buying a laptop or desktop for that matter, off the shelf in a store with basic, factory pre-sets. You need to upgrade 3 main components in every computer: Ram, Processor, and Graphics Card... Unless the computer you are buying is already equipped with really good specifications.

    The reason why a lot of people recommend Lenovo, is because their parts are not cheap... not like a lot of the ones you will find in a BestBuy or Apple store. But just about any computer can become a "gaming" computer with the correct amount of upgrades ... you just must have had a bad experience with a cheap laptop
    02/13/2013 3:08 am
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    I use a Lenovo laptop with upgraded ram, processor, and graphics card... works great. I'm not a big fan of all of the "Eye Candy" laptops that really offer nothing more than a good looking shell with cheap internal parts ... the only exception is if you use video / music editing software, then I would recommend a mac (I only use my mac for Pro Tools, and nothing more) ... So anyways, I would recommend a Lenovo and then upgrade ram, processor, and graphics card
    02/05/2013 6:57 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    UPDATE: Currently having a really nice web template design for MinePortal. This way it will not just be a script floating around, but rather will have a nice shell Registration is still open though.
    02/01/2013 12:33 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    Still accepting free registrations
    01/27/2013 11:49 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Architect
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    I will be updating the site with new features here and there. One of the new features is a way to reward users for sharing their creations. Hope everyone likes it

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