PMC_Auntie's Avatar
  • I need cigs.

  • My lungs hurt.

    Hey, sweetie. Welcome to my lil ole' profile here. Don't mind the cig smoke your auntie has a bad habit of 5 boxes a day but let me tell you being marriage to 3 different guys will do that to you. And besides I still look like a perfect peach even if my lungs are dyin'.

    I can make ya'll some nice shiny jewelry. You know auntie's got a soft spot for jewelry. Why else do you think I got engaged 3 times? I was after the rings of course!

    Now, if you need somethin' from your lovin' southern auntie, you can just give me a little message or a somethin' and I'll be there lickity split right after flirtin' with the mail buy and buying another pack of cigs.

    Okay well, have a nice peachy day with ya'lls nice youthful lungs while I'm probably gonna get me some lung cancer.
  • I need a doctor.

  • Wall Posts

    • PMC_Auntie's Avatar
      June 23, 2020, 10:44 pm to Public
      Since my identity has been revealed, now. I'll no longer be using this account for auntie.

      Thank you, it was very fun. I much enjoyed my time on here. Thank you for playing along.
      CreeperKid_ said 2020-06-24 12:50:30
      CreeperKid_'s Avatar
      PLEASE KEEP this account going I hate your fake cig desire and addiction but I love the humor that goes into it please don't stop
    • PMC_Auntie's Avatar
      June 22, 2020, 1:07 pm to Public
      Hello, no auntie persona this time. I wanted to address a few things I've been seeing. First of all:

      The auntie persona is offensive! Yes, she is. I didn't mean for it to actually offend anyone. It was just supposed to be a stupid jokey account. And I'm sorry if anyone knows someone who actually acts like PMC Auntie.

      2nd off: You just do it for the subs! No. I wanted to join in on my friend who runs PMCGrandma's account so we could both have fun. I never wanted fame.

      3rd off: You're just a copycat! Technically, yes. But I go permission before making this account from my friend. And I am honestly annoyed at everyone else who created the other PMC accounts and I am so sorry and didn't mean for it to get out of control. Even I find the other accounts annoying.

      4th off: Who runs this PMC account? I won't honestly say for a while. It's not that I'm trying to be rude or anything and I'm sorry if it seems like that, but I'd rather stay somewhat secret.

      I really just made this account to join in on the fun with my friend. And to make some people laugh with PMC Auntie's crazy personality and responses. And I really didn't mean to upset anyone. So please remember this is all for jokes and the real person behind this account isn't like how PMC Auntie actually acts.
      Indraft replied to living_doodle's comment below 2020-06-23 20:49:22
      Indraft's Avatar
      unfortunately I've been here for almost 4 years so I've seen quite a lot more than this lol
      living_doodle said 2020-06-23 20:49:14
      living_doodle's Avatar
      I was pretty surprised to see that an open-minded community like PMC was actually sensitive enough to get offended over a joke account. Most of the other joke accounts I've seen around here were taken well, but, why this one?
      Sorry that you had to go through all that along with PMCGrandma. Hope you both have a nice day.
      living_doodle replied to Indraft's comment below 2020-06-23 20:46:54
      living_doodle's Avatar
      You haven't seen nothing yet, tbh
      PMC_Auntie replied to Indraft's comment below 2020-06-22 13:41:10
      PMC_Auntie's Avatar
      Thank you! We don't plan on boosting ourselves. These accounts are jut for fun. I'll make sure to follow the rules. (:
      Indraft replied to PMC_Auntie's comment below 2020-06-22 13:39:53
      Indraft's Avatar
      as long as y'all aren't using the alt accounts to boost your main account in any way (diamonds, subscriptions, etc) then y'all're okay lol. there's nothing offense afaik when it comes to the pmc auntie account so I fail to understand any sort of drama that may arise. I suppose people are just hoes mad and seeking a way to flame people lol. whatever the case, as long as nothing escalates, it's all good. carry on and have fun, and make sure to follow the PMC guidelines and rules :)
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    • PMC_Auntie's Avatar
      June 14, 2020, 10:42 pm to Public
      Wowie! This "technology" stuff ya'll use is incredible! Do you know how much time I can save by ordering cigs online? This gives me plenty more time to dig my future hubby's gra- I mean.. settle on with orphanage to donate some money to.
      doubles_alt-72 said 2020-06-16 23:19:49
      doubles_alt-72's Avatar
      aUNTIE!? So many family members-
      elektropunch said 2020-06-15 00:35:43
      elektropunch's Avatar
      Absolutely! I can now buy that poison to put into the drinks.. I mean get rid of those pesky skeevers
      Pixelgon said 2020-06-14 23:31:12
      Pixelgon's Avatar
      It's cool, right? Now I can quickly buy the knife I'll use to kill- I mean slice the ham for dinner with!
    • PMC_Auntie's Avatar
      June 13, 2020, 3:53 pm to Public
      Never fear, your (slightly offensive) southern auntie is here!

      I can make ya'll some nice jewelry or some nice boots that are hand made. Aslong as ya'll are okay with them smelling like cigs, of course.
      WaffleBear replied to PMC_Auntie's comment below 2020-06-13 17:17:04
      WaffleBear's Avatar
      ok thanks auntie!
      PMC_Auntie replied to WaffleBear's comment below 2020-06-13 17:09:14
      PMC_Auntie's Avatar
      Okay! Auntie will do it sometime tomorrow! Auntie is logging off for the day.
      WaffleBear said 2020-06-13 17:06:27
      WaffleBear's Avatar
      Thank's auntie! I think I do need a new pair of boots
      RystaButAteASock replied to PMC_Auntie's comment below 2020-06-13 16:50:27
      RystaButAteASock's Avatar
      Thank you :3
      PMC_Auntie replied to anonpmc2808717's comment below 2020-06-13 16:21:59
      PMC_Auntie's Avatar
      What a sour peach! Don't worry, your auntie is very well practiced in the art of murder! How else could I avoid paying divo- I mean... try smokin!
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